The new helmets (pics)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBloodEagle, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. daicon

    All of these look amazing. Way above the others so far. I personally like the TR one the best even though I'm NC

    Kinda reminds me of megaman's helmet
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  2. Falcon_BR

    Also on they one that everyone will be using the new helmets, like this:

    I will say: "The separatist threat is over! This is the beginning of a new age, the time of the Terran Republic has come to an end, now every one rejoice to the Terran Empire!"
    It will be epic, I will use white camo for at least a week and my k/d will drop during those days, but it will be epic!
    Maybe this will be the solution to the TR population problem, let's hope it is.
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  3. Heyitsrobbie1984

    Fixed ;)
  4. LordZombie14

    TR & VS ones look bad *****! NC's is too squashed on the sides, making it 'tall'. Yuck.
  5. Kirseva

    All I need now is a solid white camo to go along with my new TR helmet.
  6. Korimer

    Just make the red part of the light, Blue and I would rock it. Do I get the option to turn the light on and off at will?
  7. Distortoise

    To be fair, if they gave us genuine joke helmets I'd totally get one. Like if they gave us one of those little propeller caps or something? I'd rock that ****.

    But yeah, not getting this thing.
  8. Distortoise

    Actually here's an idea: If TR is going to get what is pretty blatantly a Stormtrooper helmet, why not give the NC Boba Fett helmets?
  9. STR1D3R109

    TR helmet looks like fallout xD dont like the giant "shoot me!" arrow though
  10. FA18

    The NC helmet has looks not even a mother could love.

    Practical: yes

    Ugly: Hell yes.

    Does the TR Helmet make your Blaster Fire less accurate?
  12. Zotamedu

    and the VS gold bikinis!
  13. St0mpy

    Oh well, nice helmet, but steep price + bad TR logo, fail, sorry

    Again TR get a barrier to something introduced for them, while the other two just get nice things nice as usual.
  14. Gary

    Meh, its not a Commissar Hat so i am holding out!
  15. Sen7ryGun84

  16. Souleater

    The new TR helmet simply cannot be allowed to go live. It is far too cool. Everyone will switch to TR! :D
  17. Heyitsrobbie1984

    it gives me a good excuse to go to TR unless SOE fixes that damn NC helmet. its too small
  18. reddragons

    :p:p:psig made me laugh... nothing like the obvious reality being funnier then anything made up :p:p:p
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  19. Pikachu

    Upcoming helmet. I would use it.
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  20. EnviousCipher