So, every once in a long while we have Triple SC- is there such a thing as triple XP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zapon, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Zapon

    Or no?

    If not, it might be worth having a triple XP event, perhaps as rarely as triple SC

    I dunno, like maybe on the anniversary week of PS2, a triple SC and triple XP thing..


    *And to a minor extent this would be the first step towards solving the minor discrepancy between certs and sc
  2. Good_Kitty

    MAG was awesome, SVER ftw
    • Up x 1
  3. DJPenguin

    lol MAG. I'll will never forget this one middle eastern guy on voice comm with his obnoxious children in the background yelling for most of the hour-long match, and getting vote-kicked literally 10 seconds before we won.
  4. gunfox

    Speaking of those, I think it's about time for another triple SC sale, or at least double.