Sometimes, you just can't win...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, May 20, 2013.

  1. Fate

    Just sounds like you're a little wound up after being outskilled by some FC members. It's ok, you'll get used to it in time. Everyone does.
  2. Littleman

    This philosophy carries over into classes. As anything but a medic, medics are in very short supply. Become a medic, everyone's a freaking medic.

    Need ammo? Engineers are an endangered species. Become an engineer, every MAX/vehicle suddenly has a pit crew.
    • Up x 2
  3. K3STR3L

    I know this well :) I am 80% complete on my Max now and the only thing that gives me any hassles is the OHK C4 LA scrubs. Tanks and aircraft I can deal with happily as I usually travel in a sunderer and deploy and change as needed.
  4. Rickenbacker

    You guys know that you can change loadouts on your MAX without pulling a new one, right? I didn't know that until a few days ago.
  5. Sebastien

    I guess you're right.
  6. K3STR3L

    I am guessing you mean terminals and sunderers yes, or is there another way?
  7. Eclipson

    When this happens to me, I just say screw it, i'm equipping Fractures. :cool:
  8. Laraso

    Yes, I knew that. That doesn't help you unless you're camping behind the spawn shield, though.
  9. Chioxin

    You know I was thinking about this and we're just conditioned to "bring two of the same gun." It's amusing because it's sad that most of us do that. We can actually be pretty powerful against 2 things if we want, but we'll always believe [and we are] it's more effective to have 2 of the same gun rather than one Anti Tank and one Anti Infantry... or one Anti Air and one Anti Infantry.

    So I don't think maxes appear to have this problem because we aren't willing to take two different weapons [as that's essentially what the HA does, right?] But in reality, they could be good at 2 things, just not uber.

    But ya, to the OP... I definitely run into this problem ALL THE TIME. "We need air!" I get the air and "OMG SO MANY TANKS!" get the tank cannons out for my max... and die to swarms of infantry. Leh sigh!
  10. KodanBlack

    That was a very well done illustration for what happens to most players on a regular basis. Short answer, "yes", that kind of thing happens to me a lot.