The new helmets (pics)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBloodEagle, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Ravenorth

    VS helmet could look be so much better if that black visor would cover the whole face, or at least I´d prefer it that way.
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  2. itzCujo666

    As VS, I really like the headshot target on the TR helmet. Makes it easier...for me. :D
  3. Crazy Airborne

    awesome. cant wait for these. the NC one just looks like a weird angle for the screenshot, im sure itll look awesome.
  4. Cryless

    dat tr helmet :cool:
  5. Zaik

    the NC one looks less like it was just crushed in a vice in that picture, looks a lot better than the picture shown before.
  6. Intruder313

    NC Helm: naff
    VS: good but the visor should be full-face to reach full-awesome
    TR: it's the best but the more I look the more I realise it's a TIE Fighter Pilot helm rather than a Stormtrooper.
  7. BlackDragonFun

    The new VS helmet looks nice, and different to all the other VS helmets.

    I really dislike the current helmets as they either have a mohawk shape, or silly skulls/spikes/face plate.
  8. Zotamedu

    Yay, they're for all classes and a one time purchase. This might well be the first cosmetic item I buy. My HA needs that helmet. Lets hope they put it in an interesting bundle.
  9. CptFirelord

    Can't wait for the TR helmet. Gonna go around with my storm trooper buddies.. for the Empire (Republic) !
  10. Zan_Aus

    Hmmm, I like the NC one, its just really different.
  11. Zenith

    TR and VS... do want! NC? Nope, that's terribad.
  12. PurpleOtter

    I prefer the term "Extrasolar National Socialists" thank you very much!
  13. tenzenator

    VS want covered face helmets OMG!!!!
  14. Advanced Darkness

    Aww sweet more barbie dress up accessories! These helmets are guaranteed to stop more bullets than regular helmets and get you more women. I promise !
  15. Worxe

    you're just jelly that everyone else looks fabulous.
  16. Advanced Darkness

    +10 internets for your use of the word fabulous :D and yes im totally jealous of the new gucci designer helmets. :p
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  17. Aegie

    Disney (who now owns Star Wars) may take some issue with that...
  18. rickampf

    TR helmet is so cool... i almost can hear the imperial march :)!
  19. Zagz

    I love the TR helmets, we look like stormtroopers :p
  20. meucha

    They fixed the dreaded helmet clipping bug just in time... I may actually buy these now.