Some AP-Canguard footage.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spacelife, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Spacelife

    Some footage of a stand off that turns into running down their infantry in a canguard from driver perspective.
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  2. Pineapple Pizza!

    Either I'm crazy, or racer vanguards accelerate really, really, really fast :eek:

    Why do you use AP when you have a can for a secondary?
  3. Demigan

    All I saw was that the AP gunner got nearly as much infantry kills as the canister gunner?
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  4. FateJH

    I think I canguard?

    His deceleration control is what I find surprising. He drops from speed to zero very quickly.
  5. Alarox

    I believe he gear pops at a few points, but it also looks like the video is slightly sped up at points as well.

    Where? There's no technique to stopping faster.
  6. Hegeteus

    If you like it - Put a shotgun on it
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  7. Nexus545

    Pretty sure some bits are just sped up that's all.
  8. FateJH

    You can find a good example around the 0:56 mark and another at 1:20. He drops from the 60s to the teens really quickly, if not outright goes to 0. In fact, whenever he comes to a stop and the speedometer is in view, it always goes exactly to 0. Even if he starts from a lower speed ...

    Its obvious he's using the brake to assist but, in my experience, the brake on vehicles has never been that good at actually stopping a moving vehicle quickly, stopping a moving vehicle faster than someone who reverses, or stopping a Vehicle from going into a normal reverse.
  9. Alarox

    At 0:56 he goes from 60 to 0 in 2 seconds. At 1:20 he goes from 40 to 0 in a second.

    That's all normal.
  10. Iridar51

    Thanks, will link to people when they say "vehicles UP".
  11. Xervous


    You're going to get my Can nerfed!
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  12. Iridar51

    No, just want some people to understand that OHK cannon and armor and faster movespeed is not UP.
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  13. Yeahy

    Dat ap bullet velocity :/
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  14. Halkesh

    Why vanguard AP is too powerful ? Because shell velocity is faster than it's animation. :confused:

    About your video, I'm sure I could see better how caniester work if I've watched this battle from the gunner's view.
  15. kadney

    I tried to make some funny Canguard mockup but my paint skills are too terrible.. :(
  16. Colt556

    You're wrong in this regard. Fighting infantry in an open field as shown in the video, obviously infantry will have the advantage. That doesn't mean tanks aren't UP, it just means the infantry were out in the open with little to no cover. Just cuz the main gun can OHK doesn't mean it's not weak and underpowered, you're ignoring the big picture.
  17. Iridar51

    One infantry, or ten infantry? Who's stronger against 10 infantry in an open field, 1 infantry or 1 infantry inside a tank? You don't need to answer that, thank you.
    Yes, I am, because for me there is no big picture. There is a tank that can OHK me, and there's me that can't do ****, unless the tanker doesn't know about my existence.
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  18. Colt556

    And you are exactly why this game is pretty ******. One infantry SHOULDN'T be able to do anything against a tank, it's a bloody tank. You aint rambo. You aint the terminator. You're just a guy with a gun. If you see a tank you run and hide. That's how it SHOULD be. Dealing with enemy tanks should require a squad coordinating together, tanks should be the boss battles of PS2. That's how it worked in PS1 and nobody complained then, but then that was before the console kiddie CoD audience, so eh.

    If you were caught out in the field against a tank, YOU screwed up and YOU die for your error, actions have consequences. If that tank pushed too far into an urban-esque environment and got pelted from all sides by rockets, he'd die for his mistakes too. The notion that you should be allowed to solo every single thing in the game is exactly the problem with planetside 2. You're good against some things, not everything, that's why you need teamwork.

    And before you try to deflect this by accusing me of tanker bias or some stupid ****, check my profile, I'm all infantry baby and the few times I do take a tank it's to hunt other tanks, not infantry. And beyond that, not only am I infantry but I'm primarily medic which can't do anything against tanks. I'm not stupid enough, or immature enough to think I should be able to go up and engage in fistacuffs with a bloody main battle tank as a goddamned infantry.
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  19. Sagabyte

    #yeswecanguard to you, sir.

    I feel like the coolister still isn't good enough at it's job. It needs a little bit more mag size and firing angle increases. 14 mag size and 45 degrees upward are a BARE minimum.
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  20. Iridar51

    Why? Why this should be? Because it makes sense? Is this what we play this game for, making sense? Or having fun?
    Anyone can spawn a tank at any time for free, and I don't see how having tanks > infantry is fun for everyone, especially considering that tanks don't have any purpose other than kill infantry and kill each other.
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