Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by elkikko92, May 1, 2014.

  1. elkikko92


    Hello, SOE: can you implement this on test server very quickly only on 1 continent?
    -lattice only on big facilities, and big outposts (look the pic)
    -all the capture time of facilities and big outposts are 15 minutes (like ps1)
    -little outposts are always capturable : 1 minute capture, no lattice restriction

    Let's try a new gameplay, test server players: do you agree? Will you support this?

    -Battles only big facility vs big facility; capture a facility should be very hard to take.
    -Macro lattices are the best way for continent locking (when will have it)
    -The role of little outposts are resources node, if you want to implement resource revamp, big outposts and facilities should be able to have NTU silos
    -look this: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...-system-new-base-capture.183390/#post-2653192
    • Up x 20
  2. Zcuron

    I wouldn't mind seeing the devs try some outlandish things on the test server~~

    As long as it doesn't take too much development time to do so.
    • Up x 6
  3. elkikko92

    They only have to change capture time, and make lattice links.
    In a day They can implement it. I dont want graphics.
    Please. Can you support me?
    • Up x 4
  4. Korfax124

    Just a question: are the small outposts resource nodes only? Or is there a chance that they could have other uses than just resources?
    • Up x 1
  5. PA1NKI11ER

    I want this post here to spread like wildfire and hit the roadmap. I was praying that they'd have something like this. This will encourage more tactical play, less zerging a tiny facility, big fights where they should belong, and less grief farming. I 100% with your idea here.:)
  6. PA1NKI11ER

    Well here's what they serve as:

    - A spawn point
    - A rally point
    - Additional resources
    - Tactical field positions
    - A sweet twist to the crazy zerg-only-to-win lattice system

    Perhaps they could serve additional purpose in:
    - The resource revamp?
    - Micro-benefits of some kind (Not exactly sure)?
    - The (God I hope it never existed or needs to be seriously redone) implant system?

    Just a little bit of ideas I'm juggling around
  7. Korfax124

    I was thinking about some tactical positions like artillery installations, radar sweeping stations or perhaps even vehicle field deployment commands. I am thinking Commander Mode here...
  8. Vivicector

    I really love this idea! It should solve the zerg-only gameplay we have now, give big fights a space to happen.
  9. elkikko92

    I dont know if it create confusion for battle. You know: without a specific mission system objective of actual lattice system a casual noob could become sad.
    I know why they implemented actual lattice: but we need better gameplay experience : lets try The new gameplay
  10. Sandpants


    Need more +1s
    • Up x 3
  11. elkikko92

    more guys =P
  12. Beeman

    I'd like to see this change if only to see how it actually affects lattice gameplay. I would expect it to have a positive effect on things but it could make things far worse.

    They could even have some event that encourages people to test when they put these types of potentially game-changing modifications into the game for experimentation. Maybe run these experiments for a weekend and give people two bucks in station cash for logging in and accumulating x amount of score(nothing that would take more than two hours to earn, though). I say that because these types of gameplay experiments wouldn't provide useful results unless they were being stress-tested with lots of players. I don't imagine there's that many people on the test server at any given time...though I've only just downloaded it myself and haven't been on during peak times so I could very well be wrong on that.
  13. MajiinBuu

    Just curious, to capture small outposts would you need an adjacent hex?
    It'd be frustrating to have people in the northern warpgate to do a quick drop on far-southern bases. It'd be tactical and maybe form strategies, but nobody wants to babysit small bases.
    Also, do small outposts serve as a constant spawn point for whoever owns it? Because with current lattice you have to deploy-hop to defend bases, unless reinforcements are needed.
    • Up x 1
  14. DeadliestMoon

    No, i will not support this. Also, i think they avoid threads with the words "Devs" and "SOE" in the title.
  15. elkikko92

    The outposts should give only “resources” role. With 1 minute capture.
    I don’t know if we’ll have more confusion like was hex system, but I think if the people know WHAT to do, will have no confusion.

    Making continent locking, in my opinion, is very important to improve this aspect, but only if they will implement MACRO lattice system (between big outposts - facility).

    The big battles should be only in big facilities and big outposts (we have said 15 minutes), when you spawn in big facility you have to become more organized. You will dead? You spawn in your facility (macro lattice system), organize tank offensive and place your sundies in good position for the next facility on macro-lattice

    My idea is: each little outposts can ONLY spawn ANT-veichles (no sundies, and no veichles); you can lose very quickly an outpost (1 minute) and we’ll never see a ZERG VS ZERG in a little outposts.
    The only role of having an outpost is: you can spawn ANT-veichle, deploy near the ammo tower of little outpost, drop resources and go to your facility to resupply.
    I think outposts should have no hex-adjacency and no lattice obligation, you can capture every outposts because are not very important for the battles flow. You can lose very quickly an outpost, so there are no reason to defend it constantly.
    I also like to see galaxies from your big facilities that go in little outposts, drop people and go back again.
    Facility can spawn: tanks, sundies, also galaxy, air-forces: everything!
    So is very important resupply your facility with ANT: no power = no veichle = no offensive.

    -Well’have battle only BIG FACILITY vs BIG FACILITY, to capture next facilities you have to have the previous facility (MACRO LATTICE)
    -No hex or lattice obligation to capture an outposts, every outposts are capturable.
    -Big facilities: 15 minutes capture, can spawn any veichles, if you die you respawn there.
    -Little outposts: 1 minute capture or less: 30 seconds? If you have it you can spawn ANT-veichle, charge the power from little outpost and go to your facility to supply. Of course is a very easy respawn point to lose.

    It's just a suggestion. Attacking a big facility in this system should be very very hard. Little outposts are not a good spawn point to attack, it's just a resource incoming. You can't spawn sunderer there.

    I really like the idea that you have to organize better the offensive to capture the next big facility, you have to do a very long travel with your sunder from the facility to attack the next facility: tanks cover is essential.

  16. elkikko92

    So, little outposts are very vunerable, and there are no reason to defend.
    • Up x 1
  17. MajiinBuu

    The 5 minute hike from base to base in Planetside is not something I'd want brought back.
  18. TheBlazing

    They just need to remove all those microscopic small outposts (not necessarily the structure itself, just the cap point, like the building between Indar Excavation and Quartz Ridge) and a good number of the large outposts. This way we can get the long-lasting, huge, frontline-intense fights we wanted from day 1 instead of the current "spawn sunderer - drive sunderer to enemy base - deploy - Call of Duty mode for 6 or 3 minutes - undeploy - drive sunderer to next base".

    The solution proposed by OP is also quite good and needs to be experimented.

    The idea however is always the same:

    There are too many tiny outposts everywhere. We want large-scale epic fights with moving frontlines, not TDM in small separate areas with some Sunderer movement in between.
    • Up x 2
  19. Unclematos7

    Deepcore platinum? This map looks like it's a little out of date.
  20. elkikko92

    more upvote, maybe SOE can consider to "remove" all little outposts from the lattice connection.
    I think will'have better gameplay.
    I repeat:

    -only macro lattice connection between facilities and outposts: in these you can spawn any veichle.