So the Saron - Op or not ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mindjacker, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Mindjacker

    Personally i think this is another one of those lets give the vs a ridiculously overpowered weapon and hope some people will change sides. On a harrasser its unbelievably fantastic and can snipe people, tanks and planes (as long as within the firing elevation) with absolute ease. This monster is possibly the ,ost overpowered object in the game. forget the zoe this is absolute unfairness at its SOE most.
    The solution i feel would be reduce the fire rate as it can be spammed stupidly fast, reduce the splash and introduce some drop then it would be on-par with the other sides weapons. As usual the vs got overpowered gear at the release of items and its been nerfed then put back to AT LEAST as good as it was before but i think much better.
    Feel free to discuss but please keep it civil and any other good ideas for making this weapon something that is at least near the other 2 in terms of performance would be great.
  2. HannaDest

    Now give the Vanu a break.
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  3. Izriul

    So what you're saying is, nerf the Enforcer
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  4. Mindjacker

    Not a matter of giving anyone a break, its a matter of balancing this game and keeping things level, not my fault if 90% of them only wanted to play vs cos of overpowered stuff
  5. Kaon1311

    This should be fun.
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    God damn it! You QQnerfwhined the ZOE and now as SOE followed the QQing you now complain about the saron!!!!
    Beside that OP is a Enforcer faction player - are you serious?

    What should VS have in the future - only beamer that it is easier to farm VS?

    God, this game is full of whiners...
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  7. Kaon1311

    If anything, nerf the vulcan, ive heard its now so OP on test, the fourth faction are now dropping VS after the ZOE nerf and dusting off their TR toons.

    oh, just incase /sarcasm
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  8. Jkar

    Put a Fury on your Harasser and then drive past a bunch of people, I'm sure you'll get more kills in that single pass than you get with the Saron sniping for a few minutes. As an added bonus, it's more fun too.
  9. HannaDest

    There is no balance and there will never be. Seven months of constant whining and calling for nerfs/buffs showed that.
  10. IronWarrior

    Do we really need to ask that question?

    The Saron from what I have heard has already been nerfed in the test server with a firing delay and splash damage reduction. Correct me if am wrong please, but if that is true then good it's a step in the right direction. Let's hope the Enforcer is next.
  11. Gorion

    next whine whine nerf nerf... and yes just find 20 more ppl start 10 more threads and soon we (VS) will get a saron nerf..... :confused:

    frustrating if your enemy's fighting u in the FORUM
  12. Mindjacker

    LMFAO if the enforcer was as good as the saron i would say nerf it but they are different in the way they perform as enforcer has drop, NO splash dmg and is nowhere near the saron in terms of performance. There's a reason EVERY vanu harasser has one and no other weapon. Ever see a vs ground vehicle with anything different as secondary because on my server they ALL use them
  13. Jamil82

    I feel the enforcer and saron are a bit too strong. I tend to switch to my secondary instead of using the MBT main gun. They are essentially automatic sniper rifles on tanks, except stronger than the auto snipers and are capable of damaging vehicles.
  14. starlinvf

    They could always bring back the charge up delay, which majorly changes its usability without breaking into power tables and DPS charts.

    The enforcer is in a similar boat, but with slightly different usability problems and its early similarity to the Halberd.
  15. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Look at the POP on Miller 40%+ TR 35% NC and 25% VS - well, must be the OP weapons we got...

    90% of the playerbase are *****, that cry for nerf because the weapon killed me twice! If SOE will follow the whiners they never ever will reach their goal to get an e-sport ready game!

    QQing on PS2 is almost MLG ready!!!
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  16. metrotw

    That isn't the point. The point is that the saron (and enforcer) absolutely DEMOLISH everything in the game at any range with insane speed and accuracy. I don't want them nerfed. I want the TR to get something on the same level so I can demolish everything too.
  17. SLiCKRiCK

    If the saron is OP, than so is the striker. Its a lot harder to even drive/gun a tank anymore because every time you are in plain sight there are 50 people with lock-ons ready to machine gun rocket you to death. IMO it evens out.
  18. HannaDest

  19. DasHenne

    Please don't take our beloved Saron from us :p
  20. Terrex

    It's just a never ending battle against the babies that are not VS.
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