Tankers - What's your continent preference for tanking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odamit, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Rigsta

    Anywhere but Hossin. Or at least the NW corner, which is all I've seen of it so far.

    I like tanking on Indar because the terrain has a nice balance of breathing space and flanking opportunities, and is generally quite varied. Amerish is good too, but a little more restrictive.

    I can't remember the last time I played for any length of time on Esamir.
  2. Frozen-K

    Indar SUCKS.

    I try not to play there because of Indarside, and I prefer the other continents to that terrible place. Of course base design could use fix on Esamir.
  3. Flag

    What makes it suck more than the other ones?
  4. Mythologicus

    Hossin is absolutely fantabulous for Vanguards, that much I can say. Magriders can be fun to muscle around the rocks and trees and all the other strategically-placed crap, but you really need ridiculously good awareness to not crash into something while evading. There are parts of Hossin I dislike, though. There are too many inconvenient vehicle forcefields and that pass to the South of ORM Scrap and Salvage...I don't even want to go there. Really, any forced chokepoints are bad bad bad.

    I'd have to place Esamir second. Somehow even the wide-open flat spaces suck less than Indar's, and there's a decent amount of hills around the place which aren't as overdone as Amerish's.

    Indar is third. There's only one place on the entire damn continent I actually like driving, and that's the South-West corner (in other words, where the grass is). The rest of the continent is either a gargantuan no-man's-land where you can be bombarded from all directions from miles away, or horrible horrible dirty evil disgraceful disgusting chokepoints (if my faction's warpgate is at the South-East corner, forget it).

    Amerish dead last. I just hate this continent for everything except air. Clearly, there are nowhere near enough mountains. The open spaces are too narrow and the main obstacles (the mountains) you cannot go around without a 15-minute drive.
  5. Jaedrik

    Esamir is the one everyone seems to love, but a few sad choices have excluded it from our concern: only one tech plant and dose walls doe.
  6. Frozen-K

    The whole southeastern portion of Indar. If the TR owns it, I'm never there, even if there's an alert going on.

    The green hills I like more than the desert for tanking because there's more cover, but all in all, I just hate the continent, and like the other ones (Hossin the most).
  7. PastalavistaBB

    Finally someone else that sees that Hossin is the tailor made continent for the VS. It's the buff to the Mag in an unexpected form and a boost to the VS pop, which was quite low on some servers. After the release of Hossin VS pop peaked and is now the most populated faction on many servers.
  8. Morchai

    The only part of Indar I hate for tanking is the southeast canyon region and the transitional bottlenecks between the low desert lands and the highlands.

    Parts of Amerish aren't bad, but it's too mountainous and is often a pain to get from hither to yon.

    Esamir used to be a good map, but then came the walls. While I admit that I haven't tanked there since the server merge, tanking on Esamir was rather futile before. The walls turned off the AI tankers, which in turn left the AV tankers with less to do unless you count trying to escape from bored aircraft looking for something to kill in this now tank poor environment.

    As to Hossin ... pffft.
  9. Calisai

    I think the bigger complaint is the fact that 2 of the 3 factions have to pull MBTs from warpgate... which can be a 5-10 minute drive. So what you are left with is 1 faction's MBTs fighting against light vehicles and air... and the occasional armor column pulled from WG or hacked out of a base.

    For being an "armor" continent... there really is a lot of restrictions to pulling armor on the continent. I end up running with PC (HEAT) because the rare times I come across a MBT don't offset the amount of infantry and lightnings i'm likely to run across.

    The Eisa region is one of my most favorite places to fight at with the Mag. It's just a pain to attack since losing your MBT means pulling another from half a continent away. Still less annoying than trying to navigate on Amerish.
    • Up x 1
  10. KoS-1

    All things equal, no air "harassing" my harasser. *cough*

    Indar>Easmir(close second)>Amersih/Hossin(too laggy)
  11. lawn gnome

    i understand the competitive environment they are trying to create, but i think they should add in one more tech plant, so that it isn't always the one faction with tanks ruling the whole map.
  12. oberchingus

    For me, Indar and Esamir are on the same level.
    Amerish has a handful of places to fight that are harasser friendly; and it has some nice cliffjumping locales. I miss the old Ascent though.
    Hossin is fun, but still discovering it and I get stuck more than I'd like to.
  13. Morchai

    Yeah, that's certainly a valid complaint, but doesn't really effect me because I always pull from the warpgate in all continents anyway. The drive allows me to approach the battle from the outside, recover a bit of resources and lets my acquisition timer tick down so that I'm more likely to be able to immediately pull another tank when my current one is scrap-heaped.
  14. Calisai

    That means your tank is out of the battle for that long. Whereas pulling from a base or two away would do the same thing, you could even drive ultra-conservatively for the first 2-3 minutes while checking out the area and have the same benefits. I can't say that I don't do the same thing (pulling from WG)... but it does impact the overall continental battle and how you use your MBT, if you know that you cannot replace it without a nice little jaunt in the countryside.

    I've had some really good tank fights on Esa... but its usually when i'm attacking a superior numerical force or defending against an organized armor column rolling in from the gate. The small little tank skirmishes are few and far between because of the limited pulling of MBTs.