The New Flash Physics are Ridiculously Horrible

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sustainedfire, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. sustainedfire

    Riding the new flash around can be something of a sad joke.

    Hit a bump, roll forward and die. Barely graze a rock, flip upsidedown and die. Take a jump, land a bit forward, die. I even made contact with another players flash wheels while driving parallel to them and it flipped and exploded.

    After an uncountable amount of stupid deaths, I was out in a flash, and decided to look at the map to make sure there was a relatively flat travel path to my next destination- I look at the map for a brief moment, and my Flash flipped over and exploded! On flat rolling terrain!

    I laughed in anguish and spewed a number of expletives. I wish I was recording this weekends exploits, it would have made a goofy montage.

    Please adjust the physics! I imagine you altered them to "reflect" how it would be weighted with 2 passengers, though you went way overboard in the wrong direction!
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  2. SenEvason

    Did this come with the patch today?
  3. Arquin


    There. No more deaths due to flips. Just roll back up.
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  4. Eyeklops


    I didn't have any problems with the Flash Friday night or Saturday.
  5. Duvenel

    With the GU04 update or the patch that came immediately after. Not new from today's small patch.
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  6. SenEvason

    I didn't notice any changes when driving it. Though, I tend to flip my vehicles on a regular basis, so take that as you will.
  7. sustainedfire

    Yes, its been since the GU4. Try riding one anywhere but a flat road.
  8. Bucketmaster

    Yeah, the Flash is a deathtrap since GU4.
  9. Bl4ckVoid

    I am more annoyed by its skiddy behavior and the fact that a small bump can stop you when going up the hill. And this has gotten worse, several times I left the Flash behind in disgust, because I cannot go up a small hill. Wherever you can walk, Flash should take you.

    Other big problem: touch friendly sunderer / tank and vehicle gets huge damage (if you survive at all). Forget driving it in zergs.

    Are at least the handling certs fixed? I would cert for better handling if it worked, but based on videos I have seen the certs do very little to improve it. The only really good thing about it anyway is the radar, for getting somewhere walking is safer and less work (just hit autorun and you can lean back).
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  10. Goretzu

    Yup. :(
  11. GSZenith

    ofc it need to explode from everything, else cloaked flash would be op!
    -SoE logic
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  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    This is a general issue with client-side hit detection. To you, it looks like you just touched that tank. To the tank driver, you ended up underneath their vehicle.
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  13. StormStrafe

    I can't imagine SOE intended one to do a barrel roll and explode from driving over a small bump with your left flash tires.

    Yet here we are... looking like fools in our flashes with a rumble seated audience that gets to stare at your character on the death screen.

    Our suspension system was replaced with a propulsion system.
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  14. InvalidCast

    I'm pretty sure the problem is the out of place looking foot rests for the passenger. It lowers the clearance of the Flash way too far for what should be an off road vehicle. Just drive in third person and watch it sink below the surface every time you hit a bump....
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  15. sustainedfire


    I laughed the first few times it happened, and thought wow nice barrel roll! But it happened again, and again, and again...

    Its just wrong.
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  16. sustainedfire

    The flash needs a "lift kit" cert! Bigger tires and higher suspension!
  17. MorganM

    As if it wasn't bad enough when someone near by saw you smoke your flash.... now the dude in the back is pissed! LOL

    Really though I don't have this problem; I rarely flip mine. I generally rage over how it handles like it has bald tires on sheer ice. IT'S AN ATV IN THE FUTURE!!!!! Can it please handle at least like a 20th century ATV?!
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  18. CrashB111

    I took my Nitro flash off the ramp headed towards Tawrich Tech Plant out of the TR warpgate on Indar, I went up and landed perfectly on my tires, not two seconds after I touched the ground I exploded from landing.
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  19. sustainedfire

    Where are the in game videos stored? I think I might make a montage of the out of control Flash physics.
  20. Pikachu

    I also feel like they have made the flash less capable of handling landings. Blows up more than before. Doing stunts with my turbo flash is what I like best in the game. :D Having it explode when it lands is no fun. :(
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