The Inquisitor....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragonblood, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Dragonblood

    seems fun, when playing with a Makro to make it a automatic gun. Is that cheating?
  2. hansgrosse


    More to the point, it's fun without that macro too, so you should try it like that.
  3. Dragonblood

    Testing it in the VR.....but it doesnt seem fun to click 9 times per second manually.
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  4. Kociboss

    Is this cheating?

    Opinions are mixed. Generally speaking - No. You don't interfere with game files and you don't "inject" anything. Some people see it as unfair advantage though.

    If you use keyboard macro, no one will find out anyways.
  5. Dragonblood

    well, good to know. Anyway it seems like the developers changed their mind in the last minute and made the inquisitor a semi-auto weapon instead of full auto, but didnt change the refire delay.
  6. Kociboss

    Oh yeah, that's another thing. It's the dumbest pistol design I've come across.
  7. jiggu

    Personally I wouldn't consider a macro cheating since it only does what the game allows you to. However I think they said some time ago that they consider macros cheating.

    You might be able to bind scrollup to primary fire, that would make the gun spray like crazy(did that in CSS with nighthawks)
  8. Kociboss

  9. Sen7rygun

    Yeah macro that baby up full auto. It's a total waste of space "off the shelf".
  10. jiggu

    The first red response in the thread is this though
    Which would mean that you are not allowed to have a repeating macro. I did try to bind fire to scrollup but it did absolutely nothing so I guess they don't want you to do that.
  11. Dragonblood

    well, in case of the inquisititor it works with standard mouse-setup-software. It just makes the inquisitor the best TR-pistol.
  12. Astriania

    I'd be very surprised if macroing to make a pistol semi-auto wasn't considered cheating. I'd love to be able to hold down left mouse and shoot things with pistols, MAX weapons, auto-burst the SAW and so on but these weapons are not in the game like that because the manual click management is part of their design.
  13. jiggu

    Naah I checked it out. It has 130 more RPM than the Emperor but 20 less damage, longer reload and a bit more ammo cap. I kill people with the emperor long before I run out of ammo so I really wouldn't go with the Inquisitor unless they buffed it in some regard.
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  14. ZeroErrorz

    so if this type of macro is allowed, which kind of macro isnt allowed
  15. Cowabunga

    I wouldn't risk it. Once they hit the "ban button" it is hard to undo the process...
  16. jiggu

    It's not as if they could detect a rapid button pressing macro, even if they cared.
  17. Dragonblood

    yeah, probably.....I could actually do the same without macro......with less accuracy and hurting fingers. It would be easier for them to fix the weapon than finding exploiters.
  18. ZeroErrorz

    wait ur asking for a full auto pistol :eek:
  19. Dragonblood

    Possible fix:

    1) Make it a fullautomatic gun - unlikely

    2) Set a longer refire delay and buff the damage

    Anyway try Logtitech Setpoint and make a macro with 56ms delay between the clicks......and you have a fullautomatic gun.
  20. Catch23

    this is true. The Inquisitor is the best TR Pistol if put on Auto. I'd say its even the best pistol in the game. the Magshot is almost as good. on auto.