Sunderer Deployment Shield - a bit over the top?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vajerys, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. DorianOmega

    The shield is a straight upgrade over blockade armor, I don't see why anyone would not get the shield over blockade armor from a survivability perspective in almost any fights due to the amount of punishment it lets you survive:

    came across one of these and opened fire, took over twice as many rockets and rotary shots to kill with an esf with one of these deployed, seemed like it was getting repaired, very well could have been but there was no time to check because I literally almost ran out of ammo trying to kill one despite certs into more ammo.
    Frustrating as to how long it takes compared to a blockade sundy. Its just too powerful right now and not properly in line with its other unlocks no matter what niche its supposed to fill, clearly in need of balance, nerf more then appropriate.
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  2. Inex

    Depends on whether you want to move or not. Deployed Sundies take the shield, no questions asked. If you expect resistance on the move or expect to be able to out-rep the damage, you take Blockade. If you forgot to change your loadout, take Mineguard.

    Go Team:
  3. Crator

    If your main intention is to provide support (repair or rearm modules) then you might want to take blockade over shield because you are not intending to deploy. Shield only works if you are deployed....
  4. Inex

    Not if you're actively under fire. Damage will start the recharge timer even if the Sunderer isn't deployed, so just hitting "B" doesn't do anything unless you haven't been under fire for 6-10s (depending on how high you've certed it).
  5. DorianOmega

    BUT that charge up, once achieved, still gives you a more beefy sundy then as if you had blockade,10-6 seconds to achieve this as the only downside seems too little, I'd say these times need to be increased, or at least the initial charge up time.
  6. Inex

    If you aren't actively under attack, then who cares what the initial charge-up time is?

    If you are actively under attack, the initial charge-up time means you're never going to see your shield activate.
  7. lawn gnome

    not with a single decimator, but the decimator itself should be enough to counter the shield. i am just happy that there is finally something my heavy assault can do that a C4 light assault CAN'T do better.
    it's not just the decimator, any RL can overwhelm the shields. i picked out the decimator because it is the slowest reload and generally the worst case scenario.

    i can and have eliminated shield sunderers with my AV heavy assault loadout in a single solo strike. i suspect that an engineer with the right loadout can do the same, or if he simply manages to place an AV turret.
  8. DrBash00

    Well the sheild is just annyoying if you try to blast the Sunderer up with C4 or tank mines... (4 tank mines, and i dont got him down -.-) but i think he is balanced in general. So no need for changes (in big fights, i still perfer the barrikade armor)
  9. Taemien

    Sounds like a learn to play issue to me.

    Like I said before, lone wolves (aka cert fodder for everyone else) should stick to the other -unattended- vehicles.
  10. Lamat

    Guys, it's not even true that they can't be soloed by infantry. Get it through your heads. It just takes more intention and commitment to destroy one instead of a common loadout half the playerbase always uses that is good at everything.
  11. Aegie

    Or, they should pull sunderers.
  12. lawn gnome

    i will still solo shield sundies with my heavy, because i can.
  13. Atis

    So, sunderer under attack with little to no defenders can be finished by 1 guy. I did same on foot, flash has nothing to do with result. I also killed tons of that flash rambos. Whats your point?

    Doesnt rearm/repair module replace blockade?
  14. LodeTria

    I haven't had any real trouble busting them in a tank that's 2/2, since the shield only takes one main shell & some secondary damage to get rid of, then it's just a basic sundie that falls pretty quickly as well.

    As an infantry-man, I never really go after sundies unless I'm in a team, which kills it pretty quickly. If I have to solo it I just bring a MAX with dual AV weapons and they make short work of it.
  15. Noktaj

    Rocket from distance, 4 AV nades, 2 C4 bricks, another rocket, IN THIS ORDER and you might be done with the thing.
    If nobody is shooting as you, that is.

    Best solution you have in those 1-12 fight with a shielded sundy deployed is forget about the sundy, farm the *****ez running at the point and wait for reinforcements.

    Or you can try pull a kamikaze AV lightning, shoot the shield off, then jump out and run for the thing, 2 C4 + rocket and you are done.
  16. Aegie

    ...and forumside rejoiced and I cried a little inside.
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  17. Crator

    Crap, I think you are right... I change it to "act as a shield for others"... Honestly, it seems some of these options are redundant....
  18. Tyrant103

    1 Question, is the Sunderer Deployment Shield new?
  19. Noktaj

    There's really little else you can do about a shielded sundy if you are solo-defending a base, than farm the crap out of them. Sad but true.
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  20. lawn gnome

    it was added within the last month.