Terran Republic has never felt so mediocre compared to VS and NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saintfanny, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. Devrailis

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  2. Shinrah

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  3. Sharpe

    Personally I enjoy playing NC infantry more than TR.

    I seem to do alot better with the slow firing heavy hitters so, I find the SAW to be a superior LMG to anything the TR has to offer. The TMG-50 is pretty decent but no where near close to the SAW.

    I rather like the T32Bull, the T-16 and the Carv, but they are about on equal footing with the GD-22S, EM6, and Anchor in my opinion.

    As far as carbines go, everyone likes to put the Jaguar on a pedestal but I disagree.
    The Jaguar and the Lynx are really good yes, but again, the X11 is just the best carbine in the game (for me). And if you get tired of the slow firing, heavy hitting carbine, you can always go with the GD-7F which is the complete opposite. And pretty awesome as well.

    This "TR has the best weapons" is so untrue it's just getting annoying, anyone who thinks that just hasn't spent enough time with the various factions to get used to them. Or is the usual factional biased idiot.

    All infantry weapons feel decentely balanced with their own inherent strong and weak points, still room for improvement ofcourse, but when the opinions on what the "best" weapons is, is so open to personal opinion and/or preference, you know there's a decent balance.
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  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Quick, somebody call the Waaaahmbulance.
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  5. Tatwi

    AV Max aside, we're fine. What you are feeling is mediocre compared to the no recoil macro, aimbot, and ESP users, plain and simple.
  6. Erik

    Their fine, the only thing really out of wack ATM are maxes, but only because the VS and TR maxes have nothi g they excel at like the NC.
  7. Paperlamp

    Lynx and Jaguar are the best carbines, GD-7F is only better in extremely CQC due to slightly higher RoF - 45 RoF for worse recoil, worse accuracy, worse reload speed. The TR also have the best AR in the Cycler TRV. Having 40 bullets per clip is a huge advantage for both Carbines and ARs, and on top of that the Lynx and Jag get higher ADS movement speed. Trust me, TR is the best faction to be for an LA/Engi by far right now.

    LMGs, yes VS is king. The SAW is great long range and the GD-22s is great for mid-range. However, TR still have solid LMGs, they're not lagging as far behind as NC are in other categories.

    TR also has best pistol and probably the best SMG - though with the new set of SMGs I'm not sure having not played since they were patched in. This means, unless the patch changed a lot, TR has the best infil loadouts.

    The NC MAX is the best, no argument there.

    The Prowler is currently absurd though, HEAT ammo being so powerful gives them versatility while their speed and small size makes them the most easily used or at least as good as the magrider. And MBTs probably affect faction balance way more than infantry weapons or MAXes - though TR has the best infantry weapons except for HAs, which admittedly are the most played infantry.

    So we've got -

    Heavy Assault: VS
    Light Assault: TR
    Engineer: TR
    Medic: TR
    Infil: TR (Actually, claymores suck, so I'll call it a tie with NC, Beamer makes VS last place)
    MAX: NC

    MBT: TR
    ESF: Probably VS, don't play air much

    Think TR is doing fine.
  8. Hoki

    OP needs a dishonorable discharge from the Terran Republic.
  9. Sifer2

    I agree. Since they basically have not changed since launch besides Carv being nerfed into crap, and the Prowler being buffed. And IMO the Prowler buff makes them stronger overall as you can just switch to an un****ed LMG like MSW. Though it's certainly no Gauss SAW. I feel like TR is somewhere around there in the middle. Often outshined in various if not every category by the other factions but not really underpowered anywhere either.