Tankers - What's your continent preference for tanking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Odamit, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Odamit

    I haven't seen a thread like this pop up yet, but if it has, let me know and I can follow up with an existing thread.

    What are your thoughts in regards to tanking now that Hossin's been released and after some bases on the original three have been significantly changed; since launch anyways.

    Right now my preference would be Hossin > Esamir > Amerish / Indar
  2. ata98

  3. Shadowtrail

    As much as I hate maneuvering a tank on Hossin I think it's my favorite now. There's so much infantry running around. Then Indar and the other two are equal.
  4. MisterTwister22

    Amerish. I like the little bumps in the terrain because they are good for long drawn out and actually active tank battles. Its never really a slogfest.
  5. lawn gnome

    always esamir for my skyguard. it's where i go to farm aircraft.
  6. Alarox

    Hossin/Indar > Esamir >= Amerish

    Indar has the best terrain for larger battles and great flow between bases.

    Hossin has the most interesting terrain and is great for flanking. You're extremely vulnerable to infantry, but at the same time you have tons of cover against air.

    Esamir, while it has virtually no cover from air and only one tech plant, can generate enjoyable open field battles on occasion.

    Amerish leaves you vulnerable against air and has terrain that really restricts your movement. There are sometimes enjoyable open field battles but you're more likely to end up stuck in a "lane" between mountains.

    Indar is my fav. Open yet with lots of rocks and canyons. Flanking is awesome and the continent usually makes tanks pretty important in large battles.

    Esamir is open and the flat ground can make tanking very fun, so long as you have a skyguard. But the walls and the 1 tech plant is a turn off.

    Amerish is good for magrider flanking because of the hills, but sometimes you get trapped and air will eat you also some of those mountains are un-climbable or at least take forever.

    Hossin is alright, but the GOD DAMN FLOWER AND ROOTS have gotten me killed so many times. I have yet to fully explore it but it seems a little too infantry focused and the light assaults in trees are everywhere. But good air cover though. Also Hossin is PPA heaven, but I don't really like farming infantry.

    Indar is my fav Esamir and Amerish are ok
    IDK about Hossin yet.

    usually play magrider sometimes vanguard.
  8. Flag

    Indar > Hossin > Amerish >= Esamir.
  9. Frozen-K

    I like Hossin. Lots of places for me to hide and blow up unsuspecting passerbys.
  10. SniperTarget

    Was Esamir before wallamir and mountains, now its indar
  11. ShadowyN

    AP tanker here.
    Esamir and Indar. Wide open spaces for flanking and maneuvering.
    Amerish has too many impassable cliffs and mountains, and Hossin is way too bottleneck-ish and claustrophobic.
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  12. DrBash00

    The old esamir, it is the ONLY REAL tank continent, wish it would come back....
    Right now Hossin, but this is just because i like Hossin :p
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  13. Chal

    Indar > Esamir > Hossin = Amerish.

    I like the more open conts it gives more options in tank fights. Esamir is let down by the one tech plant.

    Hossin I find really oppressive and in lots of places dumbs down tank play to "do you want to attack down the narrow road with the zerg or (if you're lucky) take the 1 flanking route through the hills" decisions decisions :rolleyes: . It does have a few interesting base designs and the mag lets you get to some cool spots but tank on tank action for the most part is very limited and predictable.

    Even though I prefer Indar and Esamir it's still been good fun fighting on all of them more regularly since the cont locking came in. Stops the fights feeling stale.
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  14. ronjahn

    Indar has really great open terrain for tank battles. It is my favorite.

    Hossin provides a lot of cover and interesting routes I can take to flank. I have a lot of fun here, but some of the areas are a bit to restrictive. I hate sitting and waiting at a gate and some Hossin bases force you to do this unless you drive to a different fight.

    Amerish terrain is very restrictive, but there are a few of my favorite tanking areas on this continent. The three bases surrounding Heyoka Chemical Lab(I think that's it, it has the bridge generator) has some amazing terrain for combined arms fights. Also the area outside split peak pass is very open and conducive to tank fights.

    Esamir has walls.
  15. Dinapuff

    Amerish because of the predictable lanes. It makes defensive tanking easy and for you can trade very well there. Once we traded 2 AP vanguards, and a repair sunderer (6 guys + a few more in the squad were infantry to support us) for 6 sunderers, and 12 tanks + random assortement of infantry. They were headed up towards heyoka chemical lab and we stopped them cold.
  16. Tcsisek

    indar is the best continent, hossin is a close second though.
  17. Flag

    I see a trend of people actually preferring Indar.
    Can't say I'm surprised, but it amuses me as an opposing points to the complaints about Indarside.
  18. Calisai

    This ^^ is exactly how I feel. I really prefer Esamir, but with only the one tech plant, it slides behind Indar.

    On Amerish, I can flank, but air eats me alive... on Hossin, no problem with air, but flanking is so restricted that its just a bunch of CQC slug fests, and/or infantry farming with PPA. Meh.
  19. PastalavistaBB

    Anywhere but Hossin. Unless it's a Mag. Then %100 Hossin.
  20. lawn gnome

    hossin does seem pretty made to order for the VS.