Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vanu123, Jun 11, 2013.


    Why not?
  2. sindz

    Im not thouching that MBT discussion with a 40 foot pole, im only talking MAX's.

    The problem with scatmax is, you _cant_ react to it, if you run around a corner, enter a doorway and there is a scatmax, its instant death, nothing can be done. No other max in the game can do this, not even remotely close. Yes, granted NC MAX sucks at range, but they shine in close range, like _really_ shine.

    The VS MAX pre ZOE had no area where it excelled, it was the "best" at long range, but still horrible bad. Was unbelieveable bad at close range and people straight up laughed and engaged it 1vs1. Now with ZOE the VS MAX has an "nieche" area where it actually shines, and NC and TR are making it out to be the end of times, which its clearly not.

    The ZOE MAX is a strong ability, im not denying that, but is it OP? No, I dont think so, it has so many downsides for what it gets, the only thing I could see as a "fix" would be a toggle timer, so you cant abuse that like there is no tomorrow. Other than that, its more than fine. And when all is set and done I have been playing around with the ZOE since release, and I actually only use it to get around, whenever im in a firefight i turn it off, cause its a deathsentence more often than a benefit. And not to mention, it costs around 7k certs to actually pull of ZOE really well.

    If they touch the zoe in any other way, it becomes completely and utterly useless, SOE should just have given us jumpjets.
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  3. BalogDerStout

    Hey NC,

    You guys need to slow down, I've been sustaining myself on your tears for the better part of the last few weeks and have grown pretty fat from it. I've started bottling your tears to take to the gym to burn off the extra weight, but I can't bottle it fast enough and it's starting to cause water damage.

    I now know why they gave the phoenix launcher to the NC, it's the sound they make when they come to the forum "Whhhhhaaaaaaa"
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  4. Bearcat

    I don't complain about ZOE, but I will now that I have been told to stop ;)

    It's still overpowered when compared to the other MAX abilities. Your suggested fix/balance sounds fine to me... however, I have to admit that I don't care if ZOE is a little overpowered.
  5. TheFullCologne

    spawning as MAX = 250 resources.


    MAX can only be revived by maxed out medic tool.

  6. Winfield

    Well, as I said. I intended no sarcasm(Might've seemed like it). ZOE can stay as is, aslong as TR/NC MAXes are capable of fighting on par.

    And as infantry, how do you react to shotguns when they're behind the corner? pump-actions? Only difference here is that with being infantry with shotguns(Thank god infantry can't dualwield them) is that MAX is more durable and move slower.

    Lining up some things for you, I only compare these with the MAX ES Abilities, not charge.

    -Infantry like speed. While firing, faster than infantry.
    -Damage boost, you may say this is negligible, but people do take Nanoweave certs for a reason aswell and math on those has been done.
    -Damage taken increase, only truly visible through smart use of explosives/rocket launchers.

    The ZOE MAX Stays extremely mobile and IF you are an avid gamer, you should know that SPEED = LIFE.

    Aegis MAX
    -Extreme Damage in close range, becomes almost useless at medium. Slugs fix this to some degree.
    -Slow, no charge.
    -Shield that absorbs frontal damage, extremely slow movement when used

    The Aegis MAX is extremely good when used with a coordinated team, it's downside is you can't truly be aware of what's happening around you since you have to point DIRECTLY in the direction where the fire is coming from. Lastly, I think this ability is AWESOME, just as it is. I can't see a way of buffing it without it becoming OP.

    Lockdown MAX
    -Stationary, extreme sustained damage boost.
    -Cannot look behind itself, smart squad placement needed.
    -STATIONARY..I mentioned that right?

    I don't even have words for the MAX Lockdown ability. It's most probably the most boring mechanic you could ever figure out for a MAX. Sure, they have an easy time defending a biolab, but I wouldn't trade my Aegis for the lockdown, ever.

    Out of all these 3 MAXes(Wow, I've said this before too!) the TR have the short end of the stick. A boring, situational ability where you're begging for rockets and C4.

    The Aegis Shield is super awesome to use and it feels satisfying after a successful MAX crash if you manage to break the enemy's defense.

    The ZOE...well...it has no real downside. The only downside of damage taken is taken aback by the fact that it has infantry like speed. It allows it to evade bullets/rockets and even C4.

    TL;DR: If you don't understand that speed is life, you probably haven't been playing FPS games for long.
  7. BaptistsK90

    Well put Winfield, that's what I always see lacking on these forums is an unbiased view on each Factions weapons and loadouts.

    I don't think anyone will disagree that something needed to be done with the VS Max, but as it stands it has an unfair advantage against other Max's and more importantly against Infantry in General, If I knew nothing about the game the one thing that shows me it's OP is the % of VS who run as ZOE max's, it screams that it will be nerfed.

    Now to anyone looking to Quote my post, I don't care because I know SOE has the stats and the figures I know they'll be looking at the line graphs and pie charts, so if you're a VS player and you can't admit it, I don't care one fig.

    As Ned Stark once said

    Winter is coming.
  8. Phrygen

    you had multiple chances to get repaired. You are just a bad max pilot.
  9. Phrygen

    the VS max pre zoe had the highest k/d of all maxes (post NC scatmax nerf)
  10. Rhiaci

    No no no, you got it all wrong. VS players are just naturally better Max players now, like they were naturally better tank drivers than the other factions before the Magrider nerf.
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  11. treeHamster

    And most likely the lowest score rate of all the MAX's. Of course lets compare that with the 6 weeks of Prowler side which made a TON of people quit where you had droves of TR that would ONLY pilot a Prowler and not do anything else. Had the highest KDR of anything in the game AND highest score rate. This is while the TR have the highest population which by the laws of economics, says it should have had a MUCH lower score rate if the game was more balanced, of course it didn't though.

    Now lets look at ZOE. Better KDR on the faction with the lowest population by a wide margin, with the lowest score rate of any MAX and all of this on top of being on a faction where support is harder to find than a leprechaun with a pot of gold.
  12. C0L0NELH0GAN

    ... due to the point, that AA MAXes kills Air, while they are not rendering for Air!
    So AA MAXes have a higher KDR as AI MAXes - got it?

    BCP should punch you with 120 MAXes :confused:
  13. Rhiaci

  14. Phrygen

    the kill rate when using bursters is very very low. I'd insult you but its against the forum rules.
  15. SolLeks

    Honestly, What do you think Shotgun maxes should do? Tickle you point blank?
  16. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Mine was/is quite good! As I mentioned before, the KDR is because of the use from AA MAX on VS side... Higby never said, what SPM the three factions had, he only sopke about the KDR - and the use of AA is the answer to this...

    Insult me if you want - i'm so tired of ******** facts about ZOE that I don't mind that at all

    Let me quote someting from an earlier post:
    At this time, I decided for me, that Forumside now comes to a level, which is beyond sillyness! And if the Devs decide to hear to this "facts" is the day I quit PS2
  17. Phrygen

    starting skimming this.. then decided not to read it.

    All i'm getting from this is you don't want to lose ZOE.
  18. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Same as you don't want to loose your FractureMAX - there's a family photo from you
  19. dreadnought582

  20. dreadnought582

    what is zoe any ways