Still not sure why you'd spend 1000 certs on T32

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by TheBloodEagle, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Lazaruz

    I keep running out of ammo when using the Bull. I wish it had 60 rounds more in the ammo pool, then maybe I would use it more often.
    I'm putting off auraxiuming it as long as I can, luckily I got so many LMG's that it might take a while.
  2. Kronic

    Yeah it's pretty bad weapon by the looks of it. Even if they were to increase its rpm to 700, it would still be a worse SVA-88 with lower vertical recoil. Might as well do it.
  3. Hoki

    T32 Bull is an excellent weapon in that it's ADS handling is nearly effortless with a foregrip and compensator.

    Really the biggest difference between the T16 Rhino is the smaller magazine, but the T32 Bull reloads very quickly for an LMG, a stat many HAs put no value on. I do value a quick reload and find the usefulness for 100 rounds as apposed to 60 to be few and far between.

    Its close to the T16 Rhino in handling but has less recoil. Its really interesting to see people praise the Rhino and curse the Bull in the same post.
  4. NoctD

    I think the T32 needs a bump to the 698 ROF category - as it stands today, there's just better weapons in all categories to pick from.

    Its really sad - even the T5 AMC and Pulsar C compare to the T32, it needs a bit of extra oomph to give it some reason to exist. Plus it only has that 60 round clip... for a close support good handling weapon, it needs a bit faster of a TTK. Why does VS get more 698 weapons than TR, whose main trait should be ROF?

    This gun lacks both ROF and more bullets. It does handle nicely, but it feels like you're self gimping by picking to use it right now.
  5. Mxiter

    If you spend 1000 certs on a LMG, you get better to get the NS15M wich is better almost everywere.
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  6. Rogueghost

    I'm saving the t32 for last, I have auraxium with every single TR lmg but the carv s and the t32 bull, and so far I'm liking the carv s more then the t32, as sad as it is.
  7. KnightCole

    I wouldnt spend 100 certs on the T32, its a 143@652 gun.
  8. Jovisfulmen

    Which is exactly what make this gun easier to handle. Low recoil per shot and low recoil over time make it more accurate than 698 or 750 rpm weapons. Accuracy help killing stuff faster at range and help the ammo conservation too.
    The only probleme of that lmg : it's almost identical to the NS-15M, except slightly inferior because the 27 more rpm does not worth the longer reload and the lack of 0.75 speed multiplier.
  9. KnightCole

    Except in most combat situations the slower RoF gets one wasted. If you both are doing 143 dmg but one is doing it almost 100RpM slower, the slower RoF will lose in that case, and I often saw that with my several BRs with the Rhino. Hell, I see that with the CARV-S and thats only 52RpM slower then the 750s. Pulsar LSW on my Vanu chick, that thing has a horrid ttk compared to Orion or T9.
  10. Pie Chasm

    That is the issue. Once you master the recoil, you barely need a foregrip/compensator and suddenly the DPS/TTK becomes relevant..

    Not to mention that the Pulsar LSW is a straight downgrade to the SVA-88, sort of how like the GD-22S is a downgrade to the EM6, perhaps even more so.

    It's kind of ridiculous when most of the weapons available to you suck (or are at least strictly worse than the alternatives), at least that's the situation for VS/TR.

    For the NC you have the following "good" weapons: EM6, NC6

    You have the following "average" weapons (comparable to TMG-50): GD-22S, SAW-S, Anchor

    You only have one ****** weapon: EM1

    For the TR you have the following "good" weapons: CARV-9, MSW-R

    "Average": TMG-50, CARV-S

    ****** weapons: T16, T32

    " " VS: Orion

    "" "average": Pulsar-LSW, SVA-88, Flare

    ******: Ursa, Polaris

    I think everything should be brought up to the average tier, at least.
  11. KnightCole

    Yeah, VS gun selection overall does not at all impress me. THe Flare is just a TMG50 and that gun is very bleh imo. Ursa, its in the same boat as the 143@652 guns. 167@550 is simply to low of dmg for the RoF. 167@577 is right borderline meh and decent, I suppose the most balanced, idk. 167@600 works rather well.
  12. Jovisfulmen

    The DPS only matters between 0 and 20 meters, really. High RoF weapons will help you to hit a target if you have a so-so aim, but that's all. After 30 meters the accuracy will always win against the high/RoF high dps. Try to kill a dude at mid range with the Orion, get your *** kicked, now do it again with the Pulsar LSW and win.

    No. You never ever master the recoil absolutly perfectly. The recoil is just as important as the CoF -if not even even more- for the accuracy. The higher the vertical recoil, the higher the probability you lose control for a split second. Not to mention the fact that horizontal recoil is uncontrolable and is the main accuracy factor of all in a long range combat (that's why you do need a foregrip, and why Orion or Carv suck at medium to long range)

    About the Pulsar LSW, it's overall less useful than the SVA-88 (the 0.75 ads speed is the main pro of the weapon), but it has the advantage of being more accurate in medium range, because the less vertical recoil you have to manage, the more you can work on your aim.

    DPS or RoF help new players hitting something, but once you stop being new, the subpar RoF and high accuracy is a real gift for everything outside close quarter.

    When i see how you rate weapons, i think you misunderstood the role of some of them :

    -Anchor is great in close quarter
    -GD22S is great at medium to long range
    -Pulsar LSW and SVA-88 are the two greatest Vanu LMG in medium range and close-to-medium range respectively
    -Ursa is great in long range
    -The NS-15M kicks some serious ***

    Those are not "average" or "subpar" weapons, those are weapon that excel in one specific scenario. If you use Carv or Orion for every scenario you get it wrong.

    To the point of the thread, the T32 is not a bad LMG but it need to be buffed a little to be brought up to the level of the NS-15M.
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  13. Pie Chasm

    Too obvious...
  14. ColdCheezePizza

    Rhino ammo pool = 400
    Bull ammo pool = 240

    Rhino short reload speed = 3.96
    Bull short reload speed = 3.195
    Only scrubs long reload a 100 round LMG, so the difference is less then a second for a full 40 rounds more.

    Also the 40 muzzle velocity the Rhino has on the Bull makes a small but noticeable difference long range and especially if your using a suppressor where the Rhino excels at. Also many players prefer not to use a compensator because it increases your exposure on the minimap. If your gonna settle for almost half the clip the NS15 is superior to the Bull in almost everyway, Bull is between a rock and a hard place.
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  15. KnightCole

    At distance the enemy simply gets behind cover before the Pulsar kills anyone. Moving seems to make the Pulsar a non factor. Ive not done much with the Orion. But I have used the T9 CARV, TMG50, CARV-S and T16 a fair bit. Of them, the T9 is undeniably in my mind the best for the widest array of situations this game presents. CARV-S is like the Pulsar, fire and fire but die or dont kill the target. TMG50 is a so so gun, seems to be on a period every so often and just fail. T16 its a 143@652 and just sucks entirely, its accurate but thats it
  16. Jovisfulmen

    Carv-S is nothing like the Pulsar LSW. Carv-S has too much vertical recoil and horiontal recoil, making it inaccurate. There is a whole world between those two LMG.

    About your "enemies running for cover" before you kill them, the problem does not come from the weapon. It takes 8 bullets to kill at range, you just need 1 second (or a bit more with a few miss) to kill it with a 652 rpm LMG. How can they run to cover in such a short time ? It doesn't happen very often. What i see is that most of them try to fight back and die, or they run and die too, unless very lucky.
  17. KnightCole

    Thats without lag and stuff. Toss in lag, misses and everything else, it usually takes like 15 rounds for me to kill a person. I once got a stationary target for my Gauss SAW, it was 8 rounds for a kill at a decent range. Then later I got one just outside a tower which I single shot, 8 rounds for the kill. Even now for my CARV, I notice 15 rounds for a kill. There is plenty of time to get to cover. There is usually a corner or hill or rock to jump behind for cover. Or an enemy shoots my ***.
  18. bubbacon

    TMG 50...well...I sorta have a love/hate relationship with it, but if you can master that thing...the rest are cake. Carv S is absolute garbage. You'll hit more friendlies with that thing than enemies.I Like the MSW-R for CQC and I to have started using Da BULL lately...and I actually like it. One thing that I this is just from my experience, SP and HV ammo are worthless imo. I dont run that ammo on any weapon...but thats just me.
  19. Schwak

    Rhino is by far the best all around usage LMG.
  20. Mxiter

    I prefer MSW-R with foregrip since most of battles are at close-mid range and switch to TMG for longers encounters.