SMG has made this game into a Joke.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fiatsu, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Fiatsu

    I'm one of the saps that went all in for SOE, Sub, 000s of bucks etc.

    They speak of balance with a passion when talking about the Tanks,
    They nerfd the ESF into a spawn and bail mode of transportation ...

    Then introduces 2 sets of SMGs for all classes that ruins their class roles,giving them the same firepower which is capable of burning down heavies better than heavies can kill their own class.

    It's sad and unfortunate.
  2. permafrost

    So other classes actually pose a threat to the Heavy Assault now?
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  3. 7Elite7

    It's obviously not perfect right now, but did you look at those charts regarding vehicle k/d? Pretty acceptable from a numbers standpoint.

    I fly an ESF for 60% of my playtime. You're dead wrong. Sorry.

    Sure, the same firepower at close range. SMGs aren't exactly sniper rifles, nor do they hold their own against medium-ranged enemies with half a brain.

    tl;dr: No.
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  4. RadarX

    We absolutely want feedback on the new SMGs but let's keep it constructive and specific please.
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  5. Bigpapasquatch

    This is only slightly related to the topic, but I was looking over stats on planetside-universe and noticed that I have killed well over double the number of heavies that I have other classes. I'm sure that isn't a reflection on the skill of heavy players, just an indication that it's far more played than other classes. Maybe it's just time HA players try something else?


    Ok, nevermind then.
  6. permafrost

    I've been steamrolled by Heavy Assaults as a Light Assault at close range, and I've steamrolled basically everyone else as a Heavy Assault at close range. This is the first time I actually stood a chance against them at close range.
  7. HubschrauBaer

    I dont agree here. I find SMGs superfluous. ;-) Dont like them ? Try to be better with another weapon.
  8. Sturmwaffles

    I'm glad we have more weapons to fight heavies, but keep in mind, heavy guns are way longer range than SMGs...
    And with regards to your comment Bigpapasquatch, I agree. The majority of players play heavy for it's's okay I guess; but really heavies shouldn't be a class of their own (speaking to OP) and should be only a tiny bit tougher than other classes. They have a rocket, and a shield. They are on a good powerlevel right now.
  9. Timeraider

    Except for Infiltrator which had nothing but a sniper for close range and a sucky scout rifle.. any other class has better weapons to choose from then SMG's.
    You stay out of 10-15m max distance range and there is NO way a SMG can kill a heavy who is not AFK. And even at close range.. you should not lose.
  10. Imnuktam

    Are they really that effective compared to the class specific pinnacle guns for 1k certs?

    I have only been playing 2x a week and bombing for my buddy lately so I almost never die or even get shot by these to see. Their stats fall short of my Vanu La's Serpent in every category so I never bothered trying them out.

    Cant speak for other empires (though I am sure they all have their own version of this) but my nc Infiltrator uses the Stalker and it is very effective in close to medium range.
  11. Isila

    See, it's funny because the OP doesn't realize that the shotguns, which were available to all classes except Infiltrator LONG before SMGs came about, actually have higher DPS than SMGs at the close ranges SMGs are good for.
  12. Momo93

    I don't get why SOE keeps adding new content, just fix the bugs present since beta first FFS!
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  13. Sifer2

    Maybe that's because a Heavy is meant to generally win 1v1 in a straight up fight? Which is why Infiltrators can go invisible, and LA's can fly over walls, an onto roofs but the Heavy can't? I agree with the OP really. The SMG's are really breaking the traditional weapon balance model. I don't even get it either. Infiltrators already had Scout Rifles. Which were a balanced weapon to give them a way to fight in mid/close range without being over the top. Guess they don't sell well enough so SOE decided to straight up sell Carbines to them instead.
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  14. MurderBunneh

    Good now let me know when heavies start flying over you and dropping in unexpected and we will be even. Because if you have a weapon that cant reliably burn down a heavy with his shield activated you have effectively negated their special ability.
  15. permafrost

    Because there are completely different teams handling bugs and content.
  16. Momo93

    That is fine, but they should work together, that's why the game is in chaos now, flashy new content with tons of bugs.
  17. Fish225

    What? This negated anything else you had to say...

    ESF's take less than a fully volly of rockets to kill a tank and they still decimate infantry.
  18. permafrost

    So when those heavies shoot me out of the sky with their LMG are they negating my special ability?
  19. Xind

    Okay, why do the other two empires have SMGs with different damage values and TR is the only one who didn't get a more powerful or less powerful variant in exchange for other features? Our "new" smg doesn't seem to have any real value over the old one except clip size, which already a very dubious advantage.
  20. Oreo202

    The SMGs are fine. You have no idea what you're talking about. The scout rifles were hardly balanced. You had a tiny magazine, so small that you would DEFINTELY have to reload after each kill.

    Infiltrators are much better off than they used to be, although still a little underpowered.