Spawn kill XP going from 25xp to 0xp.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aeravic, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. DrPapaPenguin

    Whatevs, still my treat. free deaths for everyone! :p
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  2. Ceiu

    Ermm.... Is this actually a big deal? The way I'm interpreting this is that you will no longer receive the 25xp bonus along with the regular kill reward (is that how it works? I rarely even get spawn kills so I might be dead wrong here).

    Anyway, there are all sorts of ways to get this spawn kill (revives, sunderers, gals, valks) without even addressing the spawn room shenanigans. However, ultimately, the spawn room warriors and campers are the biggest problem with the whole spawn killing thing, in my opinion. What about the following changes to spawn rooms:

    - Players inside the spawn room are perma-stealthed. No amount of tools short of your own eyes looking directly through the spawn room door will detect them on the minimap.
    - Players outside the spawn room within 100m are fully detected on the minimap for players whose faction controls the spawn room, but only while within the spawn room's pain field.
    - Kills made by players within the spawn room's pain field do not count toward XP, directives, etc. if the killer's faction controls the spawn room.
    - Players killed within the spawn room's pain field do not count towards XP, directives, etc. if the killed player's faction controls the spawn room.

    Of course, that would require fixing the pain field in a few places, and is probably significantly more work than fiddling with some XP bonus values. But, maybe it'd encourage people to get out of the bloody spawn room and fight. But probably not.
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  3. VikingKong

    You don't get a bonus for spawn killing. That would be insane. You get 25xp instead of the usual 100xp. With the change, you would get nothing. No xp and no kill in your stats. Rendering all combat entirely pointless*.

    *May be slightly hyperbolic. Slightly.
  4. Ceiu

    Ahh. The only times I've earned one were when tossing a grenade right after an enemy medic tossed a revive grenade. Thought the game was giving me a virtual high-five for getting them so quickly after they revived. :D
  5. Hatesphere

    people who are medic revived are still going to grant you XP when you kill them. this only really effects people who play duck hunt at the spawn shields and sundys. might be a bit annoying for the Infs that like to snipe sundy spawns to pad their K/D as well.
  6. GhostAvatar

    This ain't going to change a damn thing for me. If I have the opportunity to push out and restrict/hinder the enemies flow of combatants. Then thats what I will do. I don't care and didn't care about lack of XP last time. I dont give a damn about KDR, as it is a meaningless stat in terms of strategic importance. Directives are just a grind, besides they will happen naturally over time anyways.

    I play the strategic game. And while it is more beneficial to the battle to push the enemy back to their spawn option. Or stem the flow of combatants from there spawn option to obtain victory. Then thats what I will do.

    SOE logic is basically flawed. They don't understand that people do the same thing for different reasons. Nor do they realise that nerfing it last time didn't change a damn thing. Further doing it isnt going to change it again. Meanwhile, they still inclined to reward spawnroom warriors even when they are not spawn camped.
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  7. FateJH

    There's one downside to your cunning plan. Once you get that kill, you're worth points.
  8. LeafTheLeafeon

    Fresh spawn not worth xp? Whatever, I still get a kill on my board!
    No kill on my board? Whatever, I still gave that guy a death on his board!
    No death on his stats? Whatever, I'll abuse the 15 second timer whenever I spawn without worry of a hit to my stats.

    See, soe? You can't win like this. XP to a br 100 means little, as our focus shifts to other things to play for.. stats being one of them.
    Disabling any stat tracking just means I get a free 15 sec pass to c4 someone without any worry if I get shot before making it.
    The proper solution is tweaking base designs- but that's sooo much work isn't it. : p
  9. Hatesphere

    then why complain?, they simply arent rewarding people for abusing the base design anymore, no skin off my teeth
  10. LeafTheLeafeon

    I'm not complaining, I'm simply pointing out that the "fix" will do little to deter camping. If soe truly wants to cut back on camping, they need to tweak places that get camped often.
  11. Hatesphere

    that takes time, so while they are figuring out how to redo bases and make the the proper models for said base, they decided not to award campers with XP, seems legit to me honestly.
  12. JokeForgrim

    I think you missed a few steps in there

    1. players complain about getting killed with explosives through spawn room walls.
    2. SOE fixes explosives going through walls.
    3. players complain about rocket pods farming.
    4. SOE nerfs rocketpods twice.
    5. players complain about tank spam.
    6 SOE redesigns all the bases to be mostly un-tank spammable.
    7. SOE introduces "spawn kills" to stop people getting decent certs from hard earned kills.
    8. players complain about "reverse spawn camping"
    9. SOE makes spawn sheilds unshootable through.
    10. players complain about spawn sheilds being unshootable through.
    11. SOE reverts the change and just makes it hurt your eyes to do it with higher brightness.

    I personally never had a problem with these except explosives and splash damage going through walls and adding spawn kills.
    If they can kill me and get more than 25xp then I should get the same courtesy, considering it doesn't take less effort/bullets.

    ESF's? run between cover, use line of sight to avoid them seeing you (or just use a cloaker).
    Tanks spamming doorways? DON'T USE THAT DOORWAY, try the other exits.
    Reverse spawn camping? Keep out of their line of sight...

    Just goes to show, there is always a fresh crop of dumb people doing stupid things then complaining on the forums. You can't fix a lack of common sense. :D
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  13. uhlan

    I dont see a problem with this.

    Why should a zerging force get xp for farming folks coming out of a spawn?

    Conversely, I think those INSIDE the spawn should get bonus xp since the folks that keep popping their heads up unnecessarily deserve to be farmed.

    And, indeed, I think the change is mainly to cut down the guys who camp sunderers and farm those folks caught in the act of spawning and are unable to defend themselves.
  14. Naxelito

    0 xp is cool,15 seconds is absurd...5 seconds are way enough to react and hunt the guy that JUST killed me in the sunderer i spawned 10 sec ago...15 seconds is crippling and goes against the "Everything is fair in love and war" air of PS2
  15. TheKhopesh

    I must disagree.

    Everyone but highly organized squads are in it for the kills/directive progress and the certs.
    Change is so that spawn kills give you bupkis and now they're likely to wait a second or two (which should be long enough to get to cover from your fresh sundy spawn) or for you to fire at them (letting you chose when you're ready if you don't need quite as long).

    The only exceptions would be if they damage you while attempting to mitigate their "wasted" kills.
    (Lastly, if you're instagibbed upon spawning, you shouldn't get a death against you either.
  16. TheKhopesh

    I agree.
    2-3 seconds in a heated battle can be an eternity, and is plenty enough to get your bearings.
  17. Morti

    Eh doesn't affect me that much.

    As long as the kill still counts towards auraxium. The difference between 25XP and 0 is negligible.
  18. Inex

    Good news!

    It doesn't.
  19. Hatesphere

    it wont count tword directives, not sure about auraxium, that might also not be recorded for the same reasons.
  20. DHT#

    I don't really have a problem with it, but it's not going to fix spawn camping.