[Suggestion] 3 reasonable C-4 buffs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reclaimer77, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Ragnarox

    1 reasonable c4 buf is: that we can pick it up if we didn't blow it.
  2. Goretzu

    No definately not hand-tossed; it would need Vanguard velocity to be a viable 1on1 weapon.

    It's easy enough to make a general arguement for anything, this is why only data should be used to balance.
  3. Hegeteus

    That only makes my above statement even worse. Some days all I need to do is blink and new cringeworthiness has already appeared
  4. FieldMarshall

    Inb4 locked/suspended for creating a troll thread.
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  5. Mianera

    I would maybe make it a bit faster to detonate, since it's super frustrating to toss a block and not be able to hit the clicker in time due to crap animations. Speaking of which, the animations for using C4 could use a damn buff. You turn into some glitching spastic monster whenever you try and use these things.
  6. Diggsano

    How about 3 reasonable:

    Magrider Afterburner
    Scythe Pods

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  7. Scr1nRusher

    Its all Orge now.
  8. FateJH

    "Things are going just fine until I show up," you mean to say? :p
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  9. Hegeteus

    What is to say with all these salty threads other than Fuu Fuu :rolleyes:
  10. Iridar51

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  11. Reclaimer77

    Just like you-know-who, none of what you state makes the argument that the Jackhammer actually needs any changes, let alone a buff.

    There is a word for this: hubris.
  12. Atakx

    Here you go pal, go to TR or VS and buy the baron or a pump action and tada you now have a jackhammer. your not actually missing much either just a burst and a few extra rounds.
  13. Reclaimer77

    The second you instantly dismiss the 3-round gib burst mode, you lose your credibility.

    There is a HUGE difference between the Jackhammer and the Barron!
  14. Pelojian

    jackhammer and baron are not the same. 3 round burst on the jackhammer is powerful for close range, has more ammo in magazine, higher damage, RPM and more reserve ammo, Baron has more pellets with the same spread, slightly different aim accuracy, the baron has better range accuracy then other shotguns and the jackhammer is superior at close range.
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  15. Savadrin

    The problem here is that I don't see the other NC players that he is throwing the C4 at.
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  16. Reclaimer77

    Well yeah but, you know, if you take all that way it's basically the same as a Barron!


    Also a Prius is basically a Ferrari....
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  17. Savadrin

    You asked, I delivered.

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  18. Reclaimer77

    LOL I bet that car doesn't share a SINGLE part from a production Prius. You know that, but was still funny :p
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  19. Iridar51

    That's NC C4 we're talking about. Also known as NC4. We both know it's gonna detonate before leaving his hand.
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  20. freeAmerish

    C4 Buff

    I have a better idea: How about nerfing it we have enough C4 Trolls out there.

    Now go on and hate me