[SOE Cast] What's your favorite role and why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luperza, May 13, 2013.

  1. Maton41

    My favorite class is obviously Dual-wielding mercy TR MAX. Enjoyed it for couple reasons: 1) Like being a unstoppable killing machine menace. and 2) Lots of armor to absorb lots of damage from primitive peashooters, including rocket launchers.
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  2. Qel

    My favourite role is the Combat Medic, a well played medic is vital to any squad and can also be played in a couple of different ways. Do you hang back and make sure you stay alive so your squad always has someone who can revive them? Or do you use the excellent killing power of the assault rifle and c4 to play your part in winning the battle whilst healing and reviving on the front line?

    It's a class that when you're doing well you can turn the tide of battle with a couple of kills and some quick revives, or a well timed res grenade, and those moments feel great.
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  3. gallaxy11actual

    My top role derives from infantry, dont you just love it when your behind enemy lines.. you don't know what to expect round every corner? Then all of a sudden some dude lets a few shots off out of a building window firing at a liberator thousands of yards away believing it will actually do anything.
    At that moment a red blip appears on your mini-map, you think to yourself "bad move" (anyway 20 seconds later and the threat is dealt with through means of a single shot to the enemys head) well you see? That's where I come in...with my fully certed scythe and its 200yd radar system, which just blows the simple blip on the map out the water and into the screens of every ally that cares to notice the 3 heavys guarding the point they were about to rush into without thinking.
    I simply get a good feeling knowing that one fly-by over enemy territory can layout a whole lot of enemy's onto a platoon leaders screen and let him/her make decisions based on your actions.

    BUT PLEASE SONY FOR THE LOVE OF VANU add some form of reward for the said deed!! 1xp per kill that my radar detected would be fine.. i just feel that every other support role in the game e.g. medic/engineer/mobile spawn/ammo vendor - has a cert reward! Yet i can fly around for a whole alert and come away with only a few base captures to bump up the xp.
    Not changing this won't stop me flying radar support runs....but it would be nice.
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  4. Bloodmyth

    Infiltrator Sniping

    There are soo many reasons like watching a group of enemies run around like angry red ants when you kill one of them or watching a soldier trying to run to safety after surviving a headshot looking like a wasp in a Coke doing everything to avoid the inevitable follow up kill shot, taking out a nest of AI enginners manning their turrets or even playing Sniper fights, taking out their nasty little gits who are having too much fun themselves ;)
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  5. Gustavo M

    Gentleman Engineer. Giving support to my team, gaining profit and slapping enemies in the face.
    Couldn't be this better.
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  6. janerowdy

    Lots of classes get C4, but Light Assault turns its application into an art form.
    Come New Conglomerate, come Vanu Sovereignty - let us make something beautiful together.
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  7. NC_Edacyn

    Rocketeer, with AV and a Anchor
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  8. Netsurfer733

    I have to say it's infiltrator, despite how the currently broken Nanoweave armor makes them all but useless. Being able to infiltrate ranks, and then be able to grab Sunderers from within their own base and use it to park somewhere nearby and overwhelm the enemy has always been a favored tactic of mine, and it's something I can do on my lonesome.

    Then again, perhaps I'm biased because I still have yet to join an outfit. (Which I will do once name change tokens are finally released... :( :( )
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  9. Kraziee65

    I like being a engineer for the tank (NC) vanguard. Whats more american than a tank? MOAR TANKS.
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  10. Nintyuk

    I like being a general support Engineer. I Always jump on the opportunity to provide ammo or repairs to my faction-mates. I also Like to be a defender of the flank's, Meaning I'm the first to re-deploy to a undefended base to try and hold it and Will happily sit in guard of these small bases while there not under Immediate threat.

    I wish there was a Way to call for reinforcements without having to rely on a outfit or be in a squad.
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  11. ItZMuRdA

    Definitely infantry in general, but more specifically:

    From a veteran FPS player perspective: Light Assault all day. The freedom and mobility that you gain with a well-played LA role is unparalleled. Coming from originally playing Unreal Tournament competitively, I absolutely have a love-at-first-sight bond with the Light Assault class and the potential that it has -- basically, no boundaries -- to turn any situation into one that is in your favor due to the toolkit that LA has at its disposal.

    From a practical PS2 infantry player perspective: Infiltrator gets most of the love from me these days. What LA lacks, the Infiltrator role makes up for in being able to choose your battles. I'm not big on massive vehicle battles (zomg why you play planetside then?!), and this role alone allows you to avoid many unwanted scenarios and tactically choose battles that either give you the upper hand or that you simply find more enjoyable on a personal level.
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  12. Messaiga

    I think I love driving and gunning in Vanguards, they are very powerful and if you can aim well you are able to peg infantry in the face like no tomorrow, a well played tank however can survive multiple tanks coming at him, one after another, especially if you have a great turret gunner at your side. (Titan-150 AP + Enforcer ML85 <3)
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  13. joe smo

    I love flying ESF's, no rocket pods, just my Banshee+ABpods or the Rotary+A2AM(because i refuse to use pods on libs/gals).

    i am mostly an A2A pilot as the fights are hard, yet rewarding. And flying high over the battlefield looks so good especially with lead/lasers flying everywhere from the pilots attempting to protect/attack A2G ESF's and the occasional lib/gal!
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  14. Llaf

    HA or LA, depending on the circumstances.
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  15. Betrix5068

    My primary was originally the Medic but I have changed to the HA. the medic needs an overhaul almost as badly as the infiltrator you have 1 thing you can do and it is boring and unrewarding. give him some combat potential or at least boost my XP per hour as the medic.
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  16. Rebelgb

    Been HA since get go. Love the survivability and the ability to waste people from mid range and up close. Use Lock on AA for ESF's and use Dummy Fire for all other kinds of killing fun.

    I use my Lightning a lot. Especially since the latest patch. Thank you SOE, the tank is finally at least a little bit of fun to play.

    I have been flying a Mossy lately. Flying in this game is crazy fun, but I still die really fast, and a lot. I hope to get good some day.

    People say im a good Medic and Engi to have in the Squad. I guess cuss i know how to survive while doing my duties (you know crouch+move), not stay in one spot and get sniped. These roles are fun when im bored of plowing through BR noobs...
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  17. Sebyos

    My favorite role goes with my favorite class. I always play healer in mmos and this one is no different. Once I knew I would pick medic, I picked my role for two reasons. I found the strengths of the medic class and I found a playstyle that I like.

    One of the main strengths of the class is the weapons we have that are very accurate with high velocity and I like to think that we received assault rifles to support the team with medium long range cover. It makes sense after all, how do you rez your team if you charge ahead and die ? A medic is far more useful behind the front line fighting from range until he can safely rez the troops that were in front of him and died.

    My favorite playstyle is also medium and long range. I find CQC very fast, unappealing and CoDish. Long range is an whole different game that I greatly enjoy.

    Basically, you can choose to mainly heal and rez as a medic, but you can also support with ranged cover while doing so which is something that fits me very well since I like ranged fighting so much.
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  18. Stew360

    Medic because iam the one who survive the most and bring my dummies back to life :) in intense battles , thats why badoliers + medic = win
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  19. bdotalex

    bdotalex - Helios

    What I Play

    I like to play something new every day, however, the one thing that I always come back to on a regular basis is my VS MAX.

    Why I Play

    The VS max compliments my strengths as a player, and as a person. I am focused, calculating, patient, and when the time comes, I am brutal. This means I prefer guerrilla tactics, and I feel that the VS max is the best at it in PS2.

    Nano Armor V combined with Dual Blueshift AI guns with extended mags and level VI Charge is my favorite configuration since GU07.

    How I Play

    The accuracy on the Blueshift guns is enough to pull off consistent headshots at a very surprising range, and a high level charge gives me the mobility to keep the position I want on the field, the nano armor gives me the staying power to take down whole squads over and over again using mid-long range guerrilla strikes. Many of my opponents get overwhelmed before they ever get in range, or turn around, especially other maxes, because they simply don't back down, or realize it when they are right where I want them. Often times I feign weakness and lure them straight outside into a mid range engagement where I can get consistent headshots with fully automatic fire, or long range, where I can get consistent headshots with burst fire, where they cant. I love to watch them panic when they realize this :) as they usually have burnt their charge cd while chasing me outside, and have no way of getting back. On top of that, the Maxes greatest weakness are C4 and rockets, neither of which are very effective at mid-long range against a max. Therefore, I find myself to be a very formidable opponent when playing the best max, the VS Max. Love it~ it seems like it was made just for me.

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  20. ChipMHazard

    Combat Medic.

    -I can heal myself and others. Healing myself has given me the edge in many a duels.
    -I can bring other friendly players back to life with full health
    -Assault rifles are overall very versatile and lethal weapons at most ranges.
    -Can be very versatile when equipped with C4.
    -Revive grenades.
    -If I damage friendlies I can repent by healing them.

    Only downside is that I go through my ammo rather quickly, don't normally leave that many enemies alive when that happens though.

    As a side note. Commissar Combat Medics [I bought that hat for a reason you know] should be allowed to teamkill players who run away from being healed.
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