SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. SKYeXile

    You should maybe read the post and look at the screenshot, never states hacking...more just highlights that SOE have no anybody with half a clue, already knows. Say anyway, didn't you openly admit to hacking in previous games?

    oh wait it was .2 KPM...thats worse then .2K/D...
  2. Flix

    Bwahahaha YES!!! The first moneygrab of SOE I absolutly support...milk those k/d-kiddys. Milk them good for running behind stupid numbers. Hehe. Love it.
  3. Lexicon

    Haha, you have issues.
  4. sustainedfire

    If they want to sell a consumable that resets a persons K/D - who cares? Let them, its a non issue, especially if you think K/D means nothing!

    K/D is a metric that you can use to measure your sucess for the day or your progress over time. It would be excellent if they added other statistical tracking, that was team focused. Team / Squad / Platoon / Outfit Assisting metrics would be welcomed.
  5. Tasogie

    no idea what you are talking about, I dont hack. I was in a guild called Ebonlore that hacked, but I was thrown out because I refused too... Unlike yourself, who, we will not go into as I don't want to be banned for bringing such things up, as I have invested far far to much money in PS2. facts is, once banned for hacking once, that person is ALWAYS a hacker, an will never change.
  6. unclecid

  7. tsubakki

    can someone explain why this degrades the game in any sense? the people who want to buy it they will buy it the people who dont want to wont, where is the problem exactly?
  8. Zerran

    So, first off let me just say I'm against them doing this, but only because it basically makes it impossible to remove KDR entirely, as people will have, essentially, paid for KDR.

    The basic reasons people are upset are:

    1. It's a clear money grab.

    2. It puts a lot of emphasis on a stat that many people think shouldn't be in the game anyway.
    2.a. To expand on that, many people, myself included, think KDR rewards a kind of playstyle that doesn't fit with PS2 (prioritizing kills over objectives, and rewarding people who play in a cowardly, useless fashion.).
    2.b. KDR is also something that just annoys a lot of people (again, myself included). Either because they, like me, tend to hate the stat, but can't help but be conscious of it, and/or because, due to them having a low KDR, it feels like a slap in the face. It's a stat that, unlike score, shows "failure" as well as "success".

    3. As I mentioned at first, if something like this is implemented, it will be impossible to remove KDR, as people will have put money into their KDR stat. Many of us want it removed, as we believe it has far more negative impacts on the game than positive.
  9. Lexicon

    How does it put emphasis on the stat? If anything, it does the opposite, by letting you just reset it like that. The only people putting 'emphasis' on it are you, zerran.
  10. daicon

    the short of it from me: I want to be free from Death as a permanent stat record so myself and others can experiment and learn the game and get better.
  11. Lexicon want no risk, then? Awesome.
  12. SKYeXile

    Why would you join a guild of hackers if you rave on about staying clean? sounds to me like they kicked you for still being bad, even with hacks. anyway, you're too dense to get that I dont hack, ill see you in the next MMORPG you play where ill put you and everybody else in Australia not allied to TRF into the ground. Pathetic bunch of bads, you all make me feel bad to be Australian.
  13. HadesR

    Sure if they remove a permanent record of kills as well .. You don't need them either .. All you need is the score to judge if you are getting better or not ..
  14. Zerran

    It, in essence, allows people to pay for KDR (Yes, I am aware they would still have to actually obtain their KDR). While you are correct that it would allow someone to reset it, the emphasis on it is already there by it being in the shop.

    It allows someone to put money into their KDR. I don't really know how much simpler I can explain it than that.

    You would still die. But that death simply doesn't slap you in the face every time you press tab, and it allows for more emphasis to be put on the objective. Without KDR, completing the objective becomes the goal, rather than padding KDR.
  15. Duff_Chimp

    This thread should really die a death.

    Let the stupids buy the k/d reset, it has no impact on the game whatsoever.

    Let the hackers buy the k/d reset, the price should increase every time let SOE milk those cows dry.

    Let everyone else make up their own mind... capitalism - because you don't have to buy it...
  16. Tasogie

    Well for someone who is a proven hacker, I am sorry but I have nothing but contempt for hackers, they are the bane of any good community. It is your own fault if you need hacks to play a game, an you have only yourself to blame for your reputation.

    your attitude int his thread alone says volumes, now Please don't waste your time responding to me again, as I have blocked your tag.
  17. HadesR

    Slap you in the face ? Only if you take games to seriously ... Removing death but keeping kills is more lame than KDR Imo and is honestly aimed at the insecure kiddies who need to feel special

    " Look at all your kills, you're a special little flower aint ya ? *tweaks the chubby cheek* Yes you are, oh yes you are "

    :rolleyes: Remove both or none
    • Up x 1
  18. Zerran

    It was an exaggeration, though I do think both should be removed. While it isn't perfect, score is a good enough incentive and actually rewards team play (at least as well as possible).
    • Up x 1
  19. Fenrisk

    This is why K/D ratio needs to go. ^^^

    We are not playing Quake, Unreal or COD. K/D ratio has no bearing on PS2 gaming skill. Unless Skill = Tanks spamming AOE's at spawn room doors, lolpodders attacking small amounts of infantry in aircraft zerg and shotgun maxes camping biolabs with a pocket engineer.

    Judging PS2 players on their K/D on these forums given how PS2 combat really works is showing yourself up more then a guy with a K/D of 0.2.
  20. daicon

    It's still an amusing score to record. Just like how we track vehicle kills but its not tied to any ratio.

    I'd actually like KDR to be weekly instead. Assign some medals or cert reward for ending the week with a really nice KDR, maybe even earnable rewards tied to it like a special decal or whatever the ****. Do you think thats a bad idea?

    Permanent, no way imo. It just makes the learning experience dreadful, more frustration when you die to friendly fire, hackers, following platoon leader's orders, etc. In addition to all the other negatives.
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