Smedley responds to Rocketpod nerf tweet.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Disrespecting, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Disrespecting

    Just tweeted him this:
    @j_smedley I'm getting quite tired of daily forum talk about OP rocketpods why won't you guys nerf them? Theres nothing balanced about them.

    He responded:
    @DisrespectingQT next week we have some badass anti vehicle stuff coming.
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  2. Garfboy

    That's good news =)
  3. maxkeiser

    And so the ruination of the game begins ... Just like BF3 we'll end up with paper-thin tanks, and vehicles so rubbish (because of all the infantry lock-on weapons) that people won't even bother to use them.

    A tank SHOULD be something to be feared ffs. When I see one I run and hide. I understand that I can't take it on and that's fine.
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  4. Bone

    I sure hope we have a Walker buff coming..
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  5. Tasogie

    welcome to the playerbase of today mate, entitled, spoiled an demanding. They ALWAYS get what they want :(.
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  6. UberBonisseur

    As far as I know

    Anti Vehicle =/= Anti Air

    Get your nanites out of here.

    "Look at me, I'm not entitled, I had to farm 100 hours and pay 15 $/€ to get my virtual sunglasses and so should you"
    When did this ****** trend start already ?
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  7. Warthog

    I'm going to bet the solution to rocket pods involves paying 14 dollars.

    hopefully i'm wrong.

    As to the people calling those who want the ESF to be balanced entitled, why aren't you calling the ESF pilots entitled? they want an everything weapon, which no other vehicle gets to have.
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  8. DeadlyShoe

    I figure the badass AV will actually be on classes that largely lack AV now.

    infiltrators, medics, maaaaybe light assault.

    My guess it will probably be short range/utility so as not to compete with heavy assaults.

    I cant imagine what new AA there might be though, other than buffs to existing AA like Walker/Skyguard
  9. Turel2

    About time.
  10. HiTeHa

    BFRs revive?
  11. maxkeiser

    AA turret boost would be acceptable.
  12. stalkish

    ''Next week we have badass antivehicle stuff'' anti-vehicle? i assume he groups aircraft with vehicles??
  13. Thundor

    Sadly, this says nothing about AA... Only AV. He choose his words carefully, for a reason.
  14. notyourbuddy

    Uh oh. I think the ESF cert farmers just peed their pants a little.
  15. Wemmick

    You're dead wrong it's going to be $14 but you have to include the $10 skin and it prob required a few cert unlock, but hey SOE marketing department is a genius price gouge them fast so we can have a nice bonus just in time for Christmas YAY!

    FYI i'm a paying customer for a fair bit, and yeah SOE price is gouging the me blind of seeing the good of the game.
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  16. Vashyo

    This is what we need, some more AA options, preferably affordable!
  17. DeadlyShoe

    It kinda depends on the AV stuff, and whether the dev team classes air units as vehicles in their internal lingo.

    Even so, straight up AV can still be useful versus planes.

    Like I 'unno, an AV bullet for snipers. (god I hope not)
  18. PieBringer

    Do want Spec-Ops tool for painting an air-target for immediate attention from all nearby anti-air.
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  19. IshanDeston

    As expected. They milked the cashcow for 3 weeks, after week 4 they buff Skyguard and everyone will run to buy that thing, to blast the flyers from the sky that didn't get the memo.

    Its evidenced by that Interview thats floating around with Higsby. That fat grin and his "oh? they are overpowered why don't you use them?" response. Well, that alone is evidence enough that things are going according to plan.

    The only way people right now can afford them is if they bought them with money. Once you have, you will farm certs enough to unlock other stuff. And next week we get new toys that will shift the balance to something else for 4 weeks.

    And please, i don't mind it as much as it sounds like. It was just expected to happen.
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  20. Jac70

    The solution seems quite simple to me -

    either reduce the amount of rockets in a salvo and reduce the amount of salvoes carried at once


    Make the tank AA option an actual defence against ESF and give turrets more shielding.
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