Spawn kill XP going from 25xp to 0xp.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aeravic, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. SceaRd

    This. 1up
  2. squarebug

    already getting little exp per kill/vehicle destroy or assist. this doesn't matter
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    If an enemy is shooting back at me I had damn well better get EXP for killing him.

    My 2¢
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  4. Kanil

    When we're losing a tower, I love to throw myself off the top, C4 the enormous gaggle of troops camping, then gun down as many as I can before I die. Collect certs, repeat. I'm farming them just as much as they're farming us, and being forbidden from doing that after 3 attempts sounds awful.
  5. andy_m

    I hardly ever get spawn kills, and never on purpose, so doesn't affect me.

    I also very rarely get killed at a Sunderer either...

    Fifteen seconds does seem an awfully long time though.
  6. Mahaut

    No reward at all until 15s have passed or the guy made 100 xp? Seriously?

    So if an enemy runs straight out of his spawn rambo style and drops me to a fraction of my health before I manage to kill him, as long as 15 (!) seconds haven't passed yet, I get nothing for that fight? 15 secs is a damn long time! For all I know, it could happen even if I wasn't even spawn camping to begin with (most bases aren't that big, and sundies can be deployed anywhere in the open).

    If the guy shot, used an ability, a grenade, did anything at all besides moving his character, then he was in the battle already and he knew it. And I should be rewarded for stopping him from doing any more harm to my side.

    No matter how much time passed since he spawned or how much xp he made, if someone actively took part in the fight in any way, you should be rewarded for killing him.

    Replace "no xp if player hasn't made 100xp or 15s haven't passed since he spawned" by "no xp if 15s haven't passed since player spawn and he didn't use his weapon nor any of his tools or abilities yet". That will penalize the instagib sundy camping, but NOT grant an undeserved drawback for killing an idiot just rushing into battle.

    Edit: And if you are wondering why the somewhat heated reaction... No, I don't make my life out of spawn camping. ^^' Simply, that decision smells a lot like the devs trying to apply yet another ineffective band-aid to the problem rather than tackling the source (namely base capture, design, and spawn mechanism), and that half-hearted approach just saddens me.
  7. Avrien

    The problem is if that is a needed strategy. by hindering it in a simple matter you also limit the likely of more complex strategy when it's needed. There will be times when that should be done. Keeping your enemy down and making them leave the base in frustation is a valid strategy. Everything is a valid strategy and should not be hindered. The more things like this are added the more simple and boring the game will get until there is nothing. There are too many things like this now.

    Unless we want to go expless/certless of course. Then all the power to you!
  8. Kunavi

    As long as they don't force the guys in the Spawn Room to go out, directly or indirectly, without first forcing the guys outside to set a proper perimeter for the purpose of containment, instead of relentlessly pelting anyone who accidentally exposes 1/100 of their body. Everyone's just firing at the shields' general direction. I'm all for breaking this 2'(Or more in some cases) of the worst FPS action I've ever seen in 10s of years but not step by step, not when there are two completely different and opposing sides involved. You can't say you'll do it in phases in this case, I don't think. Then again SOE.
  9. FieldMarshall

    Its not going to change anything though.
  10. Arsonix

    Isn't 15 seconds an incredibly LONG *** TIME to designate a player as "spawn protected" in the first place?

    Come on..... 5 seconds at most.
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  11. 4Azzimov2Dream

    Great Idea as :

    1) it will mean that there will less frustration felt by newer players as they will not be insta-killed after spawning

    ( this is a constant gripe from many new players as they aren't able to Enjoy the game when they are constantly killed soon after spawning - I've heard experienced players also complain about their ridiculously short "lifespan" )

    2) it will give players with "Poor Connections" a little bit of time for the game models to load

    3) hopefully there will be more players who stay with the game - too many give up as they are incessantly farmed when new to the game

    4) it will be a little safer for players to spawn at Sunderers

    5) Financially , it is a brilliant move , as newer players are more likely to stay with the game and there will be less farming of players at Sunderers and hopefully less farming of players the second they step outside the spawn room - especially by ES Fighter pilots .

    6) SOE will also gain financially, as experienced players who Farm Constantly have little reason to purchase Station Cash or even take up membership due to the high number of Certs that these experienced players can gain in one playing section by farming the Spawn Room or Sunderers.
  12. Goretzu

    It seems a little pointless, if you're losing the fact that you're worth 0xp isn't much of a bonus.
  13. Goretzu

    Yeah I guess that must be what it is aimed at, you still hear "don't kill the sundy, we're farming!" occasionally.

    It does seem a little long perhaps, not 5 maybe, but 10 perhaps.
  14. AssaultPig

    it's pretty rare that a sunderer gets 'farmed' for long anyway; somebody's along with mines or C4 before long to put it out of its misery (especially with that objective kill directive needing precious progress.)

    I don't have a problem with the meager kill rewards being removed but this seems unlikely to change much
  15. Prudentia

    I'm pretty sure it's the other way around....
    the more you can accomplish with simple strategies the less you are required to develop advanced strategies...
  16. Aeravic

    Except that people will still get instant killed the moment they step out of spawn. Nobody in their right mind would allow an enemy target to wander around for 15 seconds before killing him. This change just annoys the attackers who are using the legitimate strategy of suppressing the defenders and preventing them from easily doing a counter push.
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  17. \m/SLAYER\m/

    i noticed, you can avenge player, who killed your teammate, and it counts as spawn-kill, just because he spawned 5 sec ago:eek:
    and i hate being instant killed after using AMS spawn, all those roadkills around Sunderer
  18. KenDelta

    Well I don't really mind it , still gonna kill these respawning people.
  19. Bindlestiff

    Wrong. It was hellish when you couldn't shoot out but there were fewer people in there. Far fewer. Right now we have whole lanes of bases that fall because people move from base to base simply to shoot out of a different spawn room. They have no intention of playing the game.

    So, where it is right to penalise persistent spawn campers, there should also be some penalty for those who refuse to leave the confines of the spawn room. If they gave spawn room warriors the same treatment when in the confines of the spawn room - 0XP for a kill, no progression on directives or ribbons, no kill stat - then this might drive a portion out when they would have otherwise stayed. Players can still clear a path before they leave, no problem there, but with the empahsis on leaving to go earn some XP.

    The true fix is to redesign spawn room mechanics altogether but SOE doesn't seem to want to entertain this idea, despite the fact that people have written good suggestions on it.
  20. Goretzu

    I'm also a bit worried about the "Warp gate immunity effect" (still not fixed?).

    That is that this causes players to get no exp or no kill credit in areas that it isn't intended this would happen........ which would seem like a genuine concern after the Warp Gate immunity debacle etc.