Server/Faction forums

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wolfva, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. wolfva

    Think there's any chance we'll get server based forums, or even server/faction based ones? I know there are a bunch of hints/tips/tactics I'd like to share with my fellow Jaeger NC, but not the enemy. Besides, it'd be a good place for all these posts about how X faction is OP because they did X on X server...but meanwhile on every other server they're sucking.
    • Up x 2
  2. Zapon


    There'd be no real way to lock out other factions without something drastic-

    for the most part, in the beta people just shared stuff anyway- unless you have someone gunning for you who then uses said vital information to counter you

    I dont know if the forums are that popular.

    However, something like this to a limited extend in-game might be a decent idea.