[Suggestion] NC-9 A-Tross DPS adjustment

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by TheKhopesh, May 13, 2014.

  1. TheKhopesh

    Currently, the A-Tross is the lowest DPS Primary weapon in all of Planetside 2 (Excluding the specialty Lasher, for obvious reasons).

    The Reaper is far superior simply because it has -nearly- the same accuracy even with sustained fire, and higher DPS.
    (The Reaper's DPS being exactly the same as that of the starter NC Assault Rifle, the NC1 Gauss Rifle.)

    Here is my suggestion on how to keep the A-Tross from falling short from that standard.
    keep all the A-Tross' stats as-is, except the two below.

    Change the damage and RoF.

    From the current stats of:
    200 @ 10m
    167 @ 85m

    469 RPM
    ( 1,563.33 DPS )

    225 @ 10m
    167 @ 85m

    445 RPM
    ( 1,668.75 DPS )

    Please note, the Reaper DMR (Our other 200 dmg per shot AR) has 1,667 DPS.
    (Well, actually it's exactly 1666.666666666666 -and the 6's continue indefinitely, you get the point.)
    And again, the starter Assault Rifle for the NC -the NC1 Gauss Rifle- has exactly the same DPS as the Reaper DMR.

    ++++Side Note++++
    I chose 445 RPM over 444 RPM as 444 produces a lower DPS than the standard weapons (225 max dmg at 444 RPM is 1,665 DPS exactly).

    Now it's an acceptable weapon on par with other hard hitting NC weapons, entirely unique in it's damage type as well as RoF, and stands a decent chance at combat at closer ranges.
    (No better or worse than the Reaper DMR, which is the main point.)

    Please, tell me what you think of this idea.
    I am especially interested on whether or not those who play VS and TR think this would be acceptable as well.
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    Comparing to the Reaper DMR (for damage discussion purposes),

    It would make it a better close-mid range gun than the DMR as the lower levels of nanoweave won't affect the outcome.
    Also infils would take less time to kill... (2 Headshots, 4 body).
    Higher velocity also means less misses (soft point ammo would also cause havok in very close range).

    High levels of nano it would be a higher TTK.
    Around same TTK after midrange.

    Now if using your proposal with some things that would make it fun (two ideas).

    Close range
    Removal of HV ammo, but keep SP ammo. Make that the Silencer and SPA, drop the velocity half as much as they normally would.
    Assault Rifle
    Fire Rate: 445
    Damage: 225
    Velocity: 590
    Reload: 3.65 / 2.6
    Ammo: 28 / 140
    Iron Sight: 1.15x
    Auto, 2x Burst, Semi Auto.

    Long range
    Removal of SP ammo, but keep HV ammo. Make that the HV ammo increases velocity by 90, however by doing so, also increases recoil by 60% more Vertical and 22.5% more Horizontal than it would normally (The additional recoil is not negated at all via ADV/Forward Grip).
    Assault Rifle
    Fire Rate: 444 (slight balance change)
    Damage: 225
    Velocity: 630
    Reload: 3.55 / 2.5
    Ammo: 28 / 140
    Iron Sight: 1.35x
    Auto, 2x Burst, Semi Auto.
  3. Torok

    If we would have a 225 damage rifle @10 meters no one would use it for long range ;)

    That's 2 rounds headshot kill.

    2 shots vs infils..

    Man I don't care about the DPS I just want a low fire rate gun with more damage (currently on test server and think my ideas (balance) would work well (hell you don't need my ideas even have it balanced)).

    I would buy 1 year membership and spend $14 (as well as $100+ in cosmetics as a thank you for the gun) for just the gun alone if it was to get a 445rpm. (do you know how good that would be (for people that can aim) O.O).

    Also for my rebalance maybe not even having to change the reload speeds as they are already going to work (the mag size will though).
  5. Kill2This

    I agree. More unique weapons please!
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  6. Catch23

    the Tross is the best full auto sniper rifle in the game. a much more accurate SAW

    low non-biased horizontal recoil, adv forward grip, compensator. great headshot machine with very high DPM. just aim at the neck and LMB down. If you want to camp, this your gun. exactly what PS2 needs.

    stationary BR10s crouch-shooting at you with Gauss Rifles are pretty deadly. this gun in the hands of a halfway skilled player is situationally deadlier.
  7. Halkesh

    Hum, I think Corvus DPS is even lower. (1 464)
    From a Vanu point of view, the actual A-Tross DPS isn't a problem. :p

    It's lower DPS is the medal's reverse of it's higher damage per magazine and accuracy. It's like compare the Gauss-saw and the EM1 : these weapon have different role.

    Again, it's just my point of view.
  8. TheKhopesh

    225, times two shots to the head (With the standard 2x headshot multiplier) means 225x2x2=900.

    Two heashots on an infil, three on any other class (Max excluded obviously).
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  9. TheKhopesh

    You're correct, the Corvus does have a lower DPS, at 1,464.

    I stand corrected.
    Sorry about that.
  10. TheKhopesh

    How about change the Reaper to a 225-167, with the lower fire rate (As it's already quite a bit less accurate after that first shot or two, has only 24 rounds) and essentially turn it into a version of your close range stats.

    Then leave the A-Tross pretty much as is.

    (My only issue with this change would be the Reaper's name having "DMR" in it.... :confused:)

    Actually, on second thought, change the weapons around, so that the Reaper DMR is the one with the stats of the current A-Tross (Though I still think that it should have a higher velocity than just 600, but oh well), and the A-Tross as the one with the close range 225-167 set of stats.

    I really just want to see a decent 225-167 dmg 445 RPM AR for close-med range.
    (And TBH, I think a 225-143 dmg 445 RPM carbine would be an interesting weapon.)

    Heck, you could even stick in some little story for the description saying that the weapon platform was inspired by a failed experiment to create a high velocity round meant to function as slug ammo for the NC05 Jackhammer.
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  11. Epic High Five

    Tross is fine how it is. The Razor has worse dps than the Mercenary on paper too but in the right hands it is a gun that is just an absolute insane murder machine because accuracy trumps all. Whoever lands the most shots wins, and the Tross lands shots. What we don't need is a full-auto Warden
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  12. Torok

    My bad. I'm in for it then!
  13. Bankrotas

    Corvus VA55, Razor GD23, Ursa, T5 AMC, NS-11A, NS-11C, NS-15M, T16 Rhino, T32 Bull, EM-1, Solstice SF, CME, Polaris - that's all I could think of from my head. Guess, what these weapons are...

    That's right, if you do the math, these weapons have lower DPS than current A-Tross. Want to know one more interesting thing? Higher damage has lower TTK at same DPS, not by much, but enough.

    EDIT: one more thing. 200/469 is about as effective as 167/577 sacrificing bit of TTK and DPS for more accuracy.
  14. BeyondNInja

    Not sure where you got this from - it beats all 652rpm 143 damage weapons and the three 550rpm 167 damage weapons for DPS, plus it will benefit from a shorter ideal TTK compared to all of these as well.
  15. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    To iterate on the "High damage means shorter ttk despite low dps"-Point made above:
    The battle starts with the first bullet, not the first refiretime.
    As I've wrote in another thread on ARs in this forum, the Gauss SAW lmg has the same point blank TTK as the Orion lmg, despite the latter having a 120 dps advantage.

    Due to that, I think the A-Tross is fiendishly effective, it has great accuracy, low sustained recoil, very good damage per magazine, and a decent effective range.
    Sure, it's not spray and pray, you gotta do the praying first. But I don't think it needs any buffs, it'll probably make the reaper jobless already. Then again, as VS I'm kinda strapped for choice.^^
  16. minhalexus

    But considering that every player does not have 100% accuracy, higher RoF with a higher DPS have an edge in CQC situations. The gun with higher RoF and DPS gets an advantage for every amount of number of "mini-seconds" missed.
    DPS plays a very important role in CQC.

    But I do agree with you, A-Tross is fine as it is and does not need a buff.
  17. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, I got some bad info on that one.
    (Oddly enough, I first heard this from a buddy that plays VS primarily!)

    This has already been pointed out several times, and I have already apologized for this gross oversight on my part. :(

    Again, my apologies!
    I should have double-checked all the weapons, and not just the ones that I was directed to do the math on.