Tanks, HE and TK'ing......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AngryFire, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. AngryFire

    Ok i been playing this wonderful game since beta and have played a ton of time since launch. Despite its many problems (bugs, hackers, mechanics, etc) it is still a very enjoyable experience.

    The one thing that i have seen complained about on these boards allot has been TK'ing. For the most part I do not complain to much when i am TK'd, in any type of fire fight it can happen between infantry. I have been known to do it myself.

    The one thing that erks me though is those that run around in HE tanks and will kill friendlies to get to an enemy to score the kill and thus the XP. For example, i was at fight where i came up onto a tango, he got the jump on me but in the end i get the kill. My HP was down, but just as I score the kill and HE tank but 5 yards behind me fires at him and kills me. I was between him and the tango, he should NOT have been firing when a friendly is that close unless the friendly is going down.

    I have been TK'd almost 100 times since launch, most of them from fire fights or me doing stupid things like running across a vehicle pad or on the road in front of a vehicle, but about 1/4 or so of those are from Friendly HE tanks and many of them were nearly the same exact scenario as above.

    Yeah, respawn, simple fix, but still its aggravating.

    So i think my own personal policy will be if I am TK'd in the future and it was because of this kind of bad judgement, i will hunt him down and c4 his tank. That may convince them to pay a bit more attention in the future.
  2. wolfva

    Two wrongs don't make a right. However, 3 lefts will. <blink> Wait, lost my train of thought. Anyways, yeah. That might just teach him to watch where he's shooting. Or, it'll cause a big *** for tat eye for an eye brawl between you to ending in a weapons lock.
  3. Nehlis

    You lose 1 cert every time you kill an ally. I think that's pretty even payoff.
  4. forkyar

    dont worry,my server,10% of the deaths are from your empire.
  5. AngryFire

    LOL, very true... I know it would be wrong for me to do that but geez come on, some common sense. I know its only a game but games do aggravate us:) If i were to actually do that, which would probably be an extreme case, I would just leave the area to prevent it from continuing on.

    And I did not know about the loosing 1 cert thing. Good to know:)
  6. Vreki

    I dont think that actually happens
  7. Kar98

    It sounds alot like he just saw an enemy and shot not realising you were nearby.
  8. Fallout10mm

    I've unintentionally TKed a few times using the tank rounds, just today I tked an ally while stoping an enemy engie from suicide mining a deployed sundy, didnt do it for the kill, did it to stop that guy from taking out our only spawn.