The Lancer is NOT More Effective than the Others in Groups...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RogueComet, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Baarszcz

    Yes, because other factions found out that they're performing better with stock pistol.
    VS one is so bad that really doesnt matter if you use it or Lasher. Sad but true. ;)
  2. Shockwave44

    He also said that about the lancer.
  3. Regpuppy

    He said he liked the lancer. Not that it overall performed better. How the hell can he have any definitive data on the lancer yet? It's been changed multiple times since it's release.

    Besides, I'm not even saying the lancer is perfectly balanced yet. I'm just putting to rest his claims about the Lasher. Because the lasher outperforms the suckhammer and the MCG without being overpowered. Albeit, a situational weapon.
  4. ThaPhreak

    let me sum this up, i did in another post.

    NC-cam guided inf/aircraft destroyer(because everyone has one now and you get hit by them alot)
    TR-5 shot lock on to damn near anything and chase it down with 5 rabid fired rockets(nasty guy, if i was tr i'd be in love with it, it's all about playing style with this one)
    VS-a lol beacon for aircraft and pheonix's (just lol)

    I think the lolbeacon is really like the rotating movie lights, but it's a freakin lazor and that would make it a rave so it's like hey guy i just hit a few times with these glow sticks, come party over hurr lol...

    TR Pilot1: i think the vanu are shooting at us man

    TR Pilot2: what makes you say that ?

    TR Pilot1: look down...

    TR Pilot2: (looks down)


    TR Pilot2: lol, well we know where they are, lets go.

    Vanu heavy: sh** here they come. (tries to run n hide) [lolpodded]

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  5. TeknoBug

    Yeah that's one problem with the lancer, it leaves behind a beam long enough for the pilot to see it, that's why I move when I reload. I used it on a few MAXs last night in a biolab, AV nade + 6 rapid shots from Lancer = dead MAX- wow is all I gotta say. And I took out a Reaver attempting to destroy one of our Mags, it put a grin on my face.

    Now I look forward to the accuracy fix, it's rather hard to hit something past even 100m while scoped sometimes.
  6. ThaPhreak

    i didn't live long enough in the trial it took with the lancer to figure out the working style, it just drew heavy lolpods for the most part, and alot of tank fire lol. was fun going "i'm firin muh lazuh!" though lol

    the current fix for the dilemma?

    update notes -

    • Phoenix rocket effects will show at a longer range.
    • Phoenix damage has been adjusted in the following way:
      • Increased damage against all vehicles.
      • Reduced damage against infantry.
    • The Lancer has been adjusted in the following way:
    • A bug preventing projectiles at charge levels 1 and 2 to not last as long as intended has been resolved.
    • The cone of fire from scoped shots has been removed.
  7. Phazaar

    Wrong. Not even going to read. Your thread title is wrong. The Lancer -is- more effective than others in groups. Why? No counters exist.

    Group of Phoenixes? Dodge+shoot down+smoke screen+duck in and out of cover+use the 10 redundant seconds between shots to get the kill/get your team mates to+use air.

    Group of Strikers? Flares/Smoke. Use cover to never allow a lock. Pretty damned simple.

    Group of Annihilators/Crows/Hawks? Flares/Smoke. Use cover to never allow a lock. Simple as Strikers (but a bit easier due to longer lock on times).

    Group of Decimators/Dumbfires? Dodge+smoke screen+duck in and out of cover.

    Group of Lancers? Get 1-hit at 800m range (when you still need to traverse half a kilometre to even SEE the group) regardless of your movement speed. Avoid LOS eternally? That's going to make combat awfully fun for vehicles...
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  8. ThaPhreak

    1 hit at 800m? what weapon does that? last time i was in vr the lancer didn't 1 hit anything.

    you can't really dodge a phoenix the animations show them going up and at an angle away from you. in most cases there is more than one also, everyone's got blue balls on nc it seems lol

    the fact you have 5 shots don't mean lock on - fire all 5 now! strikers are pretty nasty in the right hands.

    the lancer has the highest player death, it's cause it just sends a nice beacon, it's not shooting a sustained beam so why is there a beam to it? did the speed of light get restricted some how?
  9. RomulusX

  10. RomulusX

    He's talking about it being used in groups, a group of 10 for example...all 10 lancers hit, there's no counter like the other 2 ESL's
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  11. FlayvorOfEvil

    How about this? The TR get the dumbfire mode that they want, the Vanu get their 1 hit kill and we NC also get our 1 hit kill plus increased armor damage?
  12. TeknoBug

    800m? LOL the Lancer couldn't hit anything near it's center of scope past 200m.
  13. Phazaar

    It's called team work. Try it and you'll fall in love with the Lancer. It's certainly no good if you're a lone wolf (besides infiltrating and shooting lightnings in the backside). 1-hit hasn't been used to mean one bullet shot on these boards for a long time. 1-hit is about the TTK and whether you can do anything in that time. A well co-ordinated group can one-hit any target with the Lancer, whilst all other rocket launchers can be countered, even if only to give time to run.
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  14. Phazaar

    Come on, read the patch notes. No one wants to hear your whines about how it was. We're talking about how it -is-, or rather, how it -is- with the relevant fixes. No COF in scope+no bullet drop+the fastest projectile in game = if you can't hit your target at 800m, you really should be playing Tic Tac Toe.
  15. RomulusX

    I believe they just removed the COF while scoped, I could be wrong tho
  16. XRIST0

    Lancer is crap in a group or no group , thats just another excuse NC have used to defend their overpowered Phoenix ..
  17. ThaPhreak

    1 hit isn't a group, jus sayin.
  18. TeknoBug

    Yes hence why I said "couldn't" and you're still not going to hit anything at 800m, 500m maybe.
  19. Ash87

    Man, this was an awesome thread, bring back the fighting.

    Ran into the Lancer for the first time last night (I don't fight the vanu very much on Waterson, I see them more often than not on Indar, but this time they were actually on Esamir with us). My lightning drove around a corner to support an enemy prowler. Then it exploded. And by it, I mean me, and the prowler I was with.

    Turns out an Organized lancer group is pretty blinking good at stopping armor.
  20. Gustavo M

    Why do people keeps saying that the Striker Is easymode? It takes a single button to disable a entire group of HA with lock-on rocket launchers completely.
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