
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by No0T, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Daigons

    It's sounds like the revised HEAT cannons for MBTs sitting on PTS right now.
  2. No0T

    I appreciate the respect and I like the murderous intent... But I dont like it easy, I dont try to get **** that vvould be overpovver like the emp right novv.

    Octopuses like to kill their prey... though they use the black ink to run avvay... See if you make the target get a concussion effect and suddenly he loses he vvould move and the punching knife of an stalker vvill fail most of the time.. and there the stalker loses.

    VVhat stalkers need is a vvay to escape vvhen people knovvs you are there... because they vvill rush heads on knowing you are stook vvith a useless sidevveapon.

    So vvhat vve need, not to break the game and survive more, is a vvay to push avvay people or stop them somevvhat... blind them vvtv vvorks. VVE could make the taser lose effect vvhen you get closer than 5m
  3. LordKrelas

    - For the less bla bla part, find the line of ####

    Eh, depends on your opponent for the difficulty.
    As EMP only removes shields & abilities, as an Infil your ability is stealth;
    Heavies, and Medics are survival related, and function perfectly in combat to allow unrivaled durability.
    EMP removes shields, and removes access to these capabilities; A proper opponent can still kill you while EMP'd.

    If it is blocked by walls, no real issue.
    If it loses the ability drain:
    - heavies need not care, for Overshield works, and allows them to use that as their full shield.
    - medics, can heal a grand number around themselves & themselves, if not prevented, they soak up the bullets with this heal.
    - Infils lose cloak, preventing them from simply sitting cloaked & crouched, waiting for someone to scan the room.
    - Light Assault have a jetpack, this offers combat capability if not used well, and if drained prevents this superior mobility.

    So in short, the abilities counter out (beyond the LA's, unless skilled) the shield loss.

    Blinding them, is a trick used to execute.
    The squid & octopi , launch Ink as a defensive measure, usually against larger threats in addition to enhancing speed by dropping weight.


    As well, think out of the box, as you likely do:
    If I can push someone away, with a buddy, I can block anyone from leaving a doorframe, before my buddy shoots them in the face.
    - or off a cliff, onto a mine, etc.
    If I can push an opponent away or blind them, I can escape yes, but I also can leave a land mine, or just open fire.
    If I blind or immobilize them, I can get behind them or fire with impunity in-front of them or behind them.

    That's the problem with escape methods of these types:
    It's the easiest thing in the world to kill with, since they affect the opponent not you.

    So since you are an idea person, and I'm better as a critic:
    Can you think of any escape methods that affect the user not the opponent?
    - A teleport that locks weaponry of user, but transport the user randomly 5-15 meters away from all infantry nearby the user.
    - Localized cloaking amplifier that locks weapons & de-cloaking capability for the full duration but grants extra speed.

    I bet there's some offense capable traits to those, but since I said it, and I'm tired: I likely missed them.
  4. No0T

    But I am proposing to take even your secondary vveapon out... And replace it vvith a vveapon that vvill not give you more advantage to kill somebody than vvhat your cloak and vvielding knife does to kill to gain survivability..
  5. No0T

    You are completely vvrong, I have played 8 hours without getting kill, I have hold flags up by myself against several respavvning enemies in hossin.... The stalker is the class to survive. Im just vvanting to trade the last ranged vveapon stalkers get for the ultimate escape tool. Since to my eyes I can kill better vvith my knife. Faster no minimap aler more DPS. I can kill 3 guys before the 4th turns around and localizes me... I dont vvant that stupid secondary vveapon that alvvays gets the job done half ***.
  6. LordKrelas

    Ah, I see what you are saying now - yeah that would do it in theory.

    But you have to admit, that the moment there is a second person, it becomes advantageous as all hell as offense rather than defense.
  7. No0T

    VVe stalkers kill that second person so he doesn't give up our position vve aren't cool. Or maybe is just me..