The America Flag decal is not correct, has 51 stars

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IvanDrago, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Ragmon

    I just quoted it, and it would explain the 51 stars.

    HA HA. right, which is why I replied that it made no sense. The district of Columbia is a district, as opposed to a state, or territory for a reason. D.C. does not fall under the same laws that every other state does, and is instead ruled exclusively by the US congress. They have governing bodies, but they do not pass legislation. In fact, D.C. does not have any republic representation, or voting power in congress or senate. the district of Columbia is an entity all on its own, and puerto Rico stands a MUCH better chance of being represented by a star on the US flag, than DC ever will. This is why your suggestion does not pass the history test. DC could not, will not, and legally CANNOT be added as a state, which means they will never have the same representations as a state.
  3. TheKhopesh

    He invented HTTP in 1989.
    A protocol based off the pre existing computer network that already spanned the globe since the early 1980's.
    Everything was already up and running, he just made it easier for the expanding network.

    Just because you improve on someone else's invention, does not mean you get credit for that invention.
    It just means you made their work more efficient.

    True, his protocol did allow for a much larger array, which allowed the network to incorporate personal computers rather than just military and corporate networks.
    This is the technicality on which said wiki article is based, but when you get right down to it, the internet (the idea of a vast, world wide computer network) was that of an American.
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  4. Zotamedu

    Interesting. Licklider is often credited for coming up with the idea of a large global computer network. The term, internet, was first invented later by Vinton Cerf (USA), Yogen Dalal (India) and a Carl Sunshine that I can't track down. So the word is not all American. How about the development? ARPANET is the most famous network but it wasn't really the internet. Many different networks were being built in the early 70's in the USA, UK and France but they were not the internet. They used different types of protocols and were used for different things. Many were used by academia to connect universities and others, like the British X.25 was open for commercial use. In the later part of the 70's, the internet was formed. TCP/IP was a huge project and many reserchers are credited in the work, among them multiple French. When TCP/IP was out, many more networks were connected together and many new appeared. Around here, an Indian gentleman invented FTP, a very important part. Anyway, it was not until the early we would see something that's the internet we know today. Tim Berners-Lee, a Brit, invented the World Wide Web with HTML and HTTP. That's what most people associate with the internet.

    Typical Americans trying to steal the credit for everything...
  5. HadesR

    The 51st is Quebec ... Since you want to be like the French with your " Erb's " :rolleyes:

    As Eddie Izzard said ..

    You say Erb's we say Herbs .. Because it's got a ******* H in it :)
  6. Bixli's just called heraldry. ..btw, who cares 'bout the stars ? ...the 'muricans (aka formerly known as euros) started to divide the earth to east & west since ages.

    OK, that one just hurts..........way to hit below the belt man..................

    I sincerely hope that was tongue in cheek.
  9. Keiichi58

    In all seriousness... After all this malarkie...

    There are a number of unincorporated territories that the US has...


    Back in the early 90s, even Star Trek made reference of a 51st state, in the future, referencing Puerto Rico. Which is still in debate at the moment.

    Also, don't forget... The US flag changes a bit over time... Reference:

    When the US went to War in 1941, the US was 48 States. Hawaii and Alaska became states in 1959 (14 years after the end of World War II and a little after the end of the Korean War)
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  10. ColonelChingles

    Sigh... perfect proof that you can't teach an old (not "olde") dog new tricks. Might as well jump off those white cliffs of yours, because the sun has looooong set on anything British.

    Heraldry? What's that? I mean to me that sounds like a bunch of royalty baloney with ******** looking lions and all that. Really. Look at this guy:


    He's so mentally off his rocker that he's trying to end his misery with a sword through his head. Heraldry is silly and a long dead relic. It's Finnished.

    Didn't we all learn in the glorious revolution of 1775 (more glorious than the Glorious Revolution because what type of pansy revolution is bloodless) that democracy is far greater and manlier than royalty? And although communism (sorry Iridar) is always going to be the mortal enemy of freedom and democracy, royalty isn't far behind.

    I mean that's another way that the British are pants-on-head backwards. They still have a queen for heavens sake. In the 21st century. A queen. Even France, who on a good day would probably lose a war with itself, managed to execute their royalty in 1793 (partially inspired by the US of A I might add).

    Oh dear lord... and the friggin "baby bump" stories. Horrible rubbish. The best thing to do with royalty is burn them, not throw them baby showers! No wonder the Scots wanted to leave... they're living with Neanderthals who are stuck back in the 18th century. You don't need royalty, modern society is full of useless celebrities, bankers, and CEOs who can be a drain on our nation in a stylish and modern way!
  11. DatVanuMan

    No need to argue! Let us agree on one thing: America is a NATION, just like any other in the world. Besides, this is Forumside, not a public foru... OH. Never mind, continue with the debating.
  12. ColonelChingles

    What... the... ever... living... fudgescicles.

    I think I need to get my eyes checked because I think you just implied that America (bless her immortal and democratic soul) is equal to or on equal footing with other collections of human beings on this planet.

    And I'm pretty sure you did not just say that, because if you did then you'll need to have your America license revoked.

    America is special. America is unique. You could go so far as to say that America is exceptional.

    And that means that America is absolutely not like any other nation in the world.

    See, when the rest of the world does something that's because they're backwards peoples who are infinitely stupid. Take Afghanistan for example. The Chinese tried to invade them first out of an interest in "dealing with barbarians". As did the Greeks, Persians, Mongolians, etc. These were all filthy non-Americans who clearly did not have the best interests of the Afghani at heart.

    Then the British. Oh the British. All throughout the 19th century those Brits were busy invading Afghanistan. Three times to be exact. But did the British care about the Afghanis? No, they only reason they wanted it was because they didn't want Russia to have it.

    But Russia got Afghanistan later, and what did we wind up with? Godless communism (sorry Iridar), that's what. I mean that's a terrible fate for anyone, with womens rights and secular modernization and healthcare literally everywhere. It was disgusting. So it was up to the good ol' US of A to pay a bunch of religious fanatics to tear down the place and form an orderly (and Communist-free) government.

    Now in 2001 for some reasons (which we won't get into here), the Afghani government that we installed turned evil (I personally suspect communism was involved). Instead of being stalwart defenders of democracy the religious fanatics that we hired and armed were actually just religious fanatics (except the bad kind, not the American kind). So out of the goodwill of the American people and our sense of justice and responsibility, we went in and bombed them. Repeatedly. With lots of bombs.

    But the point is that when America does something, it's for freedom and democracy and stuff. This is totally unlike when other countries invade Afghanistan for their own geopolitical reasons. They did it because they were selfish countries with their own agendas. We did it to save Afghani babies (the ones we didn't bomb at least). We bombed them to save them. It was for their own good.

    We even dropped them tons of humanitarian food aid:


    Which, okay, in retrospect was sort of a silly coincidence that they looked like unexploded cluster munitions, but hey no one's perfect right? And even then if any starving Afghani children were exploded that's completely their fault for not learning how to read American.
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  13. Ixidron

  14. HadesR

    The rest of the World already know this .. But I'm sure it's not the " special " you think it is :)
  15. ColonelChingles

    It's pretty clear to anyone with a bit of public education that the opinion of the rest of the world ain't worth an Indian gift. The only thing that matters is what we think of ourselves, and in that Americans are #1!
  16. LodeTria

    Keep away from those nano-machines armstrong.
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  17. Solidpew

    10/10 would conspire about Space America again.
  18. IvanDrago


    Why is everyone making excuses for this screw up? The flag decals were made for the participants in the 2014 World Cup, not some theoretical future nations. They messed up, I'm pointing it out. It doesn't matter that the number of states and the flag changes over time.

    And for the record, I was hiding behind one of the base banners when I noticed the pattern didn't look right, so I started counting. So to everyone derping about why I was even looking that closely, that's why.
  19. Kociboss

    It's mostly stuff really. If interests of a particular country include any sort of aid it is there for a gain. No country helps out of pure altruism. It's politics.

    As for "freedom" and "democracy" - Those sound beautiful on paper. Much better than say, "resources".

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-american but let's see past gullibility.

    I don't even... :p
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  20. Ronin Oni

    overreact much?