[BUG] The "new" 2018 spawn system is so bad.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. AntDX316


    No direct spawn now to resecure bases from backcaps??? I think the game is going the wrong direction like this. The people who play like the system where you can redeploy asap to the base.
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  2. RabidIBM

    Not being able to drop back 1 base is weird by any spawn system we've had, that' should always be possible.

    That said, I wonder if it would be possible to have different spawn systems on different continents? The current system might make sense on Oshur, but other continents were designed for redeploy-side.
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  3. Liewec123

    Here is how to fix spawns.

    Current Hex:
    instant respawn on hardspawn and sunderers,
    5 seconds respawn on deliverers,
    7 second respawn on lodestars,
    10 seconds respawn on routers.

    Spawning Elsewhere:
    Each additional hex from the hex you are currently in will unlock after 5 seconds.
    E.g spawning on a sundy 1 hex away takes 5 seconds, spawning on a sunderer 2 hexes away takes 10 seconds.
    Want to redeploy at southwest indar warpgate all the way to a sunderer at the north east base? Have fun waiting 75 seconds!
    These spawn times would be added together with the basic respawn time,
    E.g spawning on a lodestar 1 base away would take 12 seconds
    (5 seconds for the hex hop and 7 second lodestar respawn time).

    Spawn Beacons will become available after 5 seconds and will allow you to drop pod from anywhere on the map.
    Spawning on Beacons will have a 20 minute cooldown.
    Instant Action. (read below)
    Steel Rain.

    Instant Action revamp:
    instant action is now a button on the respawn map screen,
    pressing this button will instantly allow you to select any hex with an active ally spawn,
    you will then drop pod in to a random location within that hex's No Deploy Zone
    30 minute cooldown.
  4. krozerg

    Dont complain, since oshur some of us cant even deploy on beacons, but w/e, its no big deal. I quit this game 10 years ago because for MONTHS we crashed when deploying. Back for 2 weeks and another god damn bug stopping you from deploying
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  5. AntDX316

    I think a 10 second timer added when wanting to deploy to another base anywhere on the map outside your Hex position for everything should be suffice. If you've decided to deploy to Another base during the timer countdown it should reset back to 10 seconds. If you are redeploying to the same base it should be 7 seconds after dying with no timer added. The medical body revive timer should be 20 seconds before it disappears the body and you Should still be able to see that timer while in map mode.

    Also, all the timers should be accurate. When you want to spawn a vehicle from the map, it's when the bar timer countdown has already either reached half or it's an instant redeploy. It shouldn't require button mashing and still when the terminal has been hacked or destroyed while you were in the map screen, it doesn't work (deploy button is Green). This would confuse new players but if it breaks the game trying to 100% fix it then it's probably good to just leave it.

    Note though, there are some bases that have Hex borders very near each other and encroaching other bases, like the Tawrich area?, where this would be an issue. Perhaps the 10 second time added should only exist if the base you want to go to is Beyond 500m from where you are.

    Disregard the red lines, I'm pulling it off my Gateshield map where I've red marked All the forcefield shields on Indar for the purpose of knowing when to use a Gateshield diffuser.

    I've made a post.
  6. AntDX316

    No because other squad members can replace a good beacon ruining it. The 20 minute cooldown timer would only be close to working if the squad beacon line was at least a minimum of 2/3 shorter but even then 20 minutes is way too long.

    30 minute cooldowns on instant action wouldn't be balanced with how the game is with instant respawns to some bases. The instant action cooldown now is fine it just seems to be a lot worse since the Oshur update. Before it made sense where the Join Combat took you but now it takes you to a base that doesn't matter too much.
  7. Liewec123

    The last spawn system was pretty good but it allowed people to hop across the whole map way too quickly.

    There needs to be a longer delay on hopping across the map to distant bases.

    If i see that VS are zerging down the west side of indar I should be able to get a good way into a base cap timer at a VS base on the east side of the map before those west side zerglings can respawn on me to defend.

    Under my spawn system you will still be able to spawn at any hex (if you wait for each base to unlock further and further away)
    And gameplay in your current Hex and nearby hexes won't be slow, but i've also fixed the 'cat and mouse' nonsense of people being able to rapidly hop across the whole map quickly to defend bases which they've left undefended.

    Squad beacon and my reworked instant action are both strong tactical tools which shouldn't be spammable.
    Wrel making squad Beacons basically spawn points with no cooldown was a dreadful idea,
    These should be things that you can only do a few times in a play session,
    because they can change the flow of battle.
  8. AntDX316

    nah, the cooldowns you see are way way too long and if you need more backup to support your push then contact /command to get more help. It was good before the new spawn update.

    If anything there should be a synced squad spawn timer for the entire squad. 100 seconds before you can place another beacon. Of course, if you die, another squad member can deploy another. The Squad beacons aren't entirely OP. Cloaked sunderers can easily outweigh. An overpopping response can easily outweigh. Like I've said, utilize /command, /sitreps, reinforcement request, etc. if you need more help,

    The instant squad respawn from the beacon has to go though, at least a 5-7 second timer.
  9. Liewec123

    My spawn rework is all about stopping rapid map hopping across the entire map,
    ofcourse I give lengthy cooldown to tools that allow you to circumvent this.

    If you start capping an undefended vs base on the east side of indar while vs are zerging down the west side of the map they should not be able to regularly hop across the whole map to defend.
    My reworked instant action and spawn Beacons still allow for it, but these should remain as tactical tools similar to OS.

    The fact that currently a bunch of squads can set up spawn beacons in the rooftop staircase of the capture building
    and use them as the main spawn is beyond broken op.

    Sunderers are spawn points, Beacons are not, you should not be able to cap and hold a base using beacons,
    Beacons should be a tactical tool to bring in the cavalry from anywhere on the map.
    And after that the players should need an actual spawn point if the want to respawn.

    A 20 minute cooldown on spawning on a beacon is absolutely fair and justified.
  10. VeryCoolMiller

    this "new old " spawn system simply create more zerg ... and make every fight a 70% 30%... vote against it.
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  11. AntDX316

    This isn't ArmA. If you want to play ArmA, play ArmA.

    A 20-minute cooldown is way too long. A 5-minute cooldown is just fine but feels quite long. The people who usually play in squads aren't at top tier coordination. A lot of people just do w/e. Even if they were a balanced pop could easily destroy all those roof top beacons. Fly a drifter jet above after an ejection seat ESF w/ crossbow and those beacons are gone. Snipe from higher elevation, those beacons are gone.

    Most likely you play on ground level and don't have any good upper game knowledge. If you start placing you beacons too to combat theirs, you would see it even out fast. Not to mention you can just use aircraft to kill the beacons. Not to mention regular balanced jump jets can destroy the beacons on the roof. You can just emp the beacon and it's gone.
  12. Liewec123

    5 minutes is barely longer than the cap time of large bases, the whole idea of my spawn system would be to allow for fast respawns in and around your current hex, but prevent outfits from hopping the whole way across the map all the time.

    like i said its a powerful tactical tool and it should be treated as one.

    it just goes to show how out of touch the idiot in charge is that he thought beacon spawns with no cooldown was a good idea.
    i spent my last play session playing whack-a-beacon because the enemy had no sunderer but just kept coming because of wrels ******** beacons.
    beaconside 2 IS NOT fun.
  13. AntDX316

    That barely happens but it should be 5-7 seconds before people can drop in.

    We should complain more about the killcam revealing your amazing stealthy position but then that would ruin the game.