Stupidity for Mattherson TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gbank, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Phyr

    Whenever a faction has 0/9 bases at the start of an alert they rarely care about the alert. I've seen this on Waterson and Connery as much as Matherson.
  2. Negator

    people just like you are the problem, is that what you are saying?

    edit: youre not in an outfit. Why do you refuse to play the game it was meant to be played, then complain about it?
  3. Negator

    'is a bad apple' lol? 'let the server die'? lol!

    Queen majestica my liege, nobody gives a F about quitters, whiners, and leaches. Don't tar the good name of our server with your posting please
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  4. Linedan

    Eh, Mattherson's not a bad place. It's just right now for whatever reason VS actually care about alerts and TR and NC...don't. Well, not as much, anyway.
  5. Phrygen

    I highly doubt that will change. It is what it is.
  6. TeknoBug

    What? What part of my message gave you that idea?

    I was in NNG, I left it when I stopped playing on Mattherson, I didn't want to play on a highly overpopulated VS faction.
  7. Negator

    Everything you had to say has been pointless whining. VS has only been overpopped during non prime time for the last 2 months, and fairly close at prime time (no worse then the NC overpop at launch). VS pop is now even. Even before, there are ways to get even fights while on the overpopped faction.

    You act like Matherson is a terrible terrible place for no particular reason at all. If you want to go to a server where everyone is clueless and you can mindlessly just zerg around, do your thing, but dont act like because matherson has an edge to it that makes it a 'bad apple'. What is soooo bad about matherson that you 'have wanted to transfer since day 1'?
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  8. Lady Majestica

    I'm sorry, but since I have a character there still, I'll continue to talk about it as I like. As for good name, mattherson has been the laughing stock of PS2 for a long time. The Buzz rants, TE/AoD civil war, Ginyu Force rules, huge amounts of VS overpop and the VS gloating about our amazing victories earned during it, endless TR and NC complaints because of it.

    All servers have their issues. Mattherson simply makes their's bigger and and more bloated than anyone else. They brag more, cry more, and glam it up more. I know, as a VERY vocal VS member both in the forums and in game, I was part of it. It just gets in the way of the game too much though. Mattherson takes the faction hate to a totally different level, and not a healthy one.

    You're free to call me whatever names you like, I'm not going to insult you back at all. I think people are starting to realize the game can be a lot more fun without the drama, and are leaving Mattherson to find that. Like me they are discovering new severs, making new friends, and having fun. Once transfer tokens come out, I suspect Mattherson will be a very boring place.
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  9. Giggily

    All of you scrubs complaining about how boring it is to be Mattherson VS during alerts just need to realize that you can show up uninvited to the TR/NC fights. Friday night we sat on a ridge with a bunch of Lashers and Lancers and shot at the NC and TR fighting between Tawrich Depot and Tower.

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  10. CrashB111

    Trust me I was letting the AOD platoon I was in have it for their disastrous decision making abilities when they made the decision to attack Zurvan.
  11. TeknoBug

    Wow creating new words for me are you? I said nothing about zerg, bad apple, etc. I don't like Mattherson because of the toxic community (search the forums, I'm NOT the only one that's mentioned it) and yes VS has been overpopulated even DURING peak hours, ****, even the sirisan site proves it.
  12. jak

    VS have far more active, smaller tactical outfits that move quickly on alert objectives, allowing the larger outfits to push the main front. I haven't seen many TR/NC outfits that fit that same mold other than a few notable exceptions. The TR/NC seem to congregate around the main fights far more for some reason.
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  13. miraza

    It can change. You need GOOD outfits that try and corral the big influx of newbies from the recommended servers change into becoming good players. The worst thing that can happen to a faction is having every newbie sucked up into zergfits that set a waypoint and consider that the end of coordination. Then the newbies have a bad experience and quit the game.

    TAS wrecked the NC in that regard and I think that faction is unfixable on Mattherson. TR isn't that godawful, yet. You still have time.

    Or maybe AOD is the TR's TAS...
  14. VoidMagic

    For God Sake TR quit fighting each other and fight the NC.

    VS naw... were totally harmless. :D ignore us.
  15. KoS-1

    In those immortal words...."stupid is, stupid does"
  16. Mustarde

    That's hilarious! I agree that the TR need to start caring again - the pops are much better (not perfect). If we tried, they might end up being fun!

    I liked how the continent alerts changed the game. I don't like how the dome/amp/tech alerts changed the game. But ultimately, the TR need to start caring again.
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  17. FnkyTwn

    It's so nice to see you getting a fresh start under a new identity and on a new server
    and yet you still can't stop being you. That must be tough for you to finally realize.
    In one post you talk about having to "start a new TR character because you were so
    hated on your VS for trash talking TR/NC", and then in the next post you're beef is
    that 'GINYU FORCE RULES!' was /yelled after a battle so you just had to leave.

    I guess the biggest difference is that GOKU isn't a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobes
    and our leadership works extremely closely with the leaders of the other major VS outfits.

    GOKU goes where it's needed, and while we do trash talk.. it's pretty silly to compare us
    to TE, and honestly it makes me think you don't know anything about TE/BCP. We don't
    have a BCP-like member, and we don't tolerate racism, even ironically. If you can't handle
    some trash talk AFTER we've won an area, then you're either too thin skinned to be online,
    or you're just looking for something to be angry about. This thread is about TR being unable
    to engage in meaningful combat on Mattherson, even when they have big pop advantages.


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  18. EliteEskimo

    You guys aren't as bad as BCP, and hopefully you won't ever make racist or sexist comments like he did, but that isn't to say you aren't like TE in most of the trash talk ways. I handle trash talk all the time, and I've been on Mattherson since the first day it was launched. But I merely was playing in the trash talk invested lands that is Mattherson. Goku members were grown in the ways of trash talk, molded by it, and now it is indeed second nature to them if not first. :p
  19. FnkyTwn

    Yeah maybe. We all have daddy issues.
  20. HEAT

    Holy crap TR won an alert prime time. That being said....