So what on the ground can 1v1 a Liberator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheChippewa, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. TheChippewa

    Well my point to this thread is to bring to SOE's attention that a LONE infantry unit can destroy any ground unit up to the ESF with a little effort and planning and it's an instant or near instant kill. Why should this be any different for the liberator? This post is under a day old and has over 1k views obviously it's an issue.

    Maybe I havent met them yet, But Ive gone toe to toe with some pretty impressive lib pilots, and have NEVER been killed by one alone, unless I was completely surprised by a tankburster. The skyguard vs lib debate is much more about tactics, than it is about damage comparison, or ability. From a pure DPS standpoint, the lib always wins, from a pure build standpoint, the lib always makes sense, but a moving skyguard is difficult to hit in a lib, and the flak makes keeping him in your sights even more difficult. THe skyguard does alot of damage, and rarely misses a lib due to its size (assuming one can aim). Im sorry, but 99% of the "skyguard sucks" complaints against the libs are simply a result or VERY bad tactics.
  3. iller

    What's this 1v1 stuff? I thought you needed 2 people to run a Dalton

    And yeah, as first page said, it seems like every other time I get into a Vaguard, I get some random assist on a Lib :confused:
  4. Booface

    If the terrain allows, any MBT can kill a lib faster than a lib can kill an MBT. If a skyguard sees the lib coming from a ways away, skyguard will win but likely not actually get the kill. ESFs with a good pilot can eat libs for breakfast.

    As far as an instagib goes, ramming with a Galaxy works well assuming you have a good frame on it. Also, if you catch a lib unawares and you're a LA in an ESF, put a nose gun mag into him on a close pass, hop out, drifter jet over, and c-4 x2.
  5. WinchesterLock

    Honestly, I love my skyguard, but it really needs a buff or at least some new options. As it stands, skyguard, along with walker/ranger sunderers are the only dedicated anti-air ground vehicles (and even then the sunderer can have an extra ability of being a mobile spawn, ammo dispenser, repair, etc., so they are a lot more multi-tasking than a single skyguard).
  6. Pikachu

    Yes using skyguard is boring. I suggested allow lightning to carry machine gun ammo which it can switch between. Giving it the stats of a kobalt with 2x ROF. :) That way a skyguard can enjoy the time being AI specialist when there's no aircraft around.
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  7. Booface

    With a day or two of practice, you can consistently hit Liberators near the flight ceiling so long as they're not moving erratically. All you need is a hill to angle up.

    The Prowler with lockdown is the best for it, Vanguard does decent too. Magrider is more of a crapshoot because of the drop, but I've killed Libs near the flight ceiling with the FPC probably a few dozen times.
  8. JesusOnos

    I fight Liberators in my Skyguard all the time. Good positioning, movement, and a nearby cover spot are all things that can go a long way. Try flying a Liberator and not ripping your hair out after dealing with spawn-camping AA maxes, engineers endlessly repairing AA turrets, and getting hit by dumbfire S1s and tank shells from 1000m away.

    The Liberator is not a strong defensive vehicle. Idk why this thread even exists.
  9. CptFirelord

    What on the ground can 1v1 a lib?

    ****** Lib
    1) Rocks
    2) Trees
    3) Any form of AA
    4) Any form of AP or HEAT
    5) Buildings
    6) Friendlies
    7) That one awkward harasser making a ram montage who boosts into you off a cliff
    8) Lockons

    Decent Lib
    1) Buildings
    2) Skyguards
    3) AA Base turrets
    4) Lockons
    5) AP anything

    Glorious Skywhale
    1) Skyguards
    2) AA Base turrets
    3) Lockons
    4) (occasionally) Tanks

    Feel free to add.
  10. Booface

    Okay, so what you're looking for is a way that a LONE infantry can insta-kill a Lib. That's harder, because infantry generally don't exist at the same height that Libs do. But I already told you a way.

    Play Light Assault. Get 2 C-4. Get Drifters. Get an ESF with Ejection Seats. Fly near the Lib and dump your magazine into him. I know, I know, you're technically not INFANTRY at this point. Wait a second. Afterburn straight over the Lib and then eject. While the Lib maneuvers to get his belly gun aiming at your pilot-less ESF, drift over on top of him and drop C-4. Try to land on his cockpit and teabag him for a moment, then drop to the ground. Detonate whenever you feel it's the most humorous.

    Yeah, that rarely ever happens (I've only done it twice, and unfortunately I don't record, but you can ask my outfit mates), but you are sort of asking for an unrealistic thing. There are a number of ways you can beat a Lib with the same number of people as it takes to operate said Lib, and a number of ways you can "1v1" a Lib (MBT with AP rounds angled toward the sky, Skyguard that spots a Lib from a distance, ESF staying at long range, ramming with a Galaxy (my favorite), Sunderer with dual Walkers, etcetera).
  11. lothbrook

    Sorry but no lib crew that knows what its doing will ever die to an MBT in a 1v1, the majority of lib pilots haven't learned that tank busting a tank that sees you or a tank surrounded by other tanks is a bad idea.
  12. Maljas23

    If you are caught with your pants down by a Lib, you deserve to die. You can't have the counter to EVERYTHING IN THE GAME 100% of the time.
  13. Cougarbrit

    Sundy with bulldog and basi (or walker I guess).

    Good libs like to tankbust stuff first, it's more xp and quicker that way. The bulldog shows them the error of their ways and the basi/walker finishes them. The ****** angle and drop makes it difficult to find viable places to do this from, but I've saved my sundy a few times this way now, and have gotten kills on very good libs who don't expect a bulldog sundy to be such a threat.

    I'd like to give thanks to the glorious skywhales for teaching me this trick, it's given me a reason to keep my bulldog instead of swapping to the Fury.

    Also hopefully people on my server will start putting Bulldogs on their sundies now and I'll show them why I was willing to give this info out.

    IMO its not a good idea to allow such versatility in this game, ESPECIALLY combining AA with AI. If you did that, Every battle would essentially have at least 2-3 skyguards, making air power completely worthless.

    IMO, the better solution would be to allow vehicles, of all kinds, to switch loadouts at vehicle pads. these pads could be few and far between, but the ability to swap specialized load outs is MUCH more appealing than just giving the lighting the ability to take on multiple types of targets with ease.
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  15. HLM

    Why does everything have to be able to be 1v1?
    A Liberator is supposed to be this big and heavily armed thing that should require some effort to kill.

    But to answer the question, 1 ESF is often all it takes. If the ESF isn't able to kill the lib outright, it will at least force him to stop attacking whatever he was shooting on the ground and focus on the new threat or retreat.
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  16. SafetyDance

    Being an aircraft intended to mainly attack targets on the ground most of the fights a liberator gets into are 1 v many. Flying over any larger fight more than once while no good cover is nearby gets you killed. Flying too low gets you killed. Semi-competent esfs will get the best lib crews killed and any esf will get the other 90%. If there were any more things that could seriously hurt or instagib the thing it would be even less of a viable option than it is right now.
    Of course what I say is invalidated by me being in the top 20 dalton gunners world wide and having more than a year experience instead of being a ****ter on the ground whose only perception of the air game is a kill screen every once in a while.
    I understand you people must be frustrated when you die against something beyond your grasp of the game, but get a ******* grip already.

    Oh yeah and galaxies. And try killing a competent tanker. Try killing a competent esf with your lock ons or whatever the **** you want to use. Have fun getting your max shredded.
    Aircraft fly. This means you can't c4 them unless they land. Sorry.
  17. Ronin Oni

    A lib is a 2 man crew (unless it's Tank-Busting, in which case angles of attack let tanks fire back)

    So 2 Skyguards > 1 Lib

    Same man power, tiny bit more resource cost but shared.

    solo skyguard is effective light deterrent.

    Run in a team of 2-3 minimum. That's not even asking much, I mean, you do play with at least a friend or 2 right?

    This isn't a game to cater to complete solo players. If you are solo, you need to find others to work with. You can't just expect to be good all by yourself
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  18. Ronin Oni

    ESF with C4 and Drifters can do it :p
  19. Pikachu

    Today was one of thpse rare instances where liberator caused trouble for me. One came behind out of nowhere when I alonee was driving my MBT to a base. Im sure he loved spraying his tankbuster at me.

    The other time was at excavation when it was just a matter of time before we lost. Three liberators were circling the tower shoot infantry trying to get outside. They didnt contribute to the victory, they just trolled us after we were overwhelmed.
  20. Pikachu

    Aw butts. :L Yes that could make skyguard lightnings a bit too popular. Making airgame too limited.