Striker is rediculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codeak, Apr 24, 2013.


    You do realize that Infantry rarely ever render at the 300 meter range. And if the fight is anything near large the Lib will be forced to hover at low altitude for the HA to appear. While that whole time the HA gets free time to shoot away at the LIb who is looking for the invisible menace. And we can't make the 1v1 argument here either since it is rarely just one dude shooting at you.
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  2. Lord Mandalore

    ITT: OP says that strikers are overpowered.
    Do you play TR? You have no say.
    Do you fly liberators only sometimes? You have no say.
    Do you think flares, armor, and a speed chassis is a counter? You better BELIEVE you have no say.

    Also I'm not sure you've tried to use those things. Tried one out today, and the second mag is bugged and does no damage, and the rockets go all everywhere if air even dives down an inch.
  3. bobzebrick

    This thread... Waa waa... Please give my back my Dalton easy mode so I can hover at 500m and camp every spawn possible location.

    Pack flares, use cover to break lock, prioritize targets. It's broken since GU07 also, so just wait until it is fixed again. More tears will flow.

    Except it takes team work for a lib be successful. Stryker requires you to breath air and point and click.
  5. Codeak

    This is the funniest **** in the world, I have to spend hundreds of resources and be burdened by a respawn timer if i die in a lib but a HA can camp in the spawn room and have a guaranteed win.

    And no lib is going to go looking for single HA's in the middle of no where rofl... this is a game with thousands of people playing on each continent, they are going to be looking to help their squad take out another squad. So saying it takes OVER 15 rockets (WHOAA) is really silly because we all know squads dont just assign one HA with a striker to be their whole AA backbone.

    Learn to play rofl thats a terribly lazy thing to say. Especially since the lib pilot puts 300% more effort then a HA standing still and point-clicking.

    haha, come on you can do better.
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  6. Fenrisk

    So a squad dedicated towards anti-air should be useless at its job? Sorry if a lib or 2 can't tackle 10 guys using strikers with a engy and a medic. OMG squads are over- powered we better nerf them. We better call SOE to nerf squad play so the lib farmers can have easy infantry kills.

    Check the scoreboards. Lib guns are higher on the score board for experience per hour then all the new rocket launchers including the striker. If strikers are OP then so are libs. /thread
  7. void666

    Is striker the only AA lock on launcher out there?
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  8. Slyguy65

    Be aware guys codeak is just a troll...that is all.
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    Flares only help you escape, so the effect is the same: the Striker removed you from combat in its area of influence

    Cover to break lock: Not much cover in the air. Perhaps on Amerish that might be viable. Try it on Esamir (even in a tank) and let me know how that works.

    Prioritize: You dont know where the target is until it fires. After it fires, it relocates while you are trying to break the lock on probably nonexistent cover. The only hope of 'prioritizing' a target and actually killing it is if its a HA in the middle of a vast open plain with nowhere to go.

    Got any more? :)
  10. DashRendar

    Don't try to explain it, most people who never fly just don't understand that air is not a skilless xp farm fest of point and click win.

    No one is saying that Striker is kill farm heaven, but it creates no fly zones that entire squads of skilled Liberator pilots cannot overcome, they would do best to just avoid the area. You can say the same about all forms of AA, but striker takes it to a whole new level. Flying during alerts is horrible.
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  11. bobzebrick

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  12. RomulusX

    Codeak, you clearly have not enough experience in this game to be flying libs effectively. Just put in another 93 days of playtime and your opinion will see things more clearly :eek:
  13. Codeak

    I didnt say the "flares armor and speed chasis is a counter" thing so ill assume you actually think that is a counter.
    Flares only last for 5 seconds, so you can escape. 5 seconds isn't enough time to find AND kill a group of lock on-ers.
    Armor...? Last I checked that only affected small arms and flak. (at this point im not even sure if you play planetside)
    Speed chasis, what? I am going to run away from the rockets or somehow make those 5 seconds from the flares extra special? lol.

    I do believe i've tried everything in this game lol.
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  14. Shire5k

    OP: Just stop attacking TR altogether. Or, just stop playing. Either or.
  15. Codeak

  16. HazyW

    I too, fly liberators at high altitude and then complain about all the lockons that have a clear LOS on me. TO THE FORUMS!
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  17. UrMom306

    The striker is an area denial tool, if your getting locked retreat to re-group and attack again (this goes for any vehicle). I'm sick of all these vehicle ****** who think they can just rambo ride in and destroy everything without doing a single repair or anything.
  18. bobzebrick

    Yeah so lets nerf the worst performing ESRL and just leave the others... Ever heard of a little thing called balance. I could turn around and say the other two are way too overpowered for ground, they are performing much better. Why are you not complaining for that to be nerfed? Probably because you fly a Lib and not a MBT.
  19. Armchair

    I just think its funny that OP's main character is a BR 100 TR that has spent several days in a liberator and people are telling him that he should l2p the lib.
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  20. SebDollar

    I'm not by anyway against teamplay. I'm against that TR have a more powerful option than the VS and NC...
    And i don't think SPM should be a metric on witch you measure how powerful a weapon or tactic is.. The XP you get for individual tasks are completely arbitrary and change with almost every GU.

    And before you write me of as a pissed of Liberator farmer, you are welcome to check my stats..!/5428010917244072145/vehicles