[Suggestion] 3 reasonable C-4 buffs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reclaimer77, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Savadrin

    I think we should nerf it to 300% of current effectiveness.
  2. freeAmerish

    Anti infantry weapons all got nerfed through the years.
    And where is a reason to buff C4? Only to farm noobs easier in their tanks.
  3. Atakx

    The burst is a waste of a shot when the jack only takes two, its convenient at times but you are by no means missing anything when pumpactions already exist.
  4. Atakx

    You understand the difference in the games semi auto shotguns is so small you would be hard pressed to notice a definite difference in the performance of any of them in live combat? Also the burst is nice but your not actually missing out on much more then the chance to maybe just maybe in a perfect world blow through a heavy shield and all but most likely just waste an extra shell you don't need on a dead body or **** up and get gunned down because the recoil though off just enough pellets to let the target fire back.
  5. Reclaimer77

    "Overkill" isn't an argument.
  6. Stormsinger

    While we're being silly...

    I want to be able to spawn a cloak flash, coat it with C4, then tie it to a Phoenix rocket via a tether. When the rocket is fired, it will pull the C4-coated cloaked flash along, impacting whatever the rocket does.

    The physics alone would be a sight to behold.
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  7. AxiomInsanity87

    Just give it grenade physics and we'll be sorted.
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  8. GreenGamer808

    I think they should fix the c4 glitch (I'm not sure if it's a glitch) where the c4 won't explode on vehicles that are moving 80% of the time.
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  9. Stormsinger

    Exploding flubber, now there's an idea... :p
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  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Funny, i was thinking of the grenadiers from tiberium sun....the GDI ones.

    Forgotten the name.

    Disc throwers???
  11. Scr1nRusher
