THANK YOU SOE: presented without comment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Epic High Five, May 7, 2014.

  1. OddChelsea

    I actually like the iron sights on it.
  2. Unclematos7

    Bloom per shot is as bad as the other 200s.:( I'll pass.

    Can't wait for FRAG ROUNDS though.:D

    Also, the Barons 400m/s(unprecedented for a shotgun) might make slugs on it worthwhile.:D
  3. KnightCole

    SO can we next have a new LMG, 625rpM, 167@10m-125@60m. Have it look like an M60 so I can go Rambo?

    Then to boot give it Auraxian M60 optics...essentially optics that look like M60 optics but have magnification like the Ganz HMG in 2142.

    and that Tross, 469Rpm!? seriously? It sounds like that is going to be the 143@652 version of the 200dmg guns. JUst not quite fast enough to really be worth a pinch of ****.
  4. Lord_Avatar

    I hope SOE nerfs this gun into the ground long before it hits the live servers... :rolleyes: One SABR to rule them all! :cool:

    On a more serious note - it looks quite interesting.
  5. Pikachu

    Ffrag frounds, dafaq are you talking about?
  6. Arkenbrien

    This would be awesome. :)
  7. OddChelsea

    The Tross has been nerfed to 600 M/S from 620 while the TORQ remains the same and the Terminus got a velocity buff up to 650. You can see my thread on it in the PTS forum. Why did you nerf only the Tross SOE and WHY did you nerf the long range capability of only the dedicated long range rifle out of the 3?! Now with HV ammo the Reaper has the same velocity as the Tross with HV. Reaper gains 100 m/s velocity with it. So the Tross has worse RoF, worse reload, potentially the same velocity for 6 extra rounds and a convenient but not good enough to help in this situation 2x burst.
  8. Epic High Five

    600m/s is still plenty. It's what the SAW has and that's the best long range LMG out there. Also we have no clue how much HVA is going to boost the velocity.

    It's worrying that it's such a silly and pointless change of course because what else are they going to fiddle with when it hits live, but I'm not terribly worried about 20m/s. People will use an AMC and say "holy crap this thing has some great velocity" and it's rocking 570m/s.

    If we get a good FSRM it will be a fantastic tradeoff, in fact it wont be a tradeoff at all because the SABR also has 600m/s velocity and it doesn't even have a full-auto option
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  9. dstock

    I'm really excited by this. I was a dedicated SABR medic when I played TR infantry, I'd even use it on semi-auto for close range work because I liked the recoil, and that was before they buffed it. This thread has sent me from 6 to midnight, I may actually buy a gun for my NC now...
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