Spawning hurts the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. UberBonisseur

    The idea is that
    -Attackers should have increasing timers based on their successive death rate
    -Defenders should have fixed timers tied to base assets

    Attackers always benefit from the element of surprise while Defenders have the upper ground on their side.
    Ideally, you want defenders to push out if a siege drags too long because attackers exhausted themselves out of spawns.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    ^THIS is why I'm wary of adding any more death penalties as I'd rather people PTFO rather than hide in fear.

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  3. Ronin Oni

    I said in one of my posts that AMS should have slower spawning precisely to give defenders spawning advantage.

    Though having a gen to take out that adds a spawn penalty (not disables spawn) for smaller bases might make for an interesting extra objective.

    EDIT: Oh, it was the post you quoted... lol.
  4. Dieter Perras

    I actually kind of agree with this, not for the reasons given but for the fact that getting thrown right back into the action doesn't give the player much time to get angry and frustrated and also gives the game better flow.

    Look at COD (ya I know Boo COD and all but no one can deny its popularity) for example the gameplay can be very frustrating but players do feel it to such an extent because you can respawn instantly and be right back to shooting people.

    either way that's just my 2 cents
  5. UberBonisseur

    This man gets it.
  6. Keiichi25

    As much as I get killed in the game and cuss about the spawn timer at times, it is there for a reason, to punish players playing poorly, IE: Running like lemmings off the cliff.

    You don't want people to play like they can throw themselves over and over again through the meat grinder, you want players to 'think' as much as 'react'. Also, with the constant griping about infantry having '0' resource costs against vehicle users, you don't want lemming players to constantly die, come back and then spam you to die and come back after the effort you did to put them down. Death should have a slight consequence. When I play, even knowing I can die, I try to play 'smart' versus lemming, knowing in some situations it is better NOT to enable the enemy by being the 'easy xp' gain.
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  7. maxkeiser

    Top marks for comedy. One of the best humerous posts of the day! lol.
  8. EliteEskimo

    That poor Popcorn! You Monster!:eek:
  9. bPostal

    I simply can not agree with you on this. It's the size and scale that differentiates between PS2 and every other FPS out there. Removing the 'Size always matters' bit turns this game into another <insert popular FPS game here>.
  10. UberBonisseur

    The recent design decisions prove me otherwise.

    I think SOE is just holding back because of a vocal "minority" of players asking for a smarter game.
    As if it'd get closer to a casual Arma3. What a bunch of fools.
  11. KnightCole

    Yeah, I think it should be that as well. The base is pretty much an instant win as soon as SCU dies. Though I have had some nice streaks from inside a freshly destroyed spawn room. People walk in unexpectedly and catch a face full of EM6. Its then fun trying to repel them and see how long I can last before one of htem MAXes me or LA shotguns me in the face....longest was like 6 or 8 I think.