Smedley responds to Rocketpod nerf tweet.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Disrespecting, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. SKYeXile

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  2. stalkish

    Sounds bang on to me!
  3. DeadlyShoe

    Didn't think of that. Very applicable to both AA and AV. Hrmmmm.....
  4. PieBringer

    Why stop with AV/AA marking? Add in something that gives Infiltrators a way to make it easier for their teammates to acquire infantry targets. We start out with sniper rifles, so it only makes TOO MUCH SENSE to give us advanced spotting tools.

    Edit: But they sure as hell better give us class-specific credit for it. Medics get healing and reviving, Engineers get ammo distribution and repair, both get heal-assists. Infiltrators are the only support class with ONE, and no more, actual support credit.
  5. DeathFaith

    I just want a giant mech robot in flak armor that jumps in the air like king kong to grab the flyers and bite its cockpi off ...

    crap keyboarrrd batttris
  6. PieBringer

    I want a stealth-speed-ambush hybrid build. Is it too much to ask to be able to trade in durability for added speed and ambush ability?
  7. Kubor

    Oh great.

    I just tricked out my Mosquito and Prowler.

    My life sucks.
  8. Kubor

    Well, there was a Burster XS to view in the cert tree during beta. That came with a bigger clip and a higher rate of fire. I wouldn't mind being able to get that and seeing how it plays out.

    Although, as I said in the beta forum, the XS probably stands for eXtra S**t, but hey, I'm game for anything.
  9. exLupo

    If forumspam Then nerf

    Yea.. no. Just because the vocal minority sheep up and bleat in unison doesn't mean changes need to be made. I've seen plenty of games ruined by listening to the forums.

    Not to say that rockets don't need a change but when "forum talk" equals "nerf them", that's bad.

    I'm betting the AV changes he's talking about have little to do with ESF and rocket pods. The way he phrased it, I wouldn't be surprised in the least. Betting AV/AA Engi turret mods, Walker buffs and maybe the second MAX AA arms. Doubt much more than that.
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  10. TeknoBug

    Between Reaver rockets in PS1 and rocket pods in this game, the rocket pods wins by a lot, the Reaver rockets take at least 7-8 rounds to kill an infantry (fewer against armored targets) but rocket pods in PS2 just need 2 rounds to kill infantry and practically no way to react against them.
  11. Nicholai

    The counter to ESF's is clearly the new flying BFR's they have under wraps.
  12. MistaN

    Why does everybody think this is a solution to the current problem? It's always been planned to have more AV/AA things added. They've stated so since the beta. They're just carrying out on their plan. They'd rather add more things to strive for than to keep nerfing/buffing everything to try to get it completely balanced.

    They did pendalum balancing during the beta and they cant keep doing that now since the game is released and money has been spent on items. They can only do minor refinements in certain areas. They dont want to nerf rocket pods because ppl have spent money on those and they dont want ppl to regret purchasing items (horrible idea in a F2P environment). So instead they'd rather add other countermeasures that can be taken (improved flak armor that Higby tweeted about and etc).

    Such an over exaggeration. Also, try flak armor....that's also getting a buff soon too.
  13. Xil

    I'd rather see 'new' stuff put in than further nerfing weapon systems. Give Engineers a deployable that projects an energy shield stopping airborne weapons from above in x radius above it or something.... Give more potent direct fire or controlled weapons (Phoenix and Lancer from PS1).... anything. But stay far away from the slippery slope that is nerfage.
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  14. ak47

    Actually they can do what ever they want with any items that money has been spent to obtain in game. If so desired the could make rocket pobs fire garden peas. You have to remember when you created your planetside 2 account in the terms and conditions ect ect They say something along the line of.... any item purchased with SC in game will remin the property of SOE and as such can be changed at SOE's discretion blah blah blah ect ect. (basic translation)
  15. HadesR

    As someone who feel's rocket pods are the latest derp cheap easy mode .. I think they should wait .. As more and more people unlock G2A rockets etc the problem might fix itself ..

    Maybe just lower the cert cost of the HA G2A , not by anything silly like a half, but just enough to make them a bit more viable for purchase
  16. ak47

    So what if RP are nerfed there is still the actual Air combat to deal wit/ fightl
  17. Tigersmith

    I can already see how tough this is going to be to balance these things. As of right now I believe there is just a lack of AA in the game. Maybe down the road they have more things planned to counter the rocketpods. Either was just be patient. Yes they are pretty damn powerful (and annoying) but just stick with it. They have been soo good listening to player feedback so far.
  18. DeathFaith

    Next week , riiiiiiiight .... if that happens im gonna create a PS2 altar from mud and worship it everyday until PS2 shutsdown...
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  19. Exmortius

    i am for a real AA option whether it's something mounted on the mbts or aa max getting a dmg buff just a little bit i think that helps. right now there is no aa because it's a joke. hell bring by a skyguard buggy with a stronger aa i'll gladly roll someone around in that and let them wipe out these rocket pod spammers. the rocket pods are getting out of hand, not so much as in beta but it's getting close. it probably had to do with the cheap vehicle unlock in the store they had going for like 700 station cash lately where everyone just unlocked them.
  20. MistaN

    Of course they can do what they want but that's not what they want to do. They dont want to come out with weapons that are OP the 1st week....ppl buy them and then they get nerfed the next week. This is what they said in interviews. CAN they do this? Yes, absolutely. Is this an optimal solution? No, it's not. They've already stated how they want to do it and I'm just regurgitating it on the forums.

    Why should they wait exactly? It sounds like they are just adding more options for ppl to buy. Doesnt sound like they are nerfing rocketpods or anything. Sounds like they're just going to add more AV weapons to the game to give ppl more options on what to buy.