Sticky Grenades now really sticks!

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Brainiac88, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. o.Solei.o

    Oh, totally forgot to add this the other day: Times I an most thankful for stickies, when some LA plants a squad-bacon somewhere I can see, but not shoot. On top of an antenna tower? Waaaaaaay below me on a cliff-face? Toss sticky nade, walk away. (Take care not to look at explosions.)
  2. Frosty The Pyro

    best way to kill a scatmax is likely lasher+conc grenade. Lashers deal explosive damage, so maxes only have 2666 effective health against them, compared to 10,000 to 13,333 effective health against bullets. Conc grenade lets you get in safely to plow his face. Just whish there was a better way to tell when the conc goes off and who got hit.

    atmitidly thats a HA solution not a ENG solution
  3. Blitzkrieg

  4. Ryekir

    I never had any problems with them not sticking to walls or other hard surfaces, but I'm glad they finally fixed them so that they stick to people :)

    This is my new favorite thing to do, especially if my magazine runs out and I know I am screwed; at least I know I'll take the other guy with me!

    It's also hilarious, because most people see the flashing grenade symbol and turn around to run toward their friends... :)
  5. commandoFi

    Lets not forget using them for anti vehicle time bombs: sticky nade down, then C4 or mines. Regardless if you die they will go off within about 3 seconds.
  6. schwarzklang

    Can you see the sticky grenades when it stick on you face?^^
  7. Cirevam

    Good question... if you're on Waterson I'll help you find out ;)
  8. X3Killjaeden

    that would be hilarious
    "aw ma gad take it off ! take it off! " blam