Server Maintenance for Game Update June 19th

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. TheBlazing

    I don't get it... The Liberator is getting nerfed against ground vehicles, which are supposed to be its prey, and yet it can still fire all its weapons at ESFs, that are supposed to be its predators, by flipping over? I really don't get it, if it's an anti-vehicle gunship, as you explained with the rocket pod nerf, shouldn't it be very resillient to vehicle fire but more easily killed by fighter jets (this could simply be done by preventing belly weapons from firing if the Lib is flipped over, like it was in PS1, so that good positioning against a Lib matters like it does against every other vehicle in the game?).

    Also, I'm sorry but someone with good aim is still going to be more effective at anti-vehicle with lolpods rather than Hornets. If you want lolpods to be more AI and Hornets purely AV, then buff hornets further so that they either do as much damage as current lolpods or so (even after this buff, there is still a 2500+ difference between a volley of pods and two Hornets). If you want to go down that path, I also suggest making lolpods much less damaging against vehicles, but buff their splash damage a bit (not radius) so that they are really good at AI (currently you need to score almost-direct hits to kill one infantry guy, outside of the 1 meter range their splash damage is a joke).
  2. JonNathe

    Yes to the lib nerf, while I'd like to see a speed reduction I guess we can't have it all in one update. One of my biggest things with libs is when one chases me down in my reaver, like how do I even fight that? A lone Reaver is gonna get wrecked when fighting a lib and Reavers are slow and can't outrun them unless we have a decent head start.

    As for the Coyotes, I think the people who are whining about them the most are the ace pilots, for too long the skies have belonged to a handful of very good pilots, they can take any ESF down near instantly and most people rage quit and never try to fly again. The Coyotes are an equalizer, everyone has the option to use them and they make air battles a lot easier. They are not an instant win though, you still have to use your main gun unless you have the drop on them or they are already damaged, you still have to maneuver and get them in your sights (or directly under you lol).
    I guess I'm the only person who doesn't mind them, I got downed by a guy today, 100% coyote damage, I was upset that he didn't use his main gun at all but he outmaneuvered me and had the drop on me so he won, same way it would happen if a VS got the drop on me in an infantry battle and Orioned me, I wouldn't come here and complain about how I went toe to toe with someone on a level playing field and lost.
  3. Valeriu

    lol. Thank god lib is being nerfed, hopefully ESF's get nerfed against infantry soon.
    Air is way too powerful and easymode, and esp with pops down and if you are not playing primetime its pretty much impossible to take out air with small numbers.
    Libs and esf need nerfing badly, esf should be anti air mainlu and libs should be anti vehicle. They should not be autowin against infantry.
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  4. Plantjen

    So many awesome balance and convenience changes, keep up the good work!
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  5. TheBlazing

    I'd like to remind you that infantry have a super-direct-counter, zero-resource, almost-guaranteed-hit, fast-lock (at shorter ranges) weapon called G2A launchers. 3 shot kill, usually one is enough to force any ESF to retreat. If only this game had more interesting lock mechanics...
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  6. Staticsilver

    Great job on this one SOE, don't listen to the haters, great balancing and specific roles brought in to the air game. It will upset people at first the a bomber has to reload its payload more than once in a blue moon and the fact that aircraft cant kill everything with one weapon, but in the long run it really helped out each weapon at what it SHOULD be doing and nerfed it against what it shouldnt. Hoesntly dont understand the hate after you even reversed changed so lib gods could retain teh A2A dalton
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  7. JibbaJabba

    Can we get some more details on this please?
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  8. Arisso

    maybe l2fly?
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  9. Danath

    Zepher needs 2 hits to destroy a flash? Am I reading this right? o_O
  10. lionsta

    I agree with almost everything except the 40 shots for dalton, it should be reduced maximum to 60 or 70, 40 is too much. Thats all, the rest is ok.
  11. WarmasterRaptor

    I do not wish for people to stop playing something, I prefer them to adapt to the new gameplay.

    But, some of the offenders abusing the unbalanced state of an element in a game will just switch to the next thing they can see unbalanced and start all over again with the new cheese they found...
    As they just don't want to play fair and share an enjoyable experience for everybody.
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  12. TheNINO

    Haha don't worry I'm sure the driver will die on the first direct hit.
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  13. TwoHeadedDevil

    1st Lt. Travis Manion made the ultimate sacrifice in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. He, his fellow Marines, and Iraqi Army counterparts were ambushed while searching a suspected insurgent house. 1st Lt. Manion led the counterattack against the enemy forces. He was fatally wounded by an enemy sniper while aiding and drawing fire away from his wounded comrades. His selfless actions allowed every member of his patrol to survive. For his actions, he was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star with Valor.
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  14. lionsta

    also make libs again 2 hits dalton
  15. Alizona

    Oh boy, is this ever a welcome change.

    I used to fumble thru my items list, overshooting with the mouse wheel, etc. just to find that darn ammo pack in a hurry. And then I'd have to take my eyes off the screen to make sure I hit that "B" key.

    And when I'd go to place the ammo pack on the ground, it sometimes became something like a "mini-game" of "where can this go?" In the heat of battle, and the ammo pack is red and won't turn green so I can put it down? AARRGGHH!!!

    Thank you Sony, this is certainly a big improvement for all us Maytag Repairmen engies. :) The "F" key is well-placed so I'll never have to look down to find it.
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  16. Gleerok

    "Coyote Missiles

    Increased time required to reload from 3 seconds to 4 seconds"


    Aside the lib adjustments (playing as infantry was hell those past days), this is one of the best nerfs <3

    I still think it should go up to 5.5-6 seconds xD but any increase in coyotes reload time is welcome.

    Also, less Lib ammo?

    I guess that will be a "stop" button for anti-ESF Dalton spammers. I wonder if the splash reduction will make ESFs survive one shot at full health.

    Oh, by the way, wasn't there a Lib bulldog adjustment around too?
  17. PWGuy93

    A couple of days ago we saw posts on the forums from a twitter conversation with John Smedly about lag being on the server. A couple of months ago we had information telling us they were working on 64bit code for their servers.

    Could the powers that be perhaps tune the players into a little insider information, how is the 64bit server code coming along?
  18. Bernd Lauert

    Inb4 loads of bulldog-galaxy hovering over spawn rooms in low population hours.
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  19. danielpxp

    These are even WORSE than pre-nerfed zepher hoverlibs.. But people will only see it when it happens.. Like Shredder being better than the Dalton - No one believed it.
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  20. Sagabyte

    The Dalton's damage is fine, but only getting 60 shells (or so) at MAX ammo rank is terrible.