State of the Game 11/23/2012 - 8:30pm PST

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Smed, Nov 23, 2012.

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  1. NietCheese

    The flashing screen where objects disappear and you get a single colour on the screen - that bug is awful. At the moment I get about 5 different bugs on a regular basis. 4 are probably due to server issues, but that flashing screen bug is something to do with ATI drivers and the engine (I think).

    Please fix that. Keep up the good work, we are loving the game.

    Also buff NC, the guns are a good 10-20% below the other factions.
  2. NietCheese

    I also play on Connery, I think it's one of the worst. Players warping around all the time...
  3. Akrasjel

    Good to know
  4. Vetala

    The worst thing for me especially when I decide to go sniping is disappearing opposition, there one min then gone the next hope this will be fixed soon. Other than that I'm on miller so glad to see the fixes, keep up the good work.
  5. MatthiasK

    That's good to hear.

    Colorblind Option; Render distance (you seem to have poor network connectons to your ISP and nothing in the range of the 100MBps currently possible in Europe); Galaxy AMS (no way to just take bases behind enemy lines thanks to influence system).

    Edit: I just calculated what 100MBit per second are: 12,5KBit/s per player with 6000 players per server and 50 with 2000 players per server.
  6. Gr33D

    We need more EU servers ;)
  7. Miniman

    Top Notch!
  8. Fleabag

    'ey up Smed'. ;)

    How went the launch from the financial point of view? Care to share please? Has it met targets?

    Basically, how's the wallet? Brim full? :D
  9. Gavyne

    Smed you have a great game here. I never played Planetside before and frankly wasn't going to try it. But since it was free to play, I hopped in, and have been hooked since day 1. I even bought an SOE all access pass (something I've never done) just so I can play planetside 2 and EQ1 now.

    Aside from some harsh criticism on the forums, I'm sure you guys see the raw statistics ingame. There are tons of players playing and it seems like many are loving the game. I can't wait to see what updates, upgrades, and content you'll have for us in the future. This is a gem of a game, take good care of it. I was all but done with SOE until planetside 2, it has drawn me back once again to your games.
  10. absolofdoom

    Render distance renderdistance, render Distance. Distance rendering, render of the distance, distance. Rending to distance render, but distance render please render distance.
    • Up x 1
  11. Convoy

    Thanks for the update. I'm actually pretty impressed with what I've seen so far with the game. Sure I've gotten some lag and what not but for the most part I've been able to play without any trouble. For such a huge map and amount of people playing at once a little lag every now and then hasn't ruined anything for me. I play on (Sean) Connery and there's some spikes a couple times. I thought that it was mostly because I was playing a West server while I live in the East coast.
  12. Vicis

    Thanks for the update!

    I'm sure this will do little to quell the hordes of gamers unsatisfied with their free product, but, hey, I'm certain that those of us that can use our heads for more than whining about unmet subjective expectations are more than happy to hear things are being worked on!
  13. Lazaruz

    Two big ticket items for the next list would be:

    - Consistent infantry render distance.
    - Hit registration problems.

    But then again, these might be just fallout from the general server problems.
  14. orionX65

    Queue bug is not fixed. I've been stuck on position 3 for 15 minutes, it started at 80 and worked normally all the way up to position 3.

    Leaving and rejoining i just get stuck on position 0 and restarting the game gets me immediatly stuck on 33, if anything it's worse than before (Miller server)
  15. MrMojay

    I am sure the servers are being hit hard by this massive game and it is completely understandable that problems arise because of this and it is good to know you guys are working hard on making it right.

    FYI while playing on woodman last night for many hours I noticed 2 things that really frustrated me and my squad mates, first was players warping heavily, trying to shoot an enemy that is warping all over the place is not fun especially when the warping player kills you, second, the in game Voip was very patchy with gaps in the transmission, which made if very frustrating to try and communicate to squad members especially when our community/outfit only uses in game Voip when playing.

    I understand the devs are working hard on fixing things and it really is appreciated, I just think that warping players and patchy Voip are important things to fix right now.

    Thanks for all the hard work you guys are doing and for making such an epic teamwork game.
    • Up x 1
  16. KI-Natas

    I think so, too.
  17. Vortigon

    Thanks for the update Smed - at least you are keeping everyone informed and we can see you are making an effort.
  18. FightingFirst

    Thanks for the update. Appreciate all the hard work and long hours you guys must be putting in. Now Im sure you guys are working and aware of the FPS issues but I was wondering if we could maybe have some kind of official word on the rendering distance of other players? Are there plans to increase it?
  19. KenFGX

    Mantherson this morning has major lag, not sure if my network or the sever.
  20. Timeraider

    Lol.. the evening after this fix, the first even i actually really have lag on Woodman (am amoing the few who dont have lag usually, but this time i had.. surprised me)
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