Test update notes: 7/2

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Paqu

    Dont you think it would be way too much if it could one shot ESF's? I mean that would literally make it twice as good at that than either the Magrider or Vanguard. With lockdown it would even put skyguard in shame.

    Prowler is better at shooting down libs and galaxies (especially in lockdown), but not as good against ESF's.
  2. JOups

    As long the Prowler is a 2 barrle tank, there will be problems, face it, because i doubt they will change it...
    One shot kills an infantry at a direkt hit, so we got two shoots, which means double the amount of ammo, so double the amount of possible kills.
  3. Westy543

    These are great, thanks! I'm glad you guys did not go through with nerfing the tank AP weapons or buffing the damage on HE guns.
  4. Tacom

    IMHO thats how it should be. A single tank, at an open field, fighting 100 light assault, should win easily.

    Same situation, against 20 HA should request the use of maneuverinig to avoid them getting in range and killing the tank.

    Same situation, againts 5 HA and 1 MBT should mean the single tank is toast.

    The same single tank, inside a base sorrounded by 3 or 4 HA or LA should be also toast.

    If we dont plan for different unbalanced scenarios, we would better have MBTs that cost cero resources, with a primary weapon that is exactly the same that a LMG, and the same health points than a LA. That way we will have, fair figths.
  5. Cinnamon

    Well for one you are wrong in terms of what you want or expect from the game and secondly what you are describing is not something you can sum up with general term like force multiplier. If a light assault has intelligence to know that a tank is going to be at a certain point and they successful demolish it with c4 then their knowledge of the battlefield was a brilliant example of a force multiplier. By saying that you want tanks to be invulnerable infantry destroying fortresses you are saying that you want access to overwhelming force and that you specifically hate it when people use force multipliers intelligently against you.
  6. Tacom

    If you want to balance ammunition, start giving them their real life uses, not only the names. Meaning:

    Ap: Anti-MBT munition

    It can destroy an MBT.
    Destroying a IFV or PC, aka sunderer or light vehicle, is a matter of chance. You need to hit a critical element of the vehicle to destroy it. Otherwise you only get a nice hole.
    Very limited splash damage. OHK.

    HEAT: Anti.IFV munition

    It can damage an MBT, but must be really close to destroy it.
    It destroys IFV easyly.
    Limited splash damage. OHK

    HE: Anti-infantry munition.

    It annoys MBT, and can damage external systems: tracks, sights,...
    It will probably immovilize a IFV, but not destroy it.
    Large splash damage against not armored targets and infantry in the open. Limited againts protected infantry.

    Of course, RL MBT can change ammo, although usually only after firing what they have already loaded.
  7. Tacom

    What I expect from the game is a Combined Arms game that is fun. You will not get that if naked infantry can fight tanks in the open because then you are neggating their porpouse and will be useless. Infantry needs to be sneaky and make use of the terrain, or bring their own support.

    Or limit the game to infantry only because it is going to be impossible to balance it.
  8. Bloodhit

    Ok, how about we just stop nerfing everything and remove HE round at all, and did what BF4 did?

    There no anti-infantry shell in BF4(There is HEAT but dice shortened it to HE for some reasons. Just don't ask.)

    There is 3 option for main gun:
    • AP (default) — Average damage, average velocity, and average drop. (Average at everything, good choice all around)
    • HEAT — High damage, slow velocity and high drop. (Really hard to hit anything at range, but devastating against armor in close)
    • SABOT — Low damage, very high velocity and low drop. (Sniping shell, not dealing a lot of damage, but allow to hit any armor at range with no problem)
    So, what if we balance MBT main guns this the way?
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  9. Atenson

    At this point I appreciate nerfing the nerfs a little. I will have to try them out before passing further judgment.
  10. Klypto

    With these changes though, I fully expect 3 C4 to be the minimum requirement to kill a tank unless placed on the rear.
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  11. Klypto

    Max range for AV weapons should be 300 meters, the distance that infantry render to a tank when theres at least 24 people.

    They nerfed the range because after 300m tanks would constantly be hit by invisible infantry.
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  12. Klypto

    I'm not going to comment much on the HE and HEAT changes until I see the infantry AV nerfs.
    What sre you talking about?

    That is the normal prowler reload speed.
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  13. Aeravic

    If tank AI is going to be nerfed, than infantry AV needs to be nerfed as well. It is way too easy to kill tanks as infantry. Thanks to infantry AV being so powerful, tanks currently do not act as tanks and have to resort to being long range snipers.

    Regarding tanks farming infantry, whenever I'm in a base being camped by a bunch of vehicles, I always call for people to pull armor of their own. It's amazing how a few AP Lightnings can rout an enemy HE tank force, allowing infantry to take back the base. But of course, people usually ignore me, preferring infantrySide and geting farmed as a result.
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  14. Jaedrik

    I agree, it is not going to stop spawnroom sieges, more SCUs would. The primary objection to more splash I've seen is people going 'good now you guys can't camp spawnrooms.' Er, that wouldn't stop me at least.

    Amen to all the points you make, brother!
  15. Wezdor

    What exactly is going to be the point of HEAT after this, though? It's not going to kill infantry and it sucks compared to AP against tanks... Basically you make the default gun useless. And then you want new players to have an easier time in the game? Wut?
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  16. MrDarkDevel

    Thank you for listening to us. At least taking into consideration the feed back myself and a bunch of others said yesterday about the recent tank changes.
  17. WMDeath

    k :3
  18. WMDeath

    Wait so the T4 AMP has a TTK of .58 seconds, and the Repeater has a TTK of .57
    I'm not so sure that it's gonna be used much
  19. NoctD

    The outer blast radius of HE should not be reduced - on the edge of the blast radius, its already very weak and can't really get an outright kill. This has nothing to do with twitch kills, but HE should have an indirect damage/suppression fire function which it will totally lose if the outer blast radius is reduced. Reducing blast damage and inner blast radius should already make accuracy count far more than relying on just blast damage, but there is still a place and function in the game for HE's current blast radius.

    Even at the current 8m, its already quite restrictive and one has to think on how to indirect fire (which objects to fire on to cause an explosion that could possible injure someone hiding), compared to the early game blast radius. Reducing blast damage and the inner blast radius already makes this less effective, but at least it should be possible to still scratch someone with HE shelling.

    Think long and hard before you cave in to one dimensional players that really don't get the whole concept of combined arms.
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  20. Regpuppy

    Yup, you either get the infantry killing power of the dual barrel or you lobby for a single barrel. You cannot have the perks of both. I personally think not being able to oneshot ESF's is a minor downside for this.