Stupidity for Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gbank, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. CrashB111

    It is simple you were crushed by TACTICAL SUPERIORITY!

  2. Lady Majestica

    Never said I was going to quit being me. What I said I was I was very vocal in my support of the VS at the cost of the NC and TR. Pretty much anything they said, I went against simply because an NC or TR player said it, thus is must whining or excuses. I didn't really stop to look at whether anything they said might have actual value. Realizing I was ignoring good ideas or suggestions simply because they came from a player who character wore a different color was difficult to realize. But I did it.

    As for starting my TR, I never said I had to start a new character because I was hated. My being hated (by some) had nothing to do with my starting a new character. I've wanted to play TR for quite some time, I simply didn't want to play with the TR on mattherson. Too much bad blood from the BCP days. Once I discovered how fun Waterson was, I decided to change my forum style as well. Now instead of bashing the TR and NC constantly, I listen openly to everyone, regardless of faction. You will not hear me calling anyone a whiner, scrub, or whatever simply because they play TR, or NC, or VS.

    As for the "Ginyu Forces Rules", you should note I listed it as one of many things that Mattherson is well known for. At no time did I say personally had a beef with it, nor that it caused me to leave the server. Your reading comprehension needs some serious work.
  3. Linedan

    Yeah. We (NC) capped Wokuk 22 seconds after the alert ended when all the TR magically left at T minus 10 minutes. Ratchetfratchet. Damn fun fight though, haven't seen that many TR together in one place since TE zerg days.
  4. CrashB111

    We knew we only had to hold you off until the timer would win for us, after that it was all hands to Kwahtee to hold off the VS.
  5. Eclips

    TR won a primetime alert today. I was really excited. Instead of getting TKd by our outfits like AoD and Honeybadgers, I saw AoD organize and go to alert stations. I was proud.

    That being said, if our big outfits had a little bit more zerg wrangling know-how and leadership, I think we could be a dominate population on the server. I really don't think there's any other problem with the server after playing on it for the last month up to br40 without boosts.

    I think with even populations Vanu still has a better group of EFFECTIVE outfits (like DA and RGQT), but they can still only do so much against a zerg put in the right place.

    I guess all I'm really saying is to not be so discouraged. It's an MMOFPS, and if I know anything, its players / leaders come and go. Population swings and servers balance themselves. I didn't play when TE was around, and specifically rolled TR so I'd be on the underpopped faction, but I feel like the pendulum is finally swinging back into the balance. It seems Vanu has a lot of good, high BR players that played Vanu as a legacy outfitmember, or to fight TE. That's a huge imbalance when TE clears out. But so be it.

    Just hang in there and play the game and have fun. Don't make a fool of yourself on the forum, whine about pop imbalance, or whatever. All the time you spend arguing about your forum / in-game personality or your server's perceived problems could be better spent leading / organizing your own squads / platoons / outfits. It seems that some people here care a lot about the game, so show it by being a leader on your own faction.

    A couple more comments.

    1. ZOE maxes are super OP on an overpopped faction in a game with instant-rezzes.
    2. The ratio of deaths to the enemy vs deaths to friendlies is about 1:1 when AoD / honeybadgers are in the area. (no you can't escape it)
    3. NC needs some help. Bigtime. I can't say there have been any players / outfits that have stood out to me as considerable opposition in the battlefield.
  6. Deladin

    I was saying this is already how it currently happens. The CURRENT alert system is predictable. It needs to be random and a lot less of them as well.
  7. Cyanstorm

    Whats funny is I always wondered what the big deal about the guy was, then I started paying more attention to gen chat, yeah he was an ******* no doubt, and he had a big ego to boot, but then I followed him around a few nights, just for the hell of it, observed him just because the VS talked so much smack (and hated) the guy so much. Well, I was damned, he was always right in the thickest s*hit of it, all way up front lines, sometimes I couldnt even catch up with him and I am not a noob by any definition, just the fact the guy liked to dance right there, in the middle of a bunch of purple frackers kinda mellowed my opinion about him, most of the times I die to Vanu BR 100 come from A) Mags (they sure got their ***** glued to em) and B) Harassers or Flashes (what can I say? they love their furies)

    You know why they hated the guy? because he owned their arses, had a good sense of tactics and had no fear to get his hands wet and dirty. All the sarcastic/****** posts I read in the forums when he said his outfit was quitting was just the VS equivalent of a big **** sigh of relief....they just refuse to admit it.
  8. Meeka

    As primarily TR, I purposely avoid alerts; the VS win them, hands down due to their population. So, whatever the "fight for the alert" is, I can assure you, myself and a lot of other TR will be nowhere to be found near it.
  9. Negator

    Do youpay attention to population numbers or just pretend?
  10. somePS2dude.

    What makes factions strong per server is the outfits located on the server. Eclips is right about the zerg though. I can say that TR on Connery is just as bad as Mattherson TR imo (EXE doesnt count). NC is vastly more organized on Connery due to 666 whereas on Mattherson there is no such outfit. VS just seems good on both servers. Stronger outfits tend to help steer pubbies zerg better.

    That being said, it's a shame that I suspect there are too many lone wolfs around who think they are some kind of sNip3r g0d or heavy Rambo. Both of which detracts from the whole faction working as one big team. You're going to get more certs as a medic or engineer than playing two classes imo.
  11. HEAT

    No those pubbies are the super elite sniper navy seal lone wolfs....that dont actually do anything at all like cap objectives or defend shields.