Striker has been fixed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by phreec, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Copasetic

    What they're fixing is that missiles in general go through terrain if that terrain isn't rendered for the person who fired the missile. Has nothing to do with steering around things.
  2. Bindlestiff

    That is what I am hoping, but others are suggesting that we'll simply now see the crazy turns and evasion (as shown in my bug post) whereas previously it appeared to be coming through the floor / wall / whatever.

    We'll know soon enough.
  3. DeadliestMoon

    So only the Striker should be a cruise missile launcher instead of Lock-on. Okay. As long as other lock-ons are unaffected.
  4. DeadliestMoon

    Rude much?
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  5. Goretzu

    I suspect it's more to do with Phoenixes being able to fly though stuff if they flew further, myself. I'm not convinced by the loading screen reason.
  6. Bvenged

    You have got to be kidding me.

    I used a Striker ONCE. ONCE.

    When my outfit rolled as TR for a single evening to play alongside one of our rival outfits, BRTD, I trialled the Striker but only ended up using it for 10 minutes... The moment you fire that first shot, if your target skitters behind a rock, a cliff, a tree, a hill, a mountain... whatever. Wham! all 5 rockets will hit regardless.

    If I can use the damn launcher ONCE and see it happening numerous times, how you have not seen it happen once blows my mind.
  7. Copasetic

    I couldn't believe it either when I read it the first time, but it makes sense. They treat the Phoenix as a vehicle, when it explodes you're instantly 'teleported' back to where your characters has been standing the whole time. Since this happens much faster than the background asset streaming can handle you get a loading screen.
  8. Bindlestiff

    Not really. SOE have documented they have fixed an issue which it was stated by Spartan101 can't possibly be an issue because he hasn't seen it. The hundreds - perhaps thousands - of players over the course of every week who get affected by it, some taking to the forums, are wrong because he personally hasn't seen it.

    I was merely suggesting that he is either not concentrating on the game when playing (understandable given the ease of use of the Striker), or is hoping all this talk of the Striker finally behaving is heresay so he can continue to use the broken mechanic to his advantage. That isn't rude.
  9. Madmojo

    When using the striker I've never seen hit markers when the target gets behind an obstacle. When shot at by the striker this happens all the time. What I have seen with striker is missles reengaging and hitting after flares wear off.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    What about rockets already in flight?

    Being a little dramatic don't you think?
  11. Bill Hicks

    That is not the only issue with the turret. Still needs a global cooldown. So engies cant fire and run away and it will still cooldown.

    Needs to stop one shotting infantry. and it needs its hitbox reduced by alot.
  12. SanPelicano

    What about the fact that striker ignores the flare? Is it fixed also?

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  13. Aegie

  14. Spartan101

    Your statement was a tad uncivilized but i wouldn't go as far as to say rude. You are simply presenting your opinion and i completely agree that there is a broken mechanic that indeed does need to be fixed, but let me quote another of your posts and bring to attention a specific point

    The answer to this is simple. ponder this statement, "Don't think about elephants". Be honest, the first thing you thought about was elephants wasn't it, followed closely by "what is this idiot going on about". Allow me to clarify with a real world example.

    Bigfoot, does he exist or doesn't he? a question that has pondered many a mind, some people claim to have seen this creature, talk about it, even have photographic or video evidence. Does this make i true that bigfoot exists? who knows.

    I bring this up because it is similar to the striker in that the striker is bigfoot, even when presented with much more logical reasons why there is a big footprint in the ground, people still choose to believe that is caused by bigfoot. This is the same as the striker. The striker itself does not cause any bugs or issues at all, it only presents itself as the cause. The real cause as i have previously stated and the patch note support, the issue is with remote client vs local client. The patch notes listing the fixes is simply the list of symptoms cause by the issue that player can expect to see a notable change in.
    This issue did exist before the striker too, but thanks to the striker's 5 round clip, the only new aspect added to the mix, made the remote client projectile tracking issue more apparent.

    Think about it this way, 2 TR heavies line up to fire at an enemy aircraft (an esf in this example with a larger than normal pool of HP), one with a striker and one with an annihilator. Somehow they start aiming and manage to time it so they both finish locking onto the enemy at the same time. They both fire their first shot, both travel to the target and impact, there is little time to react. The annihilator is finished now and can reload, however the striker is still firing. By now the esf know its being hit and is already moving thanks to the lockon warning. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th rockets are firing, but they are now chasing the esf, something the other launchers never had to do. While chasing, the esf flies behind cover, around mountains, trying to evade with the missiles in tow. At this time, i have witnessed on numerous occasions rockets avoiding terrain to an extent. So it is entirely possible that the rockets may miss some objects, but i also know i dont hit every single rocket every-time, so some miss (crashing into terrain, i can only speculate at this point) but someone else in this tread did come up with an interesting point that could also explain differences displayed by different users.

    An interesting point in which he presents the idea that the render distance for terrain on the local client comes into play when tracking rockets mid flight, thus allowing rockets to travel through terrain that isn't rendered on the local client. This could also explain the differences between my own experiences being on a highend machine vs someone with an average rig. Lowering the render range might allow this to occur at shorter distances. And again to clarify, this is rocket tacking on local client vs remote client, not "striker magics".

    There is no short version because people seem to think that the striker has magical abilities to do what it wants, therefore it must be explained in full.
  15. Tommyp2006

    This wont stop the complaints. The nc way nc/vs will stop complaining is if it is completely removed (and not replaced) or nerfed to do less damage than a single lancer shot per mag.
  16. Wayfar

    Yeah that was ONE of the issues with it.
  17. lothbrook

    I'd say it also needs to have a max range, seeing the rocket hit you is great and all, but you're still shooting at a little pixel on the horizon. But lock on range for all weapons should be reduced to about 300m for ground targets.
  18. Slandebande

    500m for air, 400m for ground. Just wanted to put it out there.

    Everything goes through those shields as long as they don't render. It's nothing special with the AV MANA nor with the Striker like some people have claimed :p That it is annoying as frick is for certain, even for the aggressor outside the shields, as I don't feel like exploiting such things for easy kills. Sometimes I manage to get a kill or two before me or my gunner realize what's happening. So lame :(

    I've used my Striker a bit since it was introduced, and I do not share your views on it. In my experience, if they go behind cover, I will not get full hit markers every time. It will happen at times, but it is not more often than not. The people who are arguing against the Striker then say that it is because of the bugs not showing the hit markers, but that still doesn't fit with your particular case. That you base your arguments on anecdotal evidence based on 1 scenario doesn't really help your case.
    If I can use the damn launcher way more than your 1 time, and see it not happening very often, how does that leave your argument?
  19. SpcFarlen

    Just like how the TR wont stop complaining about Scat/ZOE MAX... blah blah blah and anything else that empire specific. People will complain about anything they dont have. Will call it OP, or what have you just in the simple fact that "If i cant have it, no one can". Three year olds do this all the time.

    However i do think lock-ons still arent where they should be.
    ~You can still fire the Striker even if LOS is gone, you just had to get lock in the first place and spam fire. This needs to change.
    ~You can fire them while you still arent rendered at the target you are firing at. This also... needs to change
    ~Missile pathing will avoid objects at any cost. This also needs to change so players can actively evade them if they use terrain to their advantage. Which currently all you can do is outrun.
    ~Their range is far too long for missile travel, 500m/400m lock-on and an over 800m combined with a flight time and issues above means again.. you cant evade them.
    ~Also the weapons behave the same for both air and land vehicles

    Back in beta you saw a lot more pilots using varying load outs, some even using scout radar -LE GASP-. But with the teeter-totter of "Is Air OP or is AA OP?", sweeping changes were made to both in relatively short amounts of time. The Annihilator, sorry for this, nearly annihilated all vehicular gameplay when you started seeing full platoons using them.

    Lock-on mechanics needs to change and i hope with the ESF update where you must "Maintain lock on for missile to guide properly" It will change things. You wont be able to just lock on, fire, and run inside a building. You have to stand out there exposed if you want to get that lovely hit sound. You will also have to be unobstructed, so pilots/drivers can use terrain to block lock even after the missile has been fired. It will bring some skill involved with actually using lock-ons and not a mindless point and click.
  20. Bvenged

    Still valid, because when the vast majority of a faction uses this one bugged lock-on launcher, all these "not happening very often"'s stack up to "every god-damn time" for the receiving end. Just because your shot is hitting that tree, doesn't mean one the other 11 people stood around you with strikers pointed at that one target aren't passing through the tree as though it's made of wet paper.

    My encounter was evidence to me that I wasn't going mad, and that it really does bug up and clip terrain. It seems the further a target is, the more likely it'll clip terrain and cover to hit them.