SMG has made this game into a Joke.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fiatsu, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Fox234

    They're OP. The TTK on them is quicker than a human can react. You might as well replace all SMGs with this.

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  2. FateJH

    An infiltrator with a SMG still has to use his infiltrating abilities, cloak specifically, but Recon Dart will definitely help him decide when is not the best time to uncloak and spray if he's holding a position. I don't think that changes the class's dynamics at at. In fact, it adds to it. Prior to the SMG, and after the Shotgun was taken away from him, an Infiltrator was basically an overglorified sniper who also did some cheap hacking on the side. Now being able to use the cloak (however useful it actually is for that nowadays ...) to get deeper within enemy ranks, with reliable means of dealing with being uncovered. If anything, access to the SMG allows his role the fire power it needs to actually "infiltrate."

    Why are those classes free from being less unique because of their weaponry options? (Moreover, two of them default to the same weapon class, and there is other weapon class interplay between the three.)

    As I suggested above, it allows them to take a proactive infiltration method. SMGs have such little ammo and quick magazine-emptying time that they still have to be very careful about approaching and picking their targets; opening fire on everyone they see is not wise. Infiltrators do need more core class "tools" but that does not justify depriving them of combat options.

    If SMGs replaced F-key abilities, I might agree; however, I think you are ignoring how the SMG interacts with the class and what an Infiltrator is supposed to be doing - get right on top of the enemy's activities, whether he has to do that with a Recon Dart, a scope, or with his cloak.[/quote][/quote]
  3. kamenjar

    I don't understand what is such a big hype about SMGs. Only the TR SMG has the DPS of the best weapons that each class (besides inflitrator) can have. Even then, their ADS accuracy is total foobar and left-right recoil makes them shoot all over the place. For example, when compared to NC carbine GD-7f, the SMG is grossly underpowered in every possible category besides reload and ADS move and maybe a few less relevant ones. Basically I don't see why would anyone besides inflitrators ever use this SMG.

    Even in case of TR or Vanu (in between NC and TR in DPS) at ranges at which SMGs are effective, you may be as well be using shotguns and "getting it done" more effectively.
  4. Vreki

    Yes, I was going to ask about that. My shotgun waste heavies just fine if they let me get too close. I dont see the SMG changing the balance much except for the infiltrators.
  5. kamenjar

    Though looking at the new SMGs, they actually do look quite powerful... They don't even look like sidegrades to the previous SMGs.
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  6. {joer

    The only thing heavies have going for it are rockets. I've never had an issue gunning down heavies.
  7. TheRagingGerbil

    Shotgun will still win vs SMG.

    Only heavies I have encountered using the SMG are spray n' pray.
  8. Iksniljiksul

    It's alright. Planetside 2 was always a joke compared to its name sake.

    ARs and CARs always did outperform LMGs anyway. Besides which there's no reason why HA wouldn't be using the SMG in CQC.
  9. {joer

    Specifically I bought a scout rifle, why would any new player in their right mind buy one now? It offers nothing an SMG and now SMG2 can't do, and its grossly less effective.

    I now refuse to keep on the treadmill. I've dropped over $100 on this game, but until you stabilize things a bit and stop acting like new weapons are new content I'm done.
  10. Sebyos

  11. Purple Pooka

    The Scout Rifle still remains the most viable choice for 50m - 100m. Possibly even from 25m - 50m. Now once you're at 25m and below, the SMG #1 & SMG #2 are clearly the best choices for Infiltrators.

    As an Infiltrator who likes to get up close and personal, I love the SMGs. However they are limited by their range and there are some situations where I wished that I had my automatic Artemis with me instead.
  12. {joer

    If you are at 50 m and using the scout rifle, god help you, if you are at 100m even he can't.
  13. Talizzar

    They have to sell new stuff to stay in business? Free to Play means someone has to pay. Right?

    I have also killed more HA's. Engineers are close behind. I think it is just because there are more HA's. They are not easy to kill if they have their shields available.
  14. Ronin Oni

    except they're NOT carbines and are basically worthless outside 20m
  15. Assist

    The best feedback that can be given for the SMG's and really all weapons it to lower TTK. It's too high right now, making for very little class diversity.
  16. Rexsaw

    I own a sniper rifle, and I own a scout rifle. They are both good in the right situations. Neither of those situations include CQC at all.

    It makes sense that infiltrators should have access to some kind of CQC weapon because sniping is far from the only role an infiltrator is meant to perform. The scout rifles are useful in medium range, but both missed shots and a slow fire rate are major problems with using scout rifles in CQC. I am happy that my infiltrator has a CQC option now other than hiding.

    Compared to the heavy, infiltrators have to choose specifically whether they will be useful at long range, medium range, or close range. Heavies can do all 3 with at least some effectiveness with the same weapon.
  17. Momo93

    Yes, but adding new content would be more logical when there aren't any annoying beta bugs present -.-.
  18. Isila

    Pretty much. People make a big deal about heavies having the shield and thus being really strong in infantry vs. infantry combat, but they're really not. Even when they're getting the full benefit of the shield, they still have to account for the fact that LMGs suck at CQC. That's sort of the balance for them having AV rockets.
  19. Ronin Oni

    Heavies can take SMGs too... and Shotguns, which are even better at CQB
  20. Doogle

    This is the first update since I entered the beta that has actually made me angry.

    In what way are these SMGS even remotely sidegrades to first?

    You basically gave VS and NC a SMG-46 Armistice with a workable mag size, 51 rpm trade off for 30 more rounds yet the new TR smg has a 45rpm trade off for 10 rounds, why the inconsistency?

    Even though the TR has a bizarrely nerfed SMG at 800prm its still a straight upgrade to the Armistice.

    The mag size for the first SMGs were a massive weakness, for the TR it made the extended mag mandatory if you wanted to kill a heavy without having to reload, leaving you without the option of an adv laser.

    So in that sense the SMG2s are also a straight upgrade with the option to have an adv laser.

    Honestly I am kind of disappointed in the poor and inconsistent balance of these weapons.