So what on the ground can 1v1 a Liberator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheChippewa, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. TheChippewa

    So it seems to me the Liberator can 1v1 anything ground has no answer against it really and in the air only another liberator will be able to take one out with the liberator refresh coming out soon that single under populated faction trying to survive on any server will never defend itself against a lone liberator let alone 4 or 5 flying around. I understand every vehicle has a heel against it like C4 for infantry can kill anything short of a sunderer with two. ESFs go poof when confronted with a max toting flak cannons and explode immediately to the skygaurds. Where is the one poof weapon that has the liberator worried?
  2. Giggily

    AP Vanguard
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  3. TheChippewa

    They are getting an AP round resistance in the next up date lol. So it won't be viable and the AP vanguard cannot shoot directly up if needed unless on a hill side.
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  4. MasonSTL

    By 1v1 do you mean that only the pilot is in the lib?
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  5. Giggily

    A bunch of AP Vanguards.
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  6. TheChippewa

    No I mean a single vehicle fully manned, infantry, or max against a full 3 man liberator. This doesn't mean a 12/12 sunderer either because the sunderer only has 3 parts to be able to defend itself. I made the thread because everything on the ground can be gibbed by at least something it should be the same way for the liberator.
  7. lothbrook

    Sundy with dual walkers could probably do it, not that i recommend running dual walkers on a sunderer.

    Don't know why people are saying Vanguards, i imagine this is talking about engaging each other outright, not sniping libs that are bombing ground targets or strafing another tank, lol.
  8. Nyscha

    Vanguards and a harasser with a Vulcan on top.

    (Does the harasser Vulcan still shred libs?)
  9. Typhoeus

    I run away from even just one skyguard. A good one will **** me up real bad, real quick. And yes, other libs.
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  10. DevDevBooday

    Nothing really, worst case the Lib will take damage and leave, then come back and Dalton you to oblivion.

    P.S Dont tell any Lib pilots I said that the Lib isnt easy to kill, they get mad.
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  11. DevDevBooday

    Vulcans can barely shred flashes anymore not to mention Libs.
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  12. TheChippewa

    A fully loaded liberator with afterburners easily get away from one skygaurd and then easily come back and kill them. I'm talking about their one poof and they are gone like I said everything on the ground up to an ESF in the air has something that poofs them 1v1 instantly or near instantly.
  13. Tommyp2006

    Skyguard, lockdown AP Prowler, AP Vanguard, dual burster maxes can usually scare them off.

    I hate libs as much as the next person, but if people would actually try to do something about them instead of sitting around going "we're doomed there's a lib here" like most people do they wouldn't be much of a threat.
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  14. AtlasBB89

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  15. Phyr

    If it's a 3 man lib then it's not really a fair question. 3 skygaurds would wreck a 3 man lib, 2 would kill it depending on terrain, position, who fired first.
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  16. Pikachu

    Liberators being a threat to ground targets? Maybe if they find one lonely out in nowhere. Liberators always die/retreat in real battles before they cut a vehicle down to 50%. Liberators dont do battles. They troll an already overwhelmed enemy.
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  17. FreelancePanic

    Two pre-nerf Decimators used to down pesky Liberators instantly.

    RIP Decis.
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  18. NC_agent00kevin

    Skyguards can easily be beaten by a Lib. They arent a true counter. They only work when there is other AA around - be it turrets, tanks, or ESFs. I also have the same luck 'scaring them off' with an AP Lightning. Maybe even better. When I fight skilled Lib teams, they dont run. They will wipe me out and flee the scene before help arrives. They will, however, run if there are more enemies than just me in my Skyguard around. But thats not a 1v1 now is it?
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    Only the composite armor is getting a buff in resistance to tank rounds.
    A great majority of libs use nanite auto repair in that slot.

    Which is why composite armor is getting a buff, as it is underused.
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  20. IamnotAmazing

    that's only for composite, which literally nobody runs

    Skyguards can be oneclipped, tanks can be shot at from a deadzone, and a shredder kills maxes in under a second