someone give me fun please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trudriban, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Trudriban

    Since I came back, all the worst stuff that made me leave is still here
    • LA still has no team contribution
    • HA is still the only class worth playing to fight
    • Air is still unkillable, can only annoy them away
    • NC community still crap
    • Asymetrical balance still fails hard
    • Still no machine guns on NC MAX
    What did change feels so bad
    • Prowler gets even more DPS
    • Implants are a thing
    • Hossin is a thing, and it's almost always abandoned
    • New helmet with yellow on it, easy to scew with friend/foe visual queues on NC
    • Unrewarding directive weapons
    • Wrel is now a puppet
    • Bounty BS
    • Voice packs that cost $15
    • Weapon cert costs went so high
    And what is about to change seems even worse
    • Construction system that lets you bypass resources with money
    • Construction system that lets people build meat grinders
    • Pretty much nothing else, no real content, nothing
    Right now I'm pretty much screaming to you guys for a reason to stay. I need something to do that makes this game fun again. I want to love this game so much, but DGC doesn't seem to want me having fun in their game. Please help me
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  2. natowpnzor

    This is so accurate I have no idea what to say. I don't have any people to squad with on NC so I usually play for an hour and get off pissed off and annoyed.
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  3. Shiaari

    Ok, what specifically would make this game fun for you?
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  4. chuck105

    I disagree with your first main points, the assault classes have abilities that make them more effective soldiers, not every class is support. While heavies have the most straight forward advantage, even engineers have turrets, which are quite powerful in the right spot. And tbh AA is pretty strong... What do you want, insta kill lockon launchers? They already do about 40 - 60% health, which while it doesn't kill esfs, does deter them, and completely, COMPLETELY removes them from a2a combat for about a minute. Can one heavy chase away a tank or a harraser with one lockon rocket? A few sources of AA is plenty to deny all enemy air in the hex, depending on fov.
    One your other points, you're mostly right. I'm hopeful the construction system will result in more variety of gameplay, and get players out of endless stalemates.
  5. DeadAlive99

    It's funny, because, I quit playing almost 2 years ago and didn't think I'd ever be back, and I came back and tried it and I have now spent $90!

    No doubt, it needs a lot of work and of course there's lots of disagreement on what that should be. For me, the spawn room farming non sense and capture timer mechanic is still the dumbest thing since unsliced bread. And now that I'm flying a lot, it feels like AA is OP and my scythe is made out of paper.

    LA: I can't agree on this. I really don't understand the complaints about LA. The simple fact that it has jet packs alone gives it a massive advantage in tons of situations, and combined with C4, it is my #1 infantry pet peeve in the game. IMO, everything it doesn't have is balanced by those two things, hands down.

    Air: I don't agree. It is my opinion that AA should draw its' strength in numbers, i.e., bring 3 AA to kill 1 aircraft (on average).

    NC Max: Isn't that the one that has shotguns? I've only played VS since release so I don't know what they've got.

    Hossin: Very sad. It was so massively hyped before release, and now it's just a ghostcappers paradise. I spent a couple hours GC'ing last night, and it was actually kind of fun since they removed the requirement to have personnel in the region to complete the cap. I would just fly around flipping cp's and then fly back to cap. But, it wasn't supposed to be like that.

    Voice packs: VP's and horns are not only epensive, but the selection and creative of them is lack luster. The VP I bought has a cool voice, but the lines aren't very imaginative. They really should redo it. I feel like I wasted $10, and that was on sale.

    There ought to be 30 different VP's, with very creative lines, and 30 different horns. We're 3 1/2 years post release and the content level feels more like a new game.

    Weapon and cert cost are really insane, but that is how they sell their membership. If you look on the wiki, you can see some stuff has gone up like 500 cp, etc. It's unbelievable.

    I don't know much about the new patch, but I hope it brings more fun.
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  6. Trudriban

    Heck if I know, that's why I made the thread asking the community

    I love those turrets and they've given me plenty of certs in a very memorable pulsing biolab farm, but they can be outdone even by carbines due to higher damage models (200 vs 143) and the ability to ADAD. Heavy really is the best of everything and the way the game is played everything else exists solely to support the heavies. LA is purely lone wolf and cannon fodder, infiltrator places motion sensors for the heavy, medics revive and heal the heavy, engineer drops ammo for the heavy, even the MAX soaks up bullets for the heavy. Tanks? Aircraft? Slow down the enemy heavies, or take out the vehicles so friendly heavies have a clean shot.

    I would certainly not like AA that insta-kills, just something that actually can kill aircraft that screw up and get close rather than just plink them once and let them run away. It's not fun for me on the ground, and it ain't fun for the guy in the plane. Something both sides of the argument can agree on would be great, and I don't think the answer is more lock-ons or even flak. Unfortunately, I have no idea what could even answer this and even if I did have an idea the devs like it would sit behind a 1000 cert/$7 pay wall

    As for construction, in all honestly it scares the hell out of me. I really do feel like the moment it comes out it will be used to create ultimate cheese defences and the only way to capture anything will be through ghost capping in off-hours. I remember the old school crown. That base needed more than zerg upon zerg to capture, it needed the entire population of any given faction Gal dropping MAX crashes on the points to take during the day and even night time when everyone was asleep it was a pain. To all those that were around at the time, when you tell me players will be building the bases all I see is the old crown at EVERY SINGLE LATTICE

    I don't want to play that game. Even if it's the only MMOFPS I will not play that game, and I have a feeling neither will many others
  7. Moridin6

  8. Trudriban

    mor or less in order...

    Beacons are slow and unreliable, plus all it takes is an EMP or another LA to take em out

    I mentioned it in my last reply, the meta still revolves around HA and those motion spotters only really exist to help the HAs

    I eat vannies for breakfast with my more or less stock prowler, and by more DPS I mean with that new top gun that's essentially fractures

    Implants sit very wrong with me, they give a clear advantage to veterans that already know how to play the game well as well as anyone with a wallet they want to empty out. The former makes it hard for new kids to stick around. The latter is P2W

    Bounties are BS in that they cost real money and give virtually nothing in return. It feels very unnecessary to me and my still-2014 mindset and the fact it has real money attached to it once again doesn't sit well with me

    And, like I said in the last reply, construction scares the hell out of me due to the potential for ultimate cheese
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  9. _itg

    1. LA isn't a support class, so I don't know what sort of "team contribution" you expect them to make other than killing. I find LA to be highly effective in the right bases or on the right terrain.
    2. In the point closets, maybe, but that's a problem with base design. Infiltrator and LA are both very powerful killers outdoors or in more open bases.
    3. Air isn't unkillable, but scaling problems do exist. Too few people at the fight, and aircraft dominate. Too many, and they aren't even allowed to participate.
    4. Yep
    5. True asymmetrical balance would be obscenely hard to do in a game where you can't control how many players play one class or vehicle, and you can barely control where they're allowed to go. What we've got is a reasonable approach, although more ES weaponry instead of NS stuff would be nice.
    6. The Gatekeeper was a blunder, for sure. Taking what was already the king of long-range vehicle combat and giving it an exclusive secondary which outranges literally everything else was obviously bound to end badly.
    7. You can choose not to use them.
    8. You didn't want Hossin or you don't like that it's abandoned? I think it's clearly the best continent, and it's abandoned because it's sort of a "pearls before swine" thing.
    9. I won't tell you about the solid pink camo which half the whales on all factions are wearing, then.
    10. Some of them need to be fixed, especially the scout rifle directive. Some are fine, though.
    11. Getting a job doesn't make you a puppet.
    12. How many times have you gotten a bounty put on you? How does this interfere with your gameplay at all?
    13. Did the price actually go up on these? Don't buy them, if you don't want to pay.
    14. They compensated new players for this with 1,500 free certs by BR15. Vets got enough notice to blow their stack of certs on all the cheap stuff before the price hike. Obviously the goal was to make purchasing guns with cash more attractive in the long run, but hey, DBG has to pay their employees.
    15. At least they'll be paying cash to benefit the whole faction, rather than just themselves.
    16. So, don't fight there? Or else, bombard the meat grinder from a distance until it blows up.
    17. Yeah, no other content besides this giant update that will fundamentally change the meta, add numerous items to the game, and create an entirely new style of play.
  10. Chubzdoomer

    I agree with almost everything you said. PlanetSide 2 still keeps me coming back, though, because no other (modern) game offers what it does.
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  11. Trudriban

    I do prefer doing this is short easy paragraphs but this will have to do

  12. Retief

    Step 1: Play TR Medic

    Step 2: Kill everything with cycler trv/tar/t1b cycler/torq/sabr while raking in revive/heal certs.
  13. Trudriban

    I actually despise TR ARs, too much dakka to get any decent range kills. Whenever I play TR medic I miss my Reaper

    LA is a capturing unit. That's it's biggest contribution.
  15. Campagne

    I agree with almost everything.

    I haven't player in a while myself, mostly because, as an NC, I fight alone against many.

    Balance is awful, and the game is ultimately more frustrating than fun.

    I'll probably come back and check out the construction update, but until then, I'm going to continue playing other, better games in the meantime.
  16. Liewec123

    the usual stuff i recommend:
    fury wraith flash (in 3rd person)
    roadkill solo harasser (AKA the salt extractor!)
    stalker infiltrator (if you're nc try magscatter, its bad but fun XD)

    if you play one faction try switching faction, it makes a world of difference :D
  17. customer548

    Sorry, i stopped reading after seeing this :

    "- HA is still the only class worth playing to fight."
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  18. ObiVanuKenobi

    Have you even seen construction on PTS?
    Sounds like you're complaining about something you barely know anything about.
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  19. DeadlyOmen

    Stop finding reasons to cry, and start finding in-game solutions to your problems.
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  20. Trudriban

    I can't find any, hence resorting to being a crybaby. If I wanted attention for crying I'd include more memes and anger