[Suggestion] Deploy timer suggestion.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    I think a 10 second timer added when wanting to deploy to another base anywhere on the map outside your Hex position for everything should be suffice. If you've decided to deploy to Another base during the timer countdown it should reset back to 10 seconds. If you are redeploying to the same base it should be 7 seconds after dying with no timer added. The medical body revive timer should be 20 seconds before it disappears the body and you Should still be able to see that timer while in map mode.

    Also, all the timers should be accurate. When you want to spawn a vehicle from the map, it's when the bar timer countdown has already either reached half or it's an instant redeploy. It shouldn't require button mashing and still when the terminal has been hacked or destroyed while you were in the map screen, it doesn't work (deploy button is Green). This would confuse new players but if it breaks the game trying to 100% fix it then it's probably good to just leave it.

    Note though, there are some bases that have Hex borders very near each other and encroaching other bases, like the Tawrich area?, where this would be an issue. Perhaps the 10 second time added should only exist if the base you want to go to is Beyond 500m from where you are.

    Disregard the red lines, I'm pulling it off my Gateshield map where I've red marked All the forcefield shields on Indar for the purpose of knowing when to use a Gateshield diffuser.