The Octagon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jonesing25, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Jonesing25

    Anyone else love this base?
    I sure do. I think it's the new crown.
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  2. Pikachu

    If they made a proper exit at east side (not using the lift and jump around on walls) and added roof around the entrance so it can't be bombarded by engineers with UBGL standing on the walls, then I could like it.
  3. Jonesing25

    I haven't experienced the problem with the UGLs, but I had a massive infantry firefight last night and really enjoyed it.
  4. R3volutionist

    Really cool base, I love the numerous buildings inside the walls. Definatly adds to what this game was lacking, and that was 'urban' infantry battles you can make use of cover and buildings, you got guys coming from all over the place, and you don't have to worry about tanks just blasting the spawn or a specific building. One of the funner places to have some firefights.
  5. Tobax

    Yes it's a great base, was there a few times tonight and keep wanting to go back.
  6. Enderverse

    I didn't actually fight in it yet, but I did check it out.
    Man it looks real cool and exciting. It's a real cool building-based fight area this game needed.
    The main thing I like though is how it both looks and feels like a Halo map, which I love. It seems like a mini fps match.
  7. ent|ty

    Its horrible.
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  8. OverlordMaximus

    It reminds me of Dantooine from KOTOR.
    No idea why.
  9. Mr_Giggles

    Is that the twin tower base? If so, that is exactly what I told my friend while we were having a 3 way duke session just now.

    On a side note, I freaking love the new death system on air. I think this is the first night I've seen kills regularly pop up for me in my skyguard.
  10. Leal

    Been watching a lot of streams lately and its just great cause people flying air STILL bail out at the last second.

    EDIT: Oh and I know someone is going to mention LAs or ejection seat. No, shut up, that isn't the case and you know it.
  11. Messaiga

    No the twin tower (is it still too early?) base is Esamir Munitions Corp. That said I love the Octagon but I feel like I can never find a way to exit the base.
  12. theholeyone

    Nah, that's a different base, the Octagon is the one with 8 walls laid out in equal proportions, damn, what's that shape called again? :eek:
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  13. Mr_Giggles

    Which one is the octagon then? We did a brief fly over of Mani Fortress and then got shot down at the towers. Spent probably a good 10 minutes checking out a station next to it before grabbing skyguards and heading across the bridge to cover airspace during the siege.
  14. ent|ty

    Good. Because even if you got some XP from it because he may have suicided..

    HE knows and YOU know, that you never killed him.

    I'd bail too, just for the satisfaction and knowledge you couldn't kill me fast enough. XP is irrelevant and always was.
    I'm getting out of that plane and living. Be happy SOE soaked up your tears by giving you a cookie for NOT finishing the kill on another player.
  15. CrashB111

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  16. LahLahSr

    When I first entered The Octagon, I had hoped to see a MMA fight stage in there, but I digress...

    I like several aspects of it, but I dislike how difficult it is to get outside to the place where the vehicles spawn, if you want to be a gunner.

    In the map-revamp, I feel they missed an opportunity to actually set up a small town or city. All continents have are bases, stations, labs, outposts etc. as if the entire planet has absolutely no civilian aspects.

    Still, the bases on Esamir are more like all the bases should have been from the get-go.
  17. Chipay

  18. ovakin

    How to take it with 50/50 pop? Would it be better with less control points?
  19. Phyr

    Still too open to tanks on the hills. That base next to the octagon, with the 2 towers connected by a bridge, that's fun.
  20. Kanil

    The base feels like a really crappy bio lab. My two instances of fighting over it mostly involved infantry in one building shooting at infantry in another building.

    It could really use some more rocks or something under the walkways.