Shame on you Miller TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deavonere, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Deavonere

    To be honest I don't get it. What's the point of killing everyone in sight in a matter of seconds ? It just spoils the fun for everyone.
  2. IMTasty

    That is the point, enjoying yourself at the expense of others, that and feeling powerful from kicking everyone ***, justly or not.
  3. Deavonere

    How sad you must be to enjoy doing that. Anyway, I chilled a bit, so see you in game guys.
  4. ShadeOfChaos

    Who knows, some people get a boner from watching people rage due to them.
    Some people do it precisely cuz they're bored and think it's 'funny'.

    All-in-all, because they have nothing better to do in their lives. Which really only indicates the pathetic lifestyle they live, but whatev >_>

    Have fun in game mate - if someone bugs you, just ignore it/leave and come back a bit later - they feed on the attention - the less they get the sooner it ends.
    • Up x 1
  5. Talizzar

    It is the hackers fault 1st and foremost and then SOE for failing miserably to contain this problem. To blame an entire faction is a bit over the top and a bit immature don't you think.
  6. korpisoturi

    "If there are outfits there with leaderships that turn a blind eye to their own cheaters.... such a thing is unforgivable".[/quote]

    i dont know about other severs but in miller we have x amount of old "high profile" outfits from PS1 who use cheats on group sometimes (radar hack) sometimes other cheats ,several players get gaught from those outfits and get banned but after x amount of time there were back and here are they once gain, NO i wont point ANY fingers and say names , but i hope you idiots who were quilty to cheating have enough brain to stay away from this thread , cos othervise i am forced to DO some naming and shaming.