Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. mina5

    i putted this in some other ZOE thread too and im going to put it in here too

    ZOE is OP in its current state and even stats show that .

    why is it every VS player seems to think it is ok to need teamwork and special grenades to kill ZOE MAX when same time
    its ok to not need team work and special grenades to kill other factions MAX units ?

    and why is it VS got ability what is must need and TR and NC got ability what is highly situational and has large disadvantages too ?
    • Up x 1
  2. Slaidd

    Sure as soon as VS get a version of Lockdown and Aegis.
  3. Slaidd

    All Max's should not be able to be revived. At all.
  4. Slaidd

    I wish I could up vote your post more than once. So instead, I'll just reply with a big **** YEAH!
  5. DuckSauce

    [Guide] [PSA] [Video] NO NEVER
  6. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Dear god... a ZOE Scatmax.

    That's a horrifying thought. It reduces the amount of projectiles required to kill infantry by one. The reduces the Blueshifts to what? 6 center-mass shots to kill infantry? With an NC MAX, you would just clear rooms by aiming in the general direction of it. It would mow down other MAX units like cardboard.

    **** to the no... not all factions should get ZOE.

    That being said... we just wanted our Jumpjets!


    (But that still wouldn't stop the forums from crying about how OP jump jets are/would be)
  7. Tasogie

    No I wasnt worried about being repaired. I made that vid deliberately. There was only 5 NC in the dome so it wasn't a full on battle.
  8. vanu123

    Yes because the fastest dying max is OP.
  9. vanu123

    It would be balanced because youd only have half the firepower and half the accuracy. Also the stats are that way because only the most skilled people used the VS max because it was so bad, now we finally got something good and people are using them alot more.
  10. vanu123

    Your tank is the best one, only problem is that the NC have no idea how to aim their tanks
  11. vanu123

    Thats only because few people used it, the only people that used it were people that rolled in them 24/7 and were awesome at it thus the higher KD, now that it isnt trash alot of people are using them.
  12. Pivke

    the VS max was never bad, it was the best all the time judging by stats...
    and as we all know (and even a high ranked SOE employee admitted): VS does not use anything that isnt completely OP
    so much about why do you use so much maxes now...

    p.s. i dont intend to stop complaining about ZOE until it is not fixed/nerfed/reworked
  13. vanu123

    Higby said it so it must be true. You only say it is OP because people are actually using our maxs now, before did you even notice a VS max AT ALL!? No you didnt because they were few and far between and only the most 1337 of the VS used them thus the high KDs.
  14. Kevorkian

    I've easily killed players with one Hacksaw. So go right ahead, give me the ability to walk up and blast people away with my Hacksaw behind my Aegis. You haven't the slightest clue what balance is.

    VS max was never bad. It had the highest KD of all 3 maxes BEFORE it got ZOE. It just wasn't optimal in CQC versus the overpopulated Scattmax. That's the only reason why the masses didn't make use of it before. Most combat is CQC, but the few instances you can get out in the open, the VS max could really shine, like it does now.

    Not sure why you bothered replying to Pivke. He misinterpreted a joke as fact. Higby's comment was a poor attempt at humor.

    You have people who couldn't break a positive kd, now racking up kill streaks they could only dream of before. The average kd (including the scrubs that field maxes), is going up. Therefor, it's not just the top tier players driving the average up... they're too tiny of a minority.
  15. Winfield

    I might be a bit drunk, but what is this supposed to mean? Do you mean aiming their main guns? Why is my tank the best one? What?

    I'm a decent Vanguard driver, but I'd never put myself out as the best, I like to take too many chances to be the best.
  16. vanu123

    Your tank has the highest armor and hardest hitting guns. But the NC especially complain about the magrider being OP because it can "dodge shots" but that is fixed when you learn to hit moving targets.
  17. vanu123

    I am not saying it is not OP, but just tweak the other factions max weapons and leave it alone, OR slightly tweak ZOE to take less damage and do less damage but keep the speed the same.
  18. Winfield

    There is no complaining going on about tanks anymore. You are delusional.
    If anyone has a right to whine about tanks it is the TR that has the worst ES secondaries(The vulcan is useless).
  19. vanu123

    I like the vulcan lol on my TR character.