The Orion

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Kodaa, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Konfuzfanten

    And that 0.75 is barely noticeable, its a nice, but not need to have.

    Check any decent veteran player that plays both TR and Vanu and you will see that nearly all players have the same accuracy between the Carv and Orion, yet the Carv in general outperforms in the kill/min category.

    Im not saying the Orion is bad, its a fantastic weapon, just that the Carv(and the MSW for that matter) is just as good, if not slightly better.
  2. lilleAllan

    The 0.75x ADS speed is a major boon IMO
    Peak corners faster
    Eat less bullets in general.
  3. Van Dax

    funny thing to note, apparently sights don't work properly when strafing so its not as great a boon as I thought.
  4. Hrafnagaldr

    Red Dots are offset, yes. But night vision is fine as far as I can judge.
  5. Kodaa

    25% more movement speed is incredibly noticeable, and a huge advantage. Denying this is ridiculous.

    This is all easily said from someone who mains the faction with arguably the best LMG selection in the game.

    "Yea... we have a massive and unique advantage on two of our LMGs.. not a big deal. TR HAVE IT BETTER, ANYWAY!"
  6. Bill Hicks

    The orion is the best cqc weapon in the game. The anchor doesnt even come close.
    The op makes the mistake of comparing stats which is only half the story. The Orion has synergies that make it the best.

    Also all NC weapons are underbudget due the devs amatuerish stat weights; higher damage is way too overbudget.which means that they take away from too many other stats on nc weapons.
  7. Kodaa

    Care to elaborate?
  8. Rogueghost

    At up to 10 meters, assuming you have the adv laser site on the msw-r, it is the superior weapon. However, any further out then 10 meters hipfiring becomes difficult and the Orion's .75 movement modifier begins to shine and the msw-r's excessive horizontal recoil becomes an annoyance at 30 meters and a major problem at 50.
  9. Bill Hicks

    Synergies are stats that when in the right proportion and combined with abilities ( example gauss saw with the heavy shield) have a greater effect than one would see; just by looking at the stats.

    The orion is within stat budget but is far better CQC weapon than any other LMG. My guess it would be the trade off of velocity for faster ADS and decent ROF and reload. It doesnt have the cone of fire problem that the T9 carv has or the Terrible rof the anchor has.
  10. Posse

    Yeah, but I was talking about pure CQC :p
  11. Konfuzfanten

    I hear this alot, when ppl argue about why the Orion is better then X weapon, and i dont set it when i play. And i dont see it, when enemies got the better ADS speed.

    If you look at veteran players then there is no difference in accuracy between the Carv or Orion. Same with kill/min where they either are the same or the Carv got a higher kill or min. If the ADS was such a huge factor then it would show in the stats - but it doesnt, its more or less a placebo effect.

    Only talking vanu-vs-TR: I perfer TR to vanu, because of:
    a) better LMGs (Carv + MSW)
    b) better/broken ESRL
    c) better tank (perfer a turret to fixed, higher dps and ofc the vulcan)
    d) harasser weapons (Vulcan/marauder)
    e) arguably better ESF (harder to hit the mossy with a Dalton, hate fighting against them in the lib)
    f) better pistols, yes it might not matter with the NS underboss, but still.

    While Vanu got:
    a) arguably better carbine, perfer the Serpent to any TR carbine.
    b) better starting sniper rifle that very few uses, since its still a semi-auto.
    c) straight up better/broken MAX ability

    I would trade my vanu character in day of the week for the same BR/cert'ed TR.
  12. ViXeN

    ^ This.

    * The starting pistol and sniper rifle for NC are both better than ours in the VS for example. And the VS MAX weapons are average compared to the Mercy and Scat/Hacksaws (even after the nerf). If it wasn't for the ZOE our MAXes would still be horrible. All factions have their strengths and weaknesses so people need to learn to accept that instead of wanting everything to be exactly the same.
  13. NiteJazz

    same here, im a good player, but there is too many weapons that are awesome that i can't stick with one
  14. Erendil

    IME the Adv laser extends the MSW-R's hipfire combat effectiveness out to 15m. It also has soft point ammo available whereas the Orion does not. In addition, much of the .75x movement's advantage is lost the moment you activate your Shield since footspeed is signficantly reduced and the difference between .5x and .75x becomes much less. And the Orion's horizontal recoil isn't much better than the MSW-R's (Min/Max of .2/.225 vs .225/.225) giving it maybe a 5m range advantage, 10m if you have issues controlling the MSW-R's pull to the right (the Orion's net recoil goes straight up).

    The end result makes the MSW-R slightly superior out to ~15m, both about equal out to 30-40m since the SPA and .75x movement balance each other out, and the Orion the better choice out to about 60m. Anything past that and you'll want to use a different weapon. Overall I think they're pretty balanced.


    The Anchor OTOH is an interesting weapon. It has access to the Adv Laser and SPA like the MSW-R, but since it's a 167-damage weapon its pure TTK lags a little behind the MSW-R and Orion, although that damage gives it more kills per mag and slightly better ammo efficiency.

    However, like most NC weapons it cleans house in the ADS accuracy dept when compared to the TR/VS counterparts within its intended range (in this case, close-medium range). The Anchor is still quite deadly out to about 70-80m, making it more versatile than the MSW-R or Orion. Even with the Adv Laser equipped, that tight .175 horizontal recoil makes it just as accurate as an Orion equipped with a foregrip.

    So for pure CQC work IMO it goes MSW-R > Orion > Anchor. From 15-40m all three weapons are about equal. And for anything past that the Anchor has the advantage. IMO the Anchor would be the best weapon of the three to use in larger bases like Amp Stations and Tech Plants where you have a good mix of short, medium, and long ranges.
  15. Kodaa

    A very nice analysis on all three weapons. Much appreciated.
  16. Van Dax

    just like to point out that the carnage BR is basically an orion with a few improvements and an AR magazine.
  17. HerpTheDerp

    Just like to point out that HAs can't use combat rifles.
    • Up x 1
  18. Hypnoso

    mmm they can.
  19. HerpTheDerp

    Assault rifles, burp
  20. sladuog

    VS get more headshots because the centre of the dot of the orion ironsights is lower than where the bullets actually go. :eek:

    No such thing as a combat rifle. Battle rifles, yes. Assault rifles, yes. Combat rifles, nope.